Is it?
The cock in question belongs to my newest victim, Ben Driver. His cock is literally the Marlon Brando of gay porn, and I’m not just making a fat joke.
I’m going to keep this as simple as possible: Ben Driver has a beautiful, massive uncut cock. He is literate and educated. He is pretty. I need him inside me.
What do you think about Ben Driver’s cock?
Do you also need it inside you?
Do you think Ben Driver has gone too far by having such an amazing cock?
Here are 20 pictures of Ben Driver’s cock to assert my point that Ben Driver has the prettiest cock in gay porn.
The dick’s pretty just a shame the same can’t be said for the face (which is bringing some serious Auschwitz realness btw).
I’d tap that. Nothing wrong with him to me. Laughing at the bait dropped and taken above though.
I like you
If that useless piece of skin was gone, the yes it would be.
U mad?
LOL, “Orc, this is troll; you’re an ogre-like creature.”
NOt really , you are just showing your ignorance once again , it’s your business if you want to look like an idiot.
20 000 specialized nerve endings on a sexual organ ( average removed during a circumcision ) is not useless , it’s meant to actually feel something , subtle sensations + gliding , protecting the glans against callouses , etc… but keep calling it useless if you want to :) I guess you derive a sense of pride from it – good for you .
lol didn’t read
The reason his appendage is so large is because the poor guy is 4’7. When you’re that short a camera make’s anything look big.
no. i do not like it.
theres a whole lot of “nothing special” about this guy
I don’t like unbalanced dicks; this one is bottom heavy (thick and fat at the base and shaft), and I don’t care for top heavy dicks either (enormous bell end).
Do you even like dick? Seriously…
Seriously, I would wager money that I like dick more than you. But uncircumcised dicks are not my preference, nor what I think are funny-looking dicks.
You have way too many conditions on dicks to like them that much (must be cut, “balanced,” not “funny-looking,” etc.). I, on the other hand, rarely see a dick of any kind I would turn down. So yeah…you would lose that wager.
You know these kinds of comments never fail to humor me. Beauty is of course culturally relative, but it is also socially objective, and evolutionarily generalizable; this is to say while there are of course traits that are relative to cultures, within those cultures there are consistent and statistically demonstrable traits that are deemed ‘beautiful’, and that some of these traits are also naturally and sexually selected adaptations. This man, Ben Driver, fits all of the above: he is clearly and unarguably attractive according to basic standards of beauty of western civilization, Anglo-European culture, American culture, gay culture and subculture, etc., and evolutionarily selective adaptative processes. He’s not only attractive but intensely gorgeous. So what accounts for all the negativity? It seems as if anything without an element of snark elicits almost an automatic, autonomic response from many on this site. Ridiculous…
less judith butler please.
Ah…so you took a humanities class? (nice name-dropping; you’re smart)…
sure took you long enough to look her up on wikipedia.
Because people would rather criticize and cut down something that someone else appreciates instead of simply refraining from making a comment. It’s a perfect example of what’s wrong with our society in general. That being said, I think this cock and the man it’s attached to are gorgeous.
His foreskin is epic. The guy is so hot! Love everything about him.
such a sexy f*cker ;) that grin in the bottom pic drives me crazy
Not the handsomest guy, but incredibly sexy. And yes, that’s a fantastic penis.
He’s hot and I would marry his dick, but he takes way too many pictures of himself.
He’s not even a legit porn star. Didn’t he do like one scene with another fugly dude and it couldn’t have been very good then. He’s the Kim Kardashian of porn. Trying it, but failing at it. Paper bag him and maybe, otherwise throw back into the shadows. Do not want.
Mom, is that you?
Need you inside me please
yeah he’s fugly too, he can join the list for uglies making money in porn. Or trying to at least .He’s a nobody that wishes he was somebody. Goes to show, not even a big dick can make up for an ugly mug.
He can drive it in me anytime. Hot!
Not the prettiest I’ve ever seen, but I would love to lick that precum.
That is beautiful, but I still think my two favorite uncut cocks are Tyler Alexander and Parker Perry.
Did he do any gay porn already?
Yes. Under the Lucas film
Reminds me of a water weasel. I wonder if it slides out of your hands every time you try to grab it? :-0
Water weasel… well, at least, you’re not calling it an “alien appendage.” :/
no that was me that called an uncut cock an alien appendage. and looking at this guys cock i can stand by what i said. it looks scary. slimy and parasitic…. yuck. uncut cock is a deal breaker for me. so before all u foreskin aficionados rain down on me just realize its my opinion. theres billions of other people that may find it attractive. i do not. i do not think people with foreskin should be put into death camps…i dont think we should have mandatory circumcision…. i just find it gross. if that offends u then shove it up ur ass. if ur ego gets blown out bcuz one anonymous person online said foreskin is gross then u have MAJOR issues
Actually YOU are the one who has a major issue. Saying you don’t like something is one thing, but saying it’s automatically gross just based on your dislike for it is another matter. No part of the human male anatomy is gross.
Damn, that is a BEAUTIFUL cock.
A nice dick. If only it wasn’t attached to him.
Wow. It is rare that I so completely disagree with you Zach but on both counts, not feeling it.
Total butterface for me and the cock, while big and thick, is not visually pretty at all – without even mentioning my pet peeve which is uncut cocks whose skin won’t pull down even when hard.
Complete fail for me
Well scrolling back I noticed this wasn’t written by Zach. That explains it :)
“…my pet peeve which is uncut cocks whose skin won’t pull down even when hard.”
I like a little phimosis myself. And it’s only when you can’t retract the foreskin when FLACCID is there a problem.
This guy’s got a beaut IMO.
I am sure plenty will like it.
Totally turns me off on both counts but not finding it absurd you’d disagree.
Yeah, no offense meant, but the phimosis thing bothers me :)