Corbin Fisher won’t hire models who are black, Asian, or Latino, but they’ll hire models who only have one eye!
Meet Brody, Corbin Fisher’s latest.
Maybe he’s just winking? In every single photo he takes.
Should Corbin Fisher only hire one-eyed models from now on?
Should Corbin Fisher hire one-legged and/or one-armed models?
Should Corbin Fisher hire models with one ball?
Are one-eyed gay porn stars Hot or Not?
Have you ever fucked someone with one eye?
If you had to lose one of your eyes, which one would you rather lose?
Are eyes “overrated”?
Are eyes the window to the soul?
If a gay porn star doesn’t have eyes, does that mean he has no soul?
Seems a trifle odd, hypocritical and, indeed, bigoted, that CF is criticised for it’s almost exclusive choice of caucasian models, yet I don’t hear the bitching and moaning when sites with exclusively black, Asian or Hispanic models don’t include other ethnicities. If you want to watch vids with these men, a simple Google search provides more than enough results to satisfy even the most dedicated porn fiend … a tip – trying searching in other languages!
In the USA, “White” people make 72% of the population, Hispanic 15% and Black 13%. If we also consider the incredible homophobia we are so often told exists in the Black and (religiously conservative) Hispanic communities (I’m in Australia and keep hearing about the outrageous homophobia in those 2 communities!!), then does it not makes sense that the vast majority of CF’s models are going to be White? And let’s be frank – combating homophobia by introducing non-Whites into CF porn is a lost cause … no-one is going to seriously reconsider their views on homosexuality, blacks, Hispanics, whites, Asians or immigration by watching dumb and pretty frat boys blowing loads up each others perky butts and swallowing each others cum.
He’s a poof who’s been successful and provided us with very many happy hours – let’s just thank him for that and move on. Let’s leave Corbin alone and just all have a nice old wank together.
why would you even bother quoting percentages of the racial composition of the US? it really only hurts your argument. Because lets be real, CF models are probably over 95% white. Its not even close to the 72% you quoted. You act like the racial makeup of the CF models is a good representation of the real racial makeup of the US…except its clearly not. You’re delusional if you think CF is doing anything than catering to everyone’s obsession with the euro-centric.
Furthermore, the reason why you dont see any complaining about the exclusively Asian/Black/Latino sites is because they’re not even on the map in terms of gay porn due to everyone giving their attn to almost exclusively white sites like CF. I would surely comment on the exclusively Asian/Black/Latino sites…but whens the last time you’ve seen a gay porn blog about them or give them any sort of attention.
and lastly, even if there were extreme homophobia in the black and latino communities, does two wrongs make a right? and wtf? whoever said that putting non-white models into CF was to combat homophobia?
Ty for this comment. It would appear that there are still white men (assuming the OP is white) within the gay community who are not aware that the majority of the representation appears to be white. It does not take that much effort to be inclusive.
He (the OP) tried to make it look like it was some kind of double standard to criticize sites like CF for exclusively hiring white models but not to do the same for minority sites. Um… I hope he’s aware that these minority sites were created in the first place because sites like CF ONLY SHOWCASED white models (this is part of the history of the porn industry). Not even going to start talking about how creepy, fetishistic, depriving, and racist these minority sites are.
Also, if anything, the exclusiveness of gay men of all racial backgrounds would only serve to combat racism… not homophobia.
He’s cute!!! I’d hit that and many of you would probably too.
I feel hurt for this guy, regardless of the company he did this scene for (I’m not a supporter of the Corbin Fisher modus operandi). If a website was making fun of a young guy who was gay about his sexual orientation I wonder how this would go down with ‘The Sword’. Some things should not be made a joke of. In any case despite his eye this guy is nice looking!
Thank you, love this comment…
Oh, and it’s not that CF doesn’t hire minority models, it’s that they haven’t hired any IN A WHILE.
Okay, I take that back.
But I don’t see color, I only see booty.
Eyes be damned; I’m questioning the quality of that ass. Something ain’t right back there.
Ah yea one cheek is higher than the other. I remember Dred Scott’s ass was a bit off as well in his Titan movies. Maybe that’s the reason why he never got rimmed.
It looks like he has an eye in there. I guess he just has a severely lazy eye. He is a handsome guy though and it wouldn’t bother me if he didn’t or if he had a fake eye. And yes I would love Alex Minsky to be in porn i’ll take him with a missing leg!
BTW speaking of missing limbs, I know there was a porn that I think Dick Wadd made called Stump. There was a guy with both legs missing from his knees. He managed to fit those ends inside 2 guys asses.
He’s hot, so it’s not a deal breaker. What’s better, an empty eye socket or a glass eye? If he has a glass eye on and he cums really hard, you think it’ll pop out?
Oh and,if CF does one leg models, there is only one choice: Alex Minsky!
I guess Brian Peppers has a shot now!
I don’t think he has only one eye, but it would not be a problem for me. Not at all. There is a preview picture in which you can see Brody’s right eye. It could be a fake one, but I can see it.
He should star in a film called “One Eyed Monster”.
While I would also watch someone fuck his eye socket, I would also pay to see someone fill his empty socket up with cum.
Really….. Why do we need to take a sad situation and make it worse than what it is…He was probably bullied his whole life because kids are just plain mean….Sounds like you guys havent grown up yet….All people need to be respected..and I am sure he has heard all the above rhetoric. Shame on you guys….
His porn name should be willie ; )
Hey you guys!
Personally I have no problem with a porn performer having one eye or leg or arm or ball or ear. But do they allways have to be straight??????
Now, Zach–Making fun of one-eyed handicapped people? THAT is kinda mean, my friend :)
He would have looked a lot cooler with a patch over the eye! Like one of them pirates! There are too few pirates in gay porn!
What?? Aren’t all gay porn stars butt-pirates? ;D
Maybe he will be the first Porn star to get fucked in the eye-socket. I would pay to see that! Wink. Wink.
are u fuckin sick? rhetoric question
Should Corbin Fisher only hire one-eyed models from now on? No that would be an eye-sore
Should Corbin Fisher hire one-legged and/or one-armed models? No that would leave them with symmetrically challenged
Should Corbin Fisher hire models with one ball? YES, if the other one pumps out more cum
Are one-eyed gay porn stars Hot or Not? sure why not…
Have you ever fucked someone with one eye? Nope but many with soulless eyes
If you had to lose one of your eyes, which one would you rather lose? left one
Are eyes “overrated”? gateways to one’s soul
Are eyes the window to the soul? see above
If a gay porn star doesn’t have eyes, does that mean he has no soul? well yes isn’t that obvious
if u want Asians or latinos, even blacks; then go to a website for them. leave corbin fisher alone. don’t mess with a perfect thing or fix something that is perfect in working order. the guys on corbin fishers are perfectly just right, so why ghettofy it?
Oh, shut the fuck up.
There was a black guy on Corbin Fisher that was really hot and he wasn’t ghetto.
In the behind the scenes he was hanging out with the other guy making sandwiches and he didn’t seem ghetto at all.
You need to travel outside of Kalamazoo or wherever you live and stop being a bigot.
BUT you are such a coward that you can’t even create a real name on here.
You have to be “Anonymous” LMAO Figures.