Christian Wilde was previously identified as “sexual” on The Sword’s Definitive List of Gay Porn Stars’ Sexuality, but after seeing his performance in the premiere episode of Wilde Road (hardcore trailer below), I think I may have been wrong.
Plenty of straight, bisexual, or “sexual” (i.e., they’ll try anything) male porn stars have discovered their true sexuality as out and proud gay men in the process of filming gay porn, and watching Christian’s progression while shooting Wilde Road was no exception.
This is only episode one, but it’s already apparent (to me at least): Shooting gay porn has converted Christian Wilde into being a homosexual. By the final episode next month, I think everyone (including Christian!) will agree. (Also by the final episode next month, The Sword and Naked Sword will have given away a special Wilde Road prize package—details on how to enter forthcoming.)
Christian Wilde fucks Phillip Aubrey (who is openly gay in real life) in episode one of Wilde Road:
[NakedSword: Wilde Road]
If I were 20 years younger, I would show Christian exactly what love truly is. And it’s not 100% sexual. It’s meaningful and caring. But I’ll continue to watch Christian and continue to admire his performances and if he’s ever at a gay bar near our city, I’m going to push $100 bills into his g-string!
Christian Wilde – In the past 4 years he has really developed into a LOVER!!! Sometimes that “I’m straight” feeling comes out because he gets out of character and sometimes doesn’t know how to get back; but all in all he’s gotten to be a decent performer. Moreover he has the equipment. The ONLY negative with him is the INK. I’m not a fan; but I don’t judge. If he likes it, more power to him. Although I don’t know what he wants to decorate a PERFECT BODY for because in future years they’re going to sag and real in badly printed long-hand! On an scale of 1 to 10, I rate this beauty a 100!!! His orgasms are nothing but beautiful to watch. As for whether he’s gay or not, I’m still not satisfied that he knows how to give a really, truly “Let’s fuck forever” kiss!!!
I am absolutely in love with Christian Wilde. I’ve even told him that I wanted him to be my husband & the father of our children. Every time I see him, I’m on cloud 9. He’s just so sexy.
I am absolutely in love with Christian Wilde. I’ve even told him that I wanted him to be my husband & the father of our children. Every time I see him, I’m on cloud 9. He’s just so sexy.
I think your conclusion about Christian being gay is correct. And his flip-f;lopping scene with Austin Wilde has to be seen to be believed.
i say Christian Wilde is the no. 1 Porn Star. He is Truly a Gay man. Have seen his videos online. He sure knows his stuff.
I think he is happy being who he is
Honestly I don’t give a shit about his tatoos, and his face isn’t too attractive to me. Come-on, kill me with comments and replays now. I guess people forgot you can have YOUR OWN OPINION ONLINE these days!
You’re right. People are entitled to their views. Personally, I think Christian is bloody gorgeous but that is MY opinion.
Yet he did a nakesword movie BOYFRIENDS which allegedly was with a boyfriend but I guess those were fake too maybe
I had a class with him. Homeboy is married!!! To a German woman. But it’s probably a green card marriage.
Definitely, Christian Wild enjoys a hard cock in his mouth. Calling himself bi-sexual would be a stretch.
Chris ROCKS. I loved the last scene in Truck w/Randall O’Reilly. I gotta visit Truck on a Tuesday night when I’m next in San Francisco. From whom do I get the password?
Wow. I love you all. Thank you to all the wonderful people for the love and support you give. You are the reason we do our best. Lots of love and respect.
-Christian Wilde
my son! love you Christian Wilde! You are such a hot performer, always hard AND such a sweet person. I love shoving my camera in your low-hanging-pink balls (esp. when its warm out!)
You rock! So excited for more projects to cum!
big hugs… your fan…
mr. Pam
so speaks the woman who films man-on-man porn. draw your own conclusions.
