The next gay porn star to lend his body to one of those gay music videos that reimagines a dumb pop star’s awful song? Roman Heart.
You can’t call this a reimagining though (Britney Spears’ video for “Hold It Against Me” has yet to be released). And you can’t call this a “parody”—as the creators of the clip have—because it’s not mocking anything (unless the Asian tranny who appears midway through is supposed to be Britney). What is it then? Who cares! It stars Roman Heart, and Roman Heart can do no wrong.
How cute is he?
Does the guy playing Roman’s love interest look familiar? Yes, he does.
That’s “Paul,” a male model whom I’ve written about before. He hasn’t made any actual porn yet, but based on his modeling portfolio—and the size of his erect penis while he has a dildo up his butt—he’s well on his way. Hot:
More of Paul, a.k.a. Landon Taylor.
Oh Roman, what were you thinking… “bottom of the barrel” porn extras normally end up in these videos…
***i love the anorexic asian Britney impersonator… made me throw up in my mouth a little bit
yummie my favorites are the cute twink-ish latino guys, HOT, hot underwear too, gave me a boner
This is not a parody.
It’s just gay videoke. Who cares?
Alot of people include the word PARODY in Youtube videos, if they look like music videos and they don’t have a license from the music label, simply because it prevents Youtube or the label from pulling the video. It is going to become much more prevalent. Their needs to be another name for it though. Ryan James Yeak who uses alot of pornstars in his videos explained that to people who complained in that his videos were parodies. Didn’t stop Sony from pulling his Britney Spears video though so watch this one while you can.
How cute is Roman? Very cute. When he’s paired with Benjamin Bradley he tends to unfortunately look like a sun or tanning booth overexposed bronze mess. Here – very cute.
I think someone held an intervention for those two, or at least Roman.
Maybe we can kidnap them and scrub them until they aren’t orange anymore. For the good of humanity.
Roman is Roman! The very best, the cutest, the most attractive. I like Roman any way!
So the guys are hot and all… but they were only casting bottoms?
WHO is going to teach these ‘mos the meaning of the word parody?
I dont care what it is either. Its catchy, its fun, its to promote a good cause, and it has Roman Heart in it. He is looking fantastic, considering his health issues late last year. When he smiles, he is dazzling.
Health issues? Didn’t hear bout them. Hope it wasn’t serious? He IS dazzling, in every sense of the word.