Gay-for-pay Brit Paddy O’Brian goes gunge-for-pay in the role he was born to play.
Here’s Paddy O’Brian being sploshed and gloshed for some weird UK site. Audio doesn’t start until around :30, but it might’ve been better to have never started at all, given Paddy’s accent.
Here’s gay porn’s Eliza Doolittle exercising and getting more mystery liquid thrown on him. As if having sex with other men wasn’t humiliating enough!
[YouTube via QueerClick]
This idiot is a complete fake and about as sexual a plank of wood. He’s just odd from start to finish.
what the hell?
Looks to me as if the one-trick pony has finalley found his true calling. He never looked as happy and as animated in his one-sided “gay” scenes. And I agree – he should never be allowed to speak, but rather because of his voice not his accent. But is his accent the reason why he calls himself Liam Cockney in straight porn?
he looks nice but he shouldn’t speak….not so much the accent but thje voice
You can’t do that on television!
Nice reference. That made me laugh hard when I read that.
hate gay for pay
Is that even gay? What the hell is it?
It’s cray-for-pay
British gay guys are known to have pretty weird tastes. See for example: is about smelly feet and stinking socks. I think I’ll pass on this one too.
e’s a proper londoner an e likes warter being poured on im. E’s proper ruff mate.
Well, not that ur shitty american accents is any better!
True that!!
Jesus Christ.
Dafuq did I just watch?!
What kind of fucked up people wank on that ?:|