Marc Dylan Receives Scathing Escort Review—Is He Worth Hiring?

Embattled gay porn star turned “sexual preferences” vlogger Marc Dylan is facing more backlash today, but for once it’s not about his racially-charged YouTube videos or his controversial endorsement of a potentially deadly drug. This time, it’s about his performance as an escort.

Based on this devastating review published on popular escort forum “Daddy’s Reviews,” one has to wonder if hiring Marc Dylan is a wise investment. The acne, the rudeness, the high prices, the poor communication…is hiring Marc Dylan really worth it? Not according to Daddy’s Reviews user “jamesNYC”:

Experience: After texting and speaking on the phone with Marc I did not trust my instinct and I met him anyway. That proved to be a mistake. First off he does not communicate very well by text – mostly one or two word responses – which doesn’t exactly make setting up an appointment for intimacy easy. I told him I was a top and he told me it would be $350 for an hour. When we did speak very briefly I felt rushed and it seemed he was busy with something else while on the phone with me. So I did not book the appointment that day. I reconsidered it and decided I really wanted to meet him so I called later in the week and booked an appointment, but this time the rate had gone up to $400. Two red flags – lack of communication and changing rates. I went ahead anyway because I’m a fan of his movies. When I arrived he answered the door in sweat pants and it was indeed the Marc Dylan I know from videos, handsome, clean shaven, freshly showered. However his back and shoulders were covered in a disconcerting amount of acne which was curious in a man of his age. And it was not acne scars, it was fresh acne. Not very attractive. Red flag number 3 – money was asked for upfront. I tried to stike up a conversation and it sort of went flat, so I thought we should get down to business. When I embraced him he didn’t exactly recoil, but when I went to slowly kiss him he turned his head from me. I was mortified that maybe I had bad breath so I asked him and he said “no I just don’t like kissing”. Well my friend, that was a big part of our initial conversations and I clearly stated how important it was to me, perhaps more than anything. Red flag number 4 – didn’t do what was agreed upon. I did a couple of things with him that I wanted to, but it did end with him very roughly jerking me off to get the session over with, after 5 minutes of that I said I was good and I left. I’ve encountered that rough jerk off thing before…and it is always a sign that the escort is totally uninvolved with the client and is praying for it to be over. I did not leave this session with a good feeling and I have had enough positive experiences to not blame myself, but paying $400 for a not great session really stings. My guess is that he is indeed straight and just not very good at doing this.

68 thoughts on “Marc Dylan Receives Scathing Escort Review—Is He Worth Hiring?”

  1. Marc was raised in Jackson, MS. Having lived there myself, going to college, there’s a huge black population. And the white people are racist! Even the gay ones! its the Deep South. And racism will probably never change there.

  2. I had a very similar experience with marc dylan in san francisco in addition he place was mess and dinggy and had a heavy odor of cigarettes

  3. To each his own, but if this “Client” wanted a quality, intimate, fulfilling experience (even only sexually fulfilling), to feel the sparks, a super horny fuck session etcetc.. maybe he could try to get to know someone real? seduce someone?

    U don’t have to be hot to seduce someone hot, hot guys like ugly guys, old like young, and vice versa, maybe not everybody, but the world is DIVERSE, and beauty is so relative!

    He got what he paid for.. really!.. bye 400 lol

    Rentboys fuck with u for your money, not for your looks or because they care about u, and the kissing: would be fake too! unless he was REEEALLY attracted to u.. HELLOOO?

    And I do see this post biased against this escort/rentboy wtv.. I have never seen one of his porn scenes, but he does have sexy lips – to me.

    I’m too tall for him tho, can’t do very short guys, unfortunately grr :(

    Again: to each his own.

  4. Why all the hate on Marc? I’ve met him several times and interviewed him for columns I wrote. He seems intelligent and has his act together and is one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met. As for this review- if you go to the actual site you can see where Marc debunks every point made by this guy. Cut Marc a little slack and stop hating on porn stars and escorts!

    1. hmm perhaps you did not read review-?-if he w want to get paid he says he will do stuff and the doesn’t– well granted the guy should have trusted his instincts I agree–but if marc is charging for a service he damn well better give and deserves all the ‘scathing reviews’ if he doesn’t–your interviews (which obviously were all about him, so he might actually have been trying there) aside–so I think the review is justified.

