Is That Quinn Jaxon With a Mouth Full of Cum In a New Gay Sex Tape?

Quinn Jaxon (a.k.a. former Randy Blue model Kurt Madison) has spent a fair amount of time telling the internet how heterosexual he is, but this might just be a still from a gay sex tape of him lapping up a mouth full of cum.

Take a better look below.






Yep! Kind of looks like him! This comes via a Tumblr called The Modest Cult, and we don’t yet have a video to show you. But maybe soon!

Quinn was engaged to a woman last year, but that’s now over, and maybe all that shower-selfie-taking and underwear modeling and jerkoff porn-making has finally turned him gay!

Also, here’s a video of him below riding on top of a crystal ball and doing some sexy dancing at Penthouse in West Hollywood the other night, and here’s a photo of him in body paint playing Wolverine at Rasputin in WeHo. With all that time he spends in WeHo, ending up with a dick in his mouth is kind of just an occupational hazard.

Update: Quinn is quick to respond.


[The Modest Cult via Flesh and Boners]


37 thoughts on “Is That Quinn Jaxon With a Mouth Full of Cum In a New Gay Sex Tape?”

  1. Michael Benavidez

    Boy you people are idiots, the gay community keeps whining and bitching about wanting to be treated fairly and not discriminated against whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch. But let a straight guy confident in himself enough to dance with guys grind up on be touched by and glared at and still go home to his girlfriend without thinking twice or being tempted and we catty self righteous fags have to drag him down and treat him the exact same way we say we don’t want to be. Those of you posting negative shit only wish he would give you a first look. Do I wish he would give me the time of day fuck yes but I don’t have delusions of grandeur that will happen nor will i tear a man down for doing what he loves, you could learn from that. Grow the fuck up bitches. And if any of want to act high and mighty over what I said bring it you don’t scare me, I’ve dealt with better fags at their worst.

    1. Actually, a male can be “effeminate” and be a straight heterosexual, not to say that a male who has sex with men is heterosexual (“straight”). He isn’t! Not sure what you mean by “…waaaaay…” Care to elaborate? Curious!

  2. HAHAHA how did the Black Spark get Quinn to swallow a loud on camera, I knew it would happen sooner or later but I never would have guessed This scenario.

  3. I read Weho Confidential because it is so hilarious.. I was under the impression everyone in Weho was either on meth, hustling for rent money or drag queen aficionados according to that site. Quinn needs a big paycheck in order to get a dick in his mouth on a porn set. So write him that check gay porn studios. I want to see that!

    1. UGh you’re so old and gross. When will the old generation leave the young gay community alone and stay among themselves and their self-loathing straight-worshiping creepiness?

  4. The guy is surrounded by gay men 24/7. If he was gay, do you people honestly think he would have a problem with coming out? He simply strikes me as one of those attention craving, gymnast turned dancer, pretty boy.

    1. Yeah well believe it or not there are people who struggle with coming out even in the most ridiculous circumstances. There are people who just don’t want to be gay/bi or open about it to others, no matter how accepting of other gay people they are. It’s a real thing. I obviously don’t know for sure if this guy is gay I don’t know him personally, but I have a hard time believing he’s not at least bi. Gaydar exists no matter how much some people try to insist that it doesn’t (see: Ian Thorpe).

      1. You’re so right I just came in the closet last year when I was 32 years old. It’s really hard accepting myself then. Almost all my friends are straight and we are all Catholics in the only Christian country in Asia. Just imagine that.

  5. Simply lighting the picture up using a basic photo editor would’ve cleared this entire situation: it’s not him.

  6. this is just foul. stop spreading rumors about people. if you like him, that’s cool but you shouldn’t use your porn blog as a tool to harm. this is just defamation.

    1. How is asking if it’s him or stating he might really be gay defamation? Frankly you should like a teenager which means you shouldn’t even be viewing this site. Go back to doing your homework now.

    2. Further more if people thinking he is gay is defamation(it’s not) he shouldn’t have started fucking men for money. I hate G4P and people like you who love them.

      1. this is the definition of defamation, breh. how would you like it if some random website posted a picture of some guy eating some woman out and them saying that it’s you? would you like that?