And I will add than men who stop doing gay porn b/c their gfs/wives told them to stop are lame, lame, and LAME. These women must be insecure as hell, and even if their men stop doing porn, the relationship will fall apart anyway for that reason alone. Parker just comes across as a passive bitch to me. Probably doesn’t have a personality ,, what a waste.
thst *
PREACH SuperGay !! agree agree agree lol
You fools are starting to make me feel sick!You retards and all that Kinsky stuffs like he is some kind of fucking sex god are some thing.Well he is not so get the fuck over it please? Christian is just another g4per the only thing is he is better at it than most g4pers are!I’m surprise his bitch continue to let him do gay porn they must need money real bad?For you fools to be reel in by his gay porn videos he’s not going to take the chance and piss off his gay fans base like some other g4pers have.I will give him a little more credit for being smarter than some of the other g4pers like Cody-Cumming who don’t give a shit if he piss off gay-porn fans at all as long as he get your money to pay his bills.As for Parker-London he has told so many lies about his sexuality that I wouldn’t believe a word he said unless he prove it to me but I do know for a fact that the reason he left gay-porn.Is because of his bitch who didn’t not like the idea of him continuing to have sex with other men while doing gay-porn? And that why he retired from gay porn to be with his bitch I alway known he was a g4per he never fool me once not at all end of story.
I do think that he is probably a KINSEY 3. Supergay: you shouldn’t let your preconceived notions get in the way of science and reason. I actually don’t give a s*it that my intelligent and rational comments make you sick. Barf on, Johnny One Note!!!
Supergay has a sad little life and the only thing he does is complain. Please can we stop feeding the trolls. Christian is not losing any sleep over this guy and he hates him for it.
What you said!
um, what “science”? a survey in the 1940’s when it was still illegal and (unfortunately) shameful to admit to being gay is not science.
I like Christian! He has splendid eyes, lips and ALL the rest! He seems to be attentive to his partners. I really like him. He is hot!
But, why his undies are so ugly? Such a body is worth much sexier undies.
Christian, I like you!
I think he is sexy as hell. The eyes, face and the body… He is not a muscle head but with the tats and the cock and everything else I would take him anyday. Love this guy…
You damn sure are right!
I’ve never been a fan and thought he always came across too G4P, but just watched his interview you’ve currently got linked and was pleasantly surprised.
Never expected him to come across as well as he did — laid back, thoughtful, well-spoken. His answers also convinced me that he certainly enjoys sex with men beyond just having his cock in a warm, tight hole. I’d put him somewhere in the middle of the Kinsey scale, but am glad his performances have become enthusiastic over time. He may be moving towards our side of the scale, but I’m pretty sure he’ll never hit zero.
Liam, Christian’s interview on the Banana Guide web site surprised me too. He came across as sweet, charming, and articulate. Christian also admitted that he can be shy, he’s like a big Teddy bear.
I don’t have any feelings about him; I can’t keep him and Cliff Jensen straight (no pun intended). They seem identical, or interchangeable to me. Plus they were both in those Slammer scenes for men dot com.
I’m reluctant to go down this overtrod road. I do think there are . . . I guess degrees of sexuality; however, Kinsey put it. But I just saw what is supposedly Parker London’s swan-song scene (I’ll take the bet that he’ll be back), and he told Van Darkholme that he is straight. I can’t help it, I was like, really, dude, with this shit? He has been fucked more times in the past year than I have in my whole life. He’s been fucked by every top in the industry, pissed on, the bottom in a gang bang, and double penetrated. And still with this, “I’m straight”? I don’t know about Christian Wilde (or much care, honestly), but, yeah, some of these guys are in serious denial.
PREACH, lmaooo, I think the reason Cliff and Christian are interchangeable to you is b/c they both reek of desperation to have everyone think they’re God’s gift to the gay porn industry, they both think they are the shit.
Agree, agree,agree about Parker. He is the gay as hell, loves that dick up his ass like a damn drug– the only person he is fooling is himself. He has issues for real. I think everytime he gets to deep in the industry (i.e. acting all of his wildest gay fantasies on film ) it gets to be too much for him, and he takes a break. The ‘retirement’ before THIS one , was laced with rumors that he and Rod Daily were dating or fuck buddies. In the midst of these rumors, Parker ‘retired’. Then when he came back, he really put himself on the line to do the most kinkiest gay porn ever, and now it’s probably more overload on his denial, and he’s taking a break now..this is my theory. Don’t worry, he’ll be back,lol
“Christian” is unabashedly bi.
