Basically it looks like he stuck them all in a bare, concrete-floored room with (yawn) a few cases of Pabst, a case of Whip-Its and a carton of Newports and let them do their stupid pet tricks in a plea for some long lost publicity. We’ll spare you the shot of Chris Pontias’s weird dangly dick (you can link there to OMG blog if you like) or the shot of Steve O puking. Instead, we’ll give you Dave’s relatively hot bod as he pisses on an iron and then pulls out something that looks like a penis pump; the tease of Johnny Knoxville–who never really gets naked *enough*, right?–and Weeman’s midget peen.
Nipple Nudity: ‘Milk’ Writer Dustin Lance Black
Jonathan Lipnicki, Finally Legal!
Fake Celebrity Nudes: Where Fantasies of Jizzing On Andy Roddick’s Face Come Alive
OMG! They’re Naked- The Jackass Guys (OMG Blog)
Jackass Team Naked!! (Rock Out With Your Cock Out)