In this very special clip from the end of the film, LaBeija flips the fuck out about losing to an inexperienced tranny who was not looking her best at the event. Among other things Crystal screams during her lengthy rant, she points to Harlow and calls off her cronies saying to them and to Harlow:
“Don’t bother her, don’t bother her. It’s not Harlow’s fault… She can’t help it. You’re beautiful and you’re young, and you deserve the best in life. But you didn’t deserve … Miss Thing, I don’t say she is not beautiful, but she wasn’t looking beautiful tonight. She doesn’t equal me. Look at her makeup! It’s TERRIBLE.”
The House of LaBeija, which still competes in drag balls to this day. Here are a few bios of Rachel Harlow, Crystal LaBeija and Flawless Sabrina, an organizer of the pageants from Philadelphia who enters near the end to defend herself and the other judges against claims that the pageant was fixed.
We at The Sword shall continue to strive to bring you coverage of all such compelling, drag-related drama, both historical and current, as time and space allow. (Special thanks to Monistat for pointing us to this.)
In Honor of National Drag History Month, A Brief History of Drag
Twenty Cinematic Arguments That Suggest Is A Lonely Gay Computer with an Abercrombie Mousepad
Forever’s Gonna Start Tonight: The Vicki Marlane Story
Maysles Defends ‘Grey Gardens’ Gals, Says They Weren’t *That* Crazy
Drag Legend and 1st Miss Trannyshack, The Steve Lady, Dead
The Legendary Drag Queen in Paris is Burning is NOT Crystal, but rather Pepper LaBeija. Crystal was the the founder of the House, Pepper later took it over.
Whatever happened to Crystal LaBeija is unknown.
Thanks for the clarification… A couple of sources on the ole interwebs suggested that Crystal was in the film as well, but we didn’t have time to go back and watch it again. Pepper LaBeija can be seen here, around 2:30, at the beginning of Paris Is Burning, and she mentions Crystal as founder.