“Once Grindr is launched,” the company says, “local men looking to meet up appear. The closest men appear first. More info on a chosen guy is available in seconds, as are chat, additional photos, and his map location.”
While the application won’t prevent dudes from stretching out the aspect ratios of their cock shots, the emphasis on nearby location means you won’t have to wait as long for the anticipation of meeting up to turn into the disappointment of having met up. The future of e-cruising sounds cool, but are gay men slowly turning into terrified creatures who can’t flirt unless they’re behind a keyboard or drowning in alcohol? And where is the app that will make us as hot as the guys in Grindr’s press release?
10 Craigslist-isms That Will Make Us Close Our Browser Window
Sad Valentimes ’09: Craigslist Edition
Pubic Parks: Our Nation’s Famous Cruising Grounds
Grindr (Official Site)
App to Be Gay (Kenneth in the 212)