  5. I like Marc, my ex started doing porn and escorting so my friend and I were looking at his profile on rentboy and came across Marcs profile. I always liked him in porn so messaged him saying whats up, he was nothing but nice, super sweet, and chill. I told him I was visiting and never messed with an escort and not really into that kind of thing, and he was totally cool with it ended up meeting up with him and messing with him, and didn’t pay him at al we just had some fun. While he might do steroids for his psych I would say maybe he just wasn’t that into you man, even when you pay someone you can’t expect them to be fully interested, I think this bad review might just be an example of a bitter reviewer. Granted I am 23 and in shape so maybe we just had different experiences but mine was great with him and he is def gay and a prefers to only bottom.

  6. At the risk of being flamed? I think it is important to call these men out on their lack of consideration and basic rudeness to their potential clients. If I were out dining or at a bank or paying for a massage and were treated in this manner I would be infuriated and emails, letter, phone call and the like would be placed to management. It’s bad enough the in the 21st century we are still dealing with racism in the GAY community, but to now have escorts balking at being kissed. I would have probably punched his lights out and taken my money back.

  7. I mean the mistake was hiring Marc Dylan in the first place. I wouldn’t hire that oompa-loompa to clean my house.

  8. The part of his ad that says “Kissing: No” should have been a clue that kissing was not going to be welcomed.

  9. Mostly straight? Girl please.
    Saw this fool once in SF with the tightest clothes walking like a flaming queen diva.

    1. I chatted with Marc via Twitter. At one point I made a comment on a post he made and he became upset. He posted a picture where he looked extremely plump in physique. Not muscular but more fat and ridiculously big. I said: “I prefer you how you looked before. Your slim yet muscular body was better to admire. Now, you just look fat vs muscular.’ He ended up by calling me a troll. And that was the end of it.

  10. Obviously, the client is an in denial idiot. Marc was obviously not attracted to him, so of course he wasn’t going to like kissing him NOR was he attracted to you so no, he’s not straight!

    Marc is still an asshole though.

  11. I’m not a fan of Marc Dylan and his veiled racism / “preferences”. But his porn output has been very minimal lately and I have to believe he’s worn out his welcome. Let’s stop talking about him and hopefully he’ll fade away

  12. Kissing is too intimate but having a stranger’s dick in your ass isn’t!
    I wouldn’t be surprised if bareback wasn’t involved..these delusional hoes :-)

  13. reviews ARE very important but one bad review doesn’t make a winter though, could be fake, could be true but it sounds a bit fabricated, the review that is

    1. I suspect Marc is probably claiming that he’s more straight, to get out of kissing customers that he’s not into (Black customers).

  14. Why don’t these porn stars try doing something on the side that is not escorting? These men are not porn stars, they are sex workers. Porn, stripping, escorting, cam shows. I guess it’s the allure of easy money, but do they realize that it’s not supposed to be a career path? I’m curious to know if Marc Dylan has other ambitions aside from selling his butt hole.
    I remember a few years ago Aaron James having done that MTV doc where he talked about doing porn strictly to get himself through school, and now we don’t see him in porn anymore so I’m guessing he finally moved on to more legit career? Seems to me that is what a smart guy would do. Use the porn to get you someplace else in life.

    1. I wonder if Law Enforcement agencies are minoritoring these sites with male prostitutes? I’ve seen on the local news in D.C., police agencies and the F.B.I. have set up stings to lure in Johns and call boys and girls.

  15. so this guy thinks its a “red flag” that a guy he is paying for sex ask for the money up front?…..and he has had “enough positive experiences to not blame himself”…how many hookers does he hire?…they all can not be that personable…..i would assume that some of them are just hot to look at and not talk too….. i understand that he is upset cause he did not think he got what he payed for …but the whole thing just makes me giggle…..they are escorts…u are getting what u paid for…i am sure some of them are amazing and normal …but i am also sure some of them are sketchy as fuck… maybe he should try grindr

  16. Marc Dylan’s 40s are going to make the moron wish he’d never been born. The dumbest, vainest, most clueless gay porn star in history, and that’s no small feat.

      1. I liked him when he first came out, but the last few times I watched a scene with him I thought, “that must be like throwing a sausage down a hallway” – do you think he needs to wear a nappy under his jeans by now?

  17. Bad communication + higher rates on second call, should have been the only red flags this guy needed. His bad experience is therefore his own fault. Did he really think the sex was going to be good if just the planning of it already went bad? 1 bad review doesn’t make him a bad escort, just slightly unprofessional.

  18. I don’t care about Marc Dylan and I don’t find his performances compelling, but to be correct this is the only bad review of him as an escort, the other reviews (even more recent) are very positive.