Also, it’s funny how “Christian” claimed he was leaving porn and moving to Europe, then he came back on hands and knees trying to get back in the biz. At least things are working out for him these days (thanks to his Amazon Wishlist and desperate fans).
LMAO AGREE with everything you said ! Acting like he was the shit and was dropping porn sometime last summer
I was like ‘whatever , he’ll be back’. Sure enough he did , and I agree he is more desperate than ever to stay relevant, and his fans are desperate too. I’m no hater, Christian is a good looking guy, however I am under no iluions and put noon on a pedestal..he’s human just like everyone else.
That being said, Christian has made it no secret that he loves both women and men. He’s clearly bisexual, whether he chooses to label himself or not.
*no one
Christian has been on cam4 a few times lately and while I can’t remember what he classified himself as in his bio, while talking with his fans, he made it clear he liked guys (so, he’s either bi or gay).
Just based on the fact that’s he’s in the gay porn industry, there’s a 99.9% likelihood that he’s not gay. By the way, it’s pretty clear that Zach writes these articles to get reactions, not because he genuinely believes what he’s writing is factual.
You post proves that there are lies, damn lies and statistics!
And your post proves that denial isn’t just a river in Egypt.
Are you in third grade?
Sorry if I’m writing above your grade level.
Christian has always said he is Bisexual. I just saw a CC video cover and CC is standing there and Christian is in the tub with his mouth full of CC’c cock. He grew up in SF and is a really chill guy. He got married to a woman earlier this year. So I would take it that they have a good marriage with no secrets. Christian always makes me hot. Those Bright eyes and raw sexuality is a winning package and so down to earth not letting this business make him it;s Birch.
The pic above of Philip squatting down in front of Christian’s partially exposed cock with Christian’s hand on the back of Philip’s head gave me an instant boner. I’m beginning to think that I might be gay.
I don’t care for the tons of tats on his body, but he is a goodlooking man. I do love blonde hairy guys, and Christian always gives a great performance…more power to him!
I can’t tell if you’re promoting and commenting on the new film Mr. Wilde is in or actually truly commenting on his sexuality. SMH.
I think the point is to keep us guessing. :)
I thought he got married to a woman at the end of last year.
I think that he has enough sexual experience to decide what his orientation. I know he has sex with men off camera and he hasn’t been a gay4payer trade performer for years so If he doe his job and treats his fans/costars with respect then I support him.
Basically, this. He looks good naked, holds an erection, and doesn’t seem like he’s going to die when he’s touching a same-sex sex partner. He can stay.
Regardless of what sex Christian Wilde chooses off screen, I will be very envious of his mate. ;)
If he is happy in real life I don’t really care if he likes guys, girls, or both. I think he is HOT! When I watch one of his scenes I believe he is into what he is doing and that’s all I really care about!
All men and all women are born bisexual and that’s what Christian Wilde secretly is. Only his ego and society has forced him into thinking he is straight. French kissing Dylan Roberts and topping Phillip Aubrey isn’t going to convince him that he’s gay though. Nice try. He needs to WAKE UP and see a sex counselor or therapist if he wants to really work through his issues.
Everyone is born bisexual? I’m sure some are, but “all”? Speak for yourself. This homo has never loved anything but cock since I was 3 years old.
This looks like a fun video. And re: Christian’s homosexuality, I seem to recall vids of him with his at the time boyfriend popping up on xtube and the like. I thought he was discovered on one of those sites. I think I may have one of him and his ex bf on an external hd somewhere….
I THINK you may be be thinking of former porn star Shane Erickson….
I don’t care. Not hot at all.
Not hot at all? I’d love to see your ugly ass who’s calling this guy NOT HOT AT ALL. SHUT UP QUEEN.
Wow…different strokes, lol. If Christian wasn’t an adult film star, he could easily have been a professional model or actor. Faces like that don’t come every day! The adult film industry is very lucky to have him.
He’s UGLY!!!
Oh come on. Have you see his videos before? I’ve seen one and he straightly caught my eye. So here I am.
I agree
I see him fucking agrl at
I wonder he were gay ?