Here’s a video of a gay porn star being jerked off, tied up, suspended in midair, and fucked up the butt with a big black robot (alien?) dildo inside a spaceship.
Because edging this poor guy inside of an abandoned warehouse or a dungeon wouldn’t have been kinky enough, brought him to their spaceship (and took him to their leader, Van Darkholme).
I’ll take a fun set over an empty room and a couch any day, and newcomer Will Parks is hot. My only complaint: Given that they’re supposedly in outer space where there is no gravity, why the rope?
Valid question about the gravity thing, I think. But in zero gravity, he could get away too easily, hence the tie-up.
It’s a gay Tupperware party!
Personally I am not very fond of the whole superhero torture theme, but I like other clips of the site and Boundgods.
Seeing scenes like this make me wish they still made new buttmachineboys scenes.
..Stupid site!
I prefer the old, easy and traditional combos: dick and hand; dick and mouth and dick and ass.
He is hot. But I want to kiss him and love him and not torture! That asian guy watched too much japanese porn.