Sorry, haters! Jake Cruise gets all the hotties that you will never get, so just deal with it.
Don’t be jealous!
Jake Cruise is the master of seduction. Jake Cruise is a gay man’s hero. Jake Cruise proves that you don’t have to look like a typical gay porn star to work in gay porn. You can be a little rough around the edges and still bang hot guys! Jake Cruise’s milkshake (via Ensure®) brings all the boys to the yard, but what is his secret? How does he score so many hot dudes? What is it about Jake Cruise? Whatever he’s been doing all these years, it’s still working. So get over yourselves, haters, and bow down to the king, Jake Cruise!
Here’s Jake with Latino muscle hunk Marcus Ruhl. I think I’m gonna faint.
[Jake Cruise Massages Marcus Ruhl]
Jake Cruise would never have sex if not for money, and if you kid yourself into thinking other people are just #jealous, you obviously have some underlying complex.
for 200.00 you could get this model for an hour. So yea, anyone could get him.
This is Marcus ruhl and for the comment mentioning I’m a $200 piece of flesh then know this I’m not and yet all comments are welcome the dumb and most stupid ones get slashed by my sword lol and I keep on being gay loving life and have more crazy sex then you ever will much love Marcus Ruhl
I am in the minority in that I don’t really mind Jake Cruise. At the same time, yeah, it’s true; I don’t think I can count the number of guys who wouldn’t be having sex with him without the money factor.
I do not, however, rule out that there’s about 1% of the guys who’ve worked with him (and he’s worked with so many to this point) who at least didn’t mind having sex with him, money or no. It’s just statistical reality.
It always amuses me when I hear people say that I have to pay guys to perform with me in the movies. Hey, guess what, so does every other producer. This is an adult entertainment BUSINESS. If you think that a young, muscular, hung performer works for free because his partner is also young, muscular, and hung then you don’t understand how this business works. As a producer I pay all performers regardless of whether they are doing a scene with me or with another performer.
The difference is these producers aren’t in front of the camera..fucking GROSS..and i bet you gotta pay extra for this travesty :-)
Max, you’re a really a mean guy.
So from a business sense, how much does one of to pay these guys for them to get perform such acts? And is there a tiered bonus based on which age category and weight + height their partner falls into (i.e. the more older, overweight and shorter the partner the more they get paid)?
Retire. Manage a producer, just stay off camera.
I say…”jake, get it anyway ya can” shit, ya aint getting any younger
He lost the weight quickly, didn’t tone up and gained most of it back. Probably an HCG diet. Don’t feel too bad for a lot of these guys doing a scene with Jake Cruise is practice for when they start turning tricks as most of their clients looks will run the gambit of Jake Cruise to Boss Hogg to Walter Matthau. Then again, meeting a trick is done in private, so you have to ask yourself; is it worth a few hundred bucks to be immortalized on film forever having sex with Jake Cruise.
I wonder if his long partner was doing the beauty pageants as form of therapy? I guess I’m a prude but I just couldn’t reconcile having a 20+ year partner who was having unprotected sex with hundreds of men on film.
“Estelle”…I fucking flat lined to “Boss Hogg and Walter Mattheau
Jake Cruise IMO is the ultimate