At first I was reading this and I was like, “What?” and then I read a little bit more and I was all, “the fuck?”
Paragon Men has some of the highest quality gay porn photo galleries anywhere online. And for one of their May photo galleries, they just wrote some accompanying copy that compares Marc Dylan to your Mexican gardener:
He may have the look of an immigrant laborer, but isn’t that why your mouth is open? Marc Dylan is one skilled laborer – watch him hammer his gigantic, juicy balls up and down as his thick pole drives into overtime!
Sexually objectifying “the help” is a thing, I guess, but to me Marc Dylan screams “power bottom,” not “construction worker.” (And even if he did scream construction worker, it’s kind of a weird thing to point out!)
Oh and then also, one paragraph later, how about a reference to African genocide? Makes sense.
Marc is a sought-after porn pup…so yeah, he’s done this before. It shows. Why do you think we tracked him down like a lion after a lost boy in Sudan?
Marc Dylan, everybody!
this is quite an amusing thread. i actually just emailed marc dylan to set up an escort appointment in new york. it was going well, he asked a lot of questions about my stats and when i told him that i was black he turned me down.
i accused him of being a racist and he was like “if i didn’t want to have sex with a woman would you call me sexist” i was like, its not really the same thing bro.
so yeah i think he is actually a racist, but he’s from the south right and he doesn’t seem to smart anywayz
Ehhhh. What a lame argument. Honestly dude, there’s plenty guys who look a lot better than Marc Dylan. I’m tired of the obsession with race in the gay community although some people downplay how bad this phenom is among the minority races as well. But I guess blaming the players isn’t really the way to go, you gotta blame the game but something tells me that we the players can change the game. I just hope I can be alive and still young to enjoy that America.
I like Marc Dylan, he is not only hot looking, but also a passionate bottom and is cute in a way. maybe he does look like a bit like a latino.
I don’t believe Marc himself is behind the racial stuff, but that the site itself wrote it to promote him.
I find that latino laborer only a bit racist, afterall it might be a common fantasy.
but I think they definitely crossed the line when they made the reference to the lost boys of sudan. that’s disgusting and unacceptable.
Dude, almost 100% of the time I agree with ya..but come on is fantasy. Zach, sometimes ya got to just to move on. Not everything is racist…but everything could be as long as we feed into it…just saying!
And now for my fifth position on this issue:
If Zach found enough to read into it that was offensive, then there was probably the kernel of something in there, at least for him, to make the point.
And, as proof that I need to actually let my thoughts complete themselves before I press send:
..something there, at least for him, to make the point…
The rest is a question of the copywriter’s intent, and we can’t know anything about that until we hear from him, can we?
So until (assuming if) ParagonMen decides to explain itself — or, more specifically, revise its copy; I’m giggling as I type that — I’m going to say that Zach can be as offended as he wants to be.
Since we live in a culture of apology/retraction, I will go with the assumption that if they give a shit about whether or not they’re being offensive that they’ll retract the specific wording of the fantasy.
Oh, and that fantasy thing:
Fantasies involving sexual colonialism are very telling, I find.
lol… that last bit was kinda funny.
Yea, I got the same reaction as you did Zach. Those comments are not vague.
Marc Dylan looks Mexican.
It’s a matter of perspective, I guess. To me, he looks like a young man from the American southeast who got off the tanning bed just in the nick of time. I know Mexicans, dear, I grew up in Texas.
If the immigrant laborers around here looked like Marc Dylan, home depot would have a ho-stroll 10 cars deep every hour on the hour.
haha exactly!
Gee, the last time I was at a stand-alone Home Depot, it looked like a hooker stroll anyway, just with no buyers.
Here in Austin, though, all the Home Depots are relocating into upscale shopping centers that specifically ban day laborers from the parking lots. I wonder where they’re all going now?
I don’t know if anybody is interested in hearing my opinion (bc clearly im fucked up on ambien and merlot right now) but I don’t really think porn studios are racist. I think a lot of times they see what is selling and they focus on that. I don’t think any of it is a question of racism instead its a question of MONEY HONEY. Porn Studios now are concerned with beautiful men of any ethnicity who can make them money and that is all. Studios are struggling to keep the lights on so don’t be so quick to judge and assume porn studios are racist and don’t wanna use black/asian/indian/latino whatever men. I think they are doing their part and I know many directors/studio owners and photographers want to use more ethnically diverse models but they can’t because they need to look at what is selling. Whatever they are catering to (and seems to be working) is what they will probably continue selling to because porn is (believe it or not) a fucking business. literally. I do hope in the future studios will push for more ethnically diverse models so we can move past this. I’m over vanilla. And by the way who hasn’t gotten aroused by a day laborer from the parking lot of home depot? They turn me on every week when the HOA has them come clean up my yard… all sweaty and hot. Fuck yea!