    1. I feel the same way about him. He is so Focused on Money, his behavior REALLY Doesn’t Occur to Him. If you saw him in the Flesh you would get it ! Racist, and he really does not like many People at all. I had a 3 minute Talk with him and that was Quite Enough for me !!

  19. His personality based on his comments has really made my opinion of Marc sink and I personally will never watch his scenes and I’ll think twice about subscribing to a studio that hires him. But at the same time this review is a little fishy. Marc straight? lol no. And if the back and shoulder acne was so bad, wouldn’t it show up in his scenes? And his is the only negative review there.

    If this really happened, I’d be curious to see what race his client is.

    1. That’s why they have makeup people on set, and one of the reasons why filming a 20 minute scene takes hours to do. They have people there to touch up your makeup.

  20. The back acne is most likely from steroids/hormones…And if the customer was dismayed that Marc would not kiss you, perhaps you were not “pre-approved”?

  21. I know some bodybuilders too who have acne on their body. I don’t know if these guys take steroid or not (I do not know them well enough to ask them this question) but it is obviously one thing that bodybuilders share. It could also be a side effect from consuming so much protein or something but it seems to be a thing among bodybuilders.

  22. Why are you guys surprised that his on screen persona is different to how he is in real life? He’s clearly not too smart and juiced up.

    Why anyone would listen to anything this guy had to say is beyond me

  23. And roids are also known for causing ones balls to shrivel up. I lost interest in Marc when he tries to claim that he was a naive newbie when he did a bareback scene for SX video and would not be doing anymore of that type of porn again. That was such BS. And in his YouTube videos he comes across as having little personality and this bad review only cements that for me. No kissing at $400 an hour? Well then does he go bare cause as rush aggressive j/o is not worth that much!

  24. I went to the Rentboy site out of curiosity, looking for Marc Dylan. I remembered him saying, he’s currently in New York City for a while and I figured, he’s staying in the Borough of Manhattan. Sure enough, Marc Dylan is there on page 13. He list his height as 5 feet 9 inches tall. If someone doesn’t need money, why would they sell their body making porn and being a male prostitute? I browsed through the Manhattan site and I saw so many young men as escorts. I saw the black porn star Sean Xavier on the New York City site. I wonder how people end up in this line of business because it can be dangerous? A person could be robbed, hurt, contract a deadly disease, or killed in this line of business.

    1. I happened to be at a meeting at a hotel where Marc was staying when he was in my city, and crossed paths with him a couple times. I think 5’7″ is more accurate. Both times–mid morning, he was walking across the lobby eating out of a big bag of potato chips. I suspect that that the bulk will turn to fat fairly quickly with that kind of diet. In general, he sounds like someone who will take a big fall when the studios decide they’ve had enough of him. At that point, he’ll be lucky if a cheapie BB studio like SX is interested. I’m actually surprised the “straight” issue hasn’t gotten fleshed-out.

  25. Seriously Zach, sometimes I worry for your safety, if a roided out porn star with bacne comes after you. You should take up jogging.
    But yes, Marc Dylan is as intelligent as a bag of rocks, considering his recent actions. I wonder if jamesnyc is black?

  26. I would never pay a male prostitute $400.00 or any amoount to have sex with me. Marc Dylan lives in Washington, D.C.? It seems like these escorts travel from city to city. I’ve heard a lot of gay men state, they don’t kiss because kissing is to intimate. I have nothing more to say about this man because I truly wish him well.

  27. Man, Zachary too must have had a bad escort experience with Marc Dylan, I never heard all the much about the guy before this

    1. Marc brought all this on himself. Though, I suspect the heart of the matter is the fact that Marc offended Zach’s personal sensibilities, by insinuating he doesn’t find Black men appealing (as Zach obviously disagrees).
      It makes skewering him even more relishing….
      When someone disagrees with us, the rational side of our minds tell us they have a right to do so, but there’s that emotional side of us that wants to attack them for it.
      This is a blog, and it’s Zach’s domain. So I say, have at it.

  28. At the risk of getting flamed…Zach…why waste so much time and space on people you don’t like? It’s show-biz so the only bad publicity is no publicity….so if you want them to go away….

    1. Then the blog would just get flamed for only promoting people perceived as “favorites.” It’s a good thing that this place not only promotes porn actors and news, but also dishes on who stinks in the industry and why.

    2. I also don’t understand this comment. Why do you think this is all personal? Come one, everybody knows that controversies is what makes things interesting. In real life, in show business or in the porn business. So get over it. The best advice would probably be: If you don’t like this site, then simply don’t visit it.

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