Here is Cocktails With The Stars host Scotty B. interviewing Steven Daigle about, uhh, The Sword! (There are probably other things that they talk about, but do you think I watched any further once they stopped talking about me? Ha ha, no.) After asking if The Sword is too mean, Scotty B. thoughtfully asks if I am a “fat lesbian” who needs to “get laid.” Well, the jig is up: Yes! I am a fat lesbian.
Despite claiming to never read The Sword “at all,” how is Scotty B. able to ask such well-informed questions about it?
Is Scotty B. magic?
Is The Sword too negative, not negative enough, or just the right amount of negative?
Has The Sword been “too hard” on Steven Daigle or “not hard enough”?
Did u watch past the 2-minute mark, or did u start jerking off to the banners on the right side of ur computer?
Does The Sword write stories about, for example, a gay porn star beating his ex-girlfriend over the head with a toilet tank lid for “sensationalism,” or for its commitment to ethical journalism?
Who is the bigger hottie, Scotty B. or Steven Daigle?
I guess my only critique, Zach, is that if I were an outsider reading your blog I would get a very skewed general view of all gay porn and all its performers.
Most of the guys performing are really nice, many are smart and sensitive and yes most of us have a little damage showing (but who doesn’t?). Steve Cruz describes us as “the island of misfit toys.” In reading The Sword, that part of the gay porn world gets drowned out. I’m not sure it’s really your place to convey that and I’m not sure if you even could. But sometimes, reading TheSword I get a little sad and I have to remind myself that this is not what my experiences have been like at all.
I’m sure you’d get the same impression from reading news about professional football players for example, at least here in the UK. You really get the impression they’re all knuckle-draggers, wife-beaters, philanderers and rapists and I don’t suppose they ALL are.
I’m not sure what anyone can take offense to? Zach certainly doesn’t make stuff up. He just writes about various porn star shenanigans. I’ll admit sometimes the tone of these stories are a bit snarky, but I suppose if this is all you have to write about, I might get snarky too!
I would rather be a fat lesbian then Steven Daigle.
Even Rosie?
So is it wrong to be a fat lesbian?
zach is largely responsible for The Sword being as good as it is today and for his Unzipped blog – let’s face it: he made that blog a success. I
read The Sword almost ever Monday (in this case Tuesday, yesterday was a travel day). Yes, he can be mean aka HONEST but I give him kudos
for doing it because I couldn’t do it and then see the guys i wrote about at Folsom and then ask them for an interview = they’d
likely never do my show again if they knew what I really thought about them! LOL
Our show does have it’s strong weeks and our very weak weeks but it still does well for a show that’s been around for 15 years
and does well enough in sales and the bartenders still battle to be the bartender because they make so much money (which totally surprised me!)
Last week with Next Door Male was amazing and so have been the last few months since we changed it to Wednesday! I try to book
the best stars every week but trust me it’s hard! Trust me it’s hard running this show by myself, trying to breathe some sort of new life into the show by porn star twister,
the Man of COcktails with the Stars, Fucking a pumpkin etc…..
Zach I adore your writing: you fat lesbian *wink* And you must be one because I didn’t see you at all this
weekend at Folsom. Were you in your home eating bon-bon’s watching The Real L Word? LOL xoxoxo
Your text formatting went a little screwy. Here, I’ve fixed it >>>>>>>>>>>>
zach is largely responsible for The Sword being as good as it is today and for his Unzipped blog – let’s face it: he made that blog a success. I read The Sword almost ever Monday (in this case Tuesday, yesterday was a travel day). Yes, he can be mean aka HONEST but I give him kudos for doing it because I couldn’t do it and then see the guys i wrote about at Folsom and then ask them for an interview = they’d likely never do my show again if they knew what I really thought about them! LOL
Our show does have it’s strong weeks and our very weak weeks but it still does well for a show that’s been around for 15 years and does well enough in sales and the bartenders still battle to be the bartender because they make so much money (which totally surprised me!) Last week with Next Door Male was amazing and so have been the last few months since we changed it to Wednesday! I try to book the best stars every week but trust me it’s hard! Trust me it’s hard running this show by myself, trying to breathe some sort of new life into the show by porn star twister,
the Man of COcktails with the Stars, Fucking a pumpkin etc…..
Zach I adore your writing: you fat lesbian *wink* And you must be one because I didn’t see you at all this weekend at Folsom. Were you in your home eating bon-bon’s watching The Real L Word? LOL xoxoxo
It says something that Unzipped blog went to shit immediately after Zach left, and before he came to The Sword, I only checked The Sword maybe two or three times a week. Now I check it a number of times every day.
Most people are a great deal meaner when they’re either anonymous or using a pseudonym. It’s brave to be honest while using your real name. I mean I sure as hell wouldn’t want my residents’ association and everyone knowing about my fascination with gay porn. I also think it’s brave to use irony when you know a large percentage of your readership are too stupid to understand irony. (I’m sorry but it’s true.) To my mind, it’s stuff like this that keeps this blog so edgy, funny and readable. So many other blogs have either fallen by the wayside or become brain-crushingly dull.
The naked Sword blog is the gay porn version of Michael K’s Dlisted blog which I enjoy very much. Now when I think about it: Has anybody seen the Naked Sword and Dlisted in the same room at the same time? *stroking my imagined beard* hm.
I’d guess that behind closed doors Daigle sends Zach flowers everytime The Naked Sword mentions his name. It’s publicity after all and any publicity is good publicity.
Zach is funny not mean. And, sometimes he reports news that is not always flattering to the subject. Is that mean?
You have to admit that Scotty B has had a long ride with this “Cocktails with the Stars” bit. I don’t see how it continues to survive. The couple of times I dropped in this year, there were only a dozen or so people in the audience and only half of them were paying attention to what was going on on stage. Actually, CWTS is the perfect gig for the porn star groupie that Scott is. Anyway, Scottie B is kinda cute in that Zach Sire sorta way.
I can’t get over that horrible outfit he is wearing… What’s with Daigle, Samuel Colt, Durano wearing that cut sleeve t-shirt look. It’s bad hipster fashion that was played out 4 years ago. The trucker cap/black socks, screams look at me I’m so retro…. anyone else think he’s lookin a bit thin/slightly sketchy acting?
Fat lesbian? I was thinking more bisexual female with a slight muffin top. I mean, half the posts are about gay-for-pay “porn stars” and what they get up to… definitely relevant to that sort’s interests.
OK. None of this is mean so I am not outraged but a clue to the whining porn stars: if you mind Zach making fun of you, then stop giving him material. If you don’t throw public tantrums over non-sense, engage in highly publicized “Fauxmances”, get caught in violent incidents with other pornstars, “degrade yourself” (Daigle’s word) by shooting by fucking ugly dudes or engaging in coprophagia on camera, chances are he won’t have anything to make fun of you about and will focus on your being “hot” or publicize your latest scene.
No, Zach isn’t particularly mean to Steven Daigle. It is just Daigle has managed to make a mess of himself publicly more than the usual pornstar.
Is it mean that when I saw this title on my RSS feed, I thought this was going to be about Chaz Bono?
No. That’s exactly what I thought.
lol I thought the same thing as well.
I half expected for you to show at the end of the video, breathing heavily and saying “Steven, I am your mother!”