OK. It’s a business. No argument. Although I always laugh when folk say producers want diversity in the model pool, but those producers are never named. However, no need to debate that here. Here is my business question: what business model is being followed when a model is compared to an “immigrant laborer” and African genocide is referred to in such a flippant manner? Any other Paragon man getting that type of treatment?
As much as I hate to, I find myself cutting (white) people a lot of slack. People tend not to think in terms of how what they say is going to be perceived by everyone who is going to hear it (case in point: the entire Republican primary field, to say nothing of Romney himself), so there’s no source parsing taking place until after the fact. (So many young-ish Twitter accounts have died needlessly because of near-related issues, alas.)
Do I think that the Paragon copy is racist? Vaguely. Do I think it’s INTENTIONALLY or MALICIOUSLY racist? Not as likely, but then again, I’m cutting them some slack because I don’t think that they, or any other porn site, have political correctness editors (or even simple proofreaders, for that matter) on the payrolls. So maybe unthinkingly racist. Still racist, but perhaps not malignantly so.
That actually speaks in large part to my first comment way up towards the top, really.
And, not to be so much of a fanboy about it, but I’ll listen to anything you say as long as you say it while you’re naked. Or getting naked. Or thinking about getting naked.
I see what you’re sayin. which I know has been mentioned many times. if the consumers ask for more diversity and show some more interest when they see a little, then they’ll get more of it
At first I was reading this and I was like, “What?” and then I read a little bit more and I was all, “the fuck?”
Oh, you Americans think everything is racist. Lighten up a bit. :)
Haha. So true. I tend to find Swedes are worse (unlike the Finns and the Danes who are proudly racist).
Actually, I thought it was the Norse, what with that fascist Unabomber knockoff murderer Anders Behring Breivik, but I could be wrong.
A racist gay porn actor. Somehow I found that ironic.
Huh? What racist gay porn actor?
Wait…who the fuck said Marc Dylan is racist?
that otomen dude up there, apparently.
Who has time to be all that racist while doing all that fucking?
Unless you’re a plantation owner, anyway…
read it again. it wasn’t saying Marc was racist, it was saying the writers at paragon men made racist implications
Why are the comments on this thread about whether or not Marc is a slut and not if Paragon Men is racist (which they are)?
With as much porn as Marc Dylan shoots, how does he have time for social fucking?
Racist but when is gay porn not?
Yeah, racist.
And @Levine, so he’s a slut because he was hooking up instead of being paid to hook up with your friend? Please tell me you see the stupidity in that idea.
(Marc as in not Marc Dylan…just to be clear) Yep…it’s racist.
Marc was in New York recently and my friend tried to hook up with him after seeing his rentboy ad. Marc repeatedly turned him down cause he was busy being a slut all over Manhattan.
Maybe your friend is ugly, tho
You dont have to pay to get that. I did him in the Fort Lauderdale bathhouse and he is just as big of a bottom as he is on video and its free
So over him..Ugh!
Is it just photoshop, or Marc Dylan looking more and more Latino? First it was that Falcon cover and now these photos. Either way, sexy guy I love my Marc!
I am perfectly fine with that
Is he even mexican?
I thought this was harmless. Much ado about nothing. snoooze.
I say it before, and will gladly repeat myself: gay porn, for all of its joys, is entrenched with racism. And the producers. minus a precious few, do not plan on changing.
Let’s be honest, here: the whole gay community’s got issues with race.
Agree, but truly, the proper gay term is “infused.” Even “permeated,” “laced,” “ingrained,” “saturated,” “suffused,” “steeped,” “pervaded.” You know, low-level SAT words. If we’re going to be bullied throughout high school, why not make the most of the experience and expand our vocabularies?
Anyway, yes, porn is literally brimming with barely-sublimated racism. However, lest we forget, porn in general is made by and for white men, and not very bright white men at that. Once that point is granted, it’s easy enough to get past all that higher-mind stuff and let one’s dick do all the heavy lifting, as it were. I mean, if we’re all going to be truly upset about racial homogeneity, sexual colonialism or misogyny in porn — and fewer than one might assume will be — very little porn is going to get sold. Not to suggest that a lot of porn is getting SOLD now, but that’s another discussion.
Blah, blah, blah, big point: porn, like most other forms of popular entertainment, largely reflects the values and social mores of the people who buy it, and the product is subsequently — or consequently, if you prefer — tailored to the tastes of those consumers. And, as the loving residents of Avenue Q put it so charmingly, “everyone’s a little bit racist.”
Sweet Jesus. Not that Avenue Q pap. Yes, everyone is a little bit racist, bit what does that have to with this conversation? Is Marc Dylan responsible for the copy attached to his photo? Does my bigotry get the Paragon bosses off the hook? Let’s have a conversation about how bigotry is universal, but the “oh, we all have our biases” isn’t very helpful here.