        1. Defamation-The action of damaging the good reputation of someone, that my dear is the actual definition of defamation. Now do tell me how calling someone who fucks men for money gay damages his reputation? Quinn does gay porn aka fucking men for money, so how is saying he gay or posting a possible pick of him sucking dick defaming him?

          “how would you like it if some random website posted a picture of some guy eating some woman out and them saying that it’s you? would you like that?”

          The Sword is hardly some random website, it is a top notch porn blog for a decent porn production company. Second I would not be featured because I don’t do porn and i’m gay so i don’t eat pussy I suck big fat dick. If someone said a picture was me or posted an actual picture of me sucking dick I wouldn’t give a fuck.

      2. Oh behave yourself! You G4P haters are simply ridiculous to say the least. Keep clutching those pearls sweetheart because your delicate precious nerves are on display for everyone to see.

        1. @blow me You should the one who shut up. Your g4pay addiction eats up your pea size brain. Why do you hate yourself? Shame on you and your compatriots.

        2. I’m ridiculous? How is wanting to see real gay men(and bi men) who actually enjoy having sex with men have sex ridiculous? On top of that most G4P performers are homophobic, so excuse me if I don’t want to see some guy fuck a guy then go on and bash how horrible and disgusting it was. I unlike you have self respect and don’t want to support homophobes and closest cases.

    3. How in the world a GAY PORN BLOG showing someone (that has been already involved with adult gay companies!) sucking dick is defamation or meant to harm?!

  7. Well Ian Thorpe is a universe more important than that douche bag Quinn Jaxon..Although he wasnt my type I still thankful that one gay for pay bitch has retired. I wish more like him will follow..but as we know many OLD gay men (who were insane to straight models) support them are still here .

  8. You know what is surprising to me is that some people prefer to stay in the closet in this day and age. Of course, one understands that there are multiple reasons for doing so, but still!! Does he think that he will ruin his chances for fame and fortune if he comes out?

    The boy is beautiful but he really needs to grow some Cojones. (or else see a shrink)

    1. Why? We are not his friends, and he owes us nothing. I know it’s hard to believe, but there are many men who are emotionally fulfilled by women and also find them to be sexually attractive. I know several hyper-sexual guys that have been with men but have chosen to settle down with women. They don’t hide their attraction from their partners or pretend that they never experienced men. In these situations, I do believe it is a choice. I do think it’s a rare thing to be so evenly divided, but it does happen. There’s no reason the gay community should feel rejected by these types of men. Actually, these are the kind of straight guys I want encourage.

      Or maybe he’s really gay and this is all just an act. Hey, it keeps him in the news.

      1. “Actually, these are the kind of straight guys I want encourage.”
        That’s just it those guys are not straight, they are bisexual. Being sexually into both means your are bisexual not straight and labeling yourself as straight further fuels the bigots belief that real gay men like myself can simply choose not to be gay which is not the case. Nothing wrong with being bisexual just don’t confuse it with being straight.

        1. There are many straight men that have been with men. Should they go around labeling themselves as “bisexual” for the rest of their life if they’ve chosen to spend their life with a woman? Of course not. Though I do think that it’s a bit ridiculous for Quinn to claim he’s straight when he’s clearly more involved in the gay entertainment community than most gay men.

          Also, I am gay because I want to be gay. It doesn’t matter one bit if I was born this way, or if I chose to be. It’s no one’s business. I do as I please because I want to, and that’s all the reasoning anyone needs. If that somehow harms a particular political position, then that’s a corner that the gay community should not have painted themselves into.

          1. It doesn’t matter if you weren’t born gay, because most are (the older brother study). That’s not a political position it’s a fact.

          2. Uh-Huh’s definition of straight is interesting.

            “Oh yeah, I love having sex with men, but since I am married (or would like to be married) to a woman I am straight”.

            The level of delusion in this man is downright scary.

  9. That’s not him. It looks similar but the guy in the picture is much skinnier. Quinn doesn’t have chest hair- his eyebrows arch- he has a longer nose- and his facial hair is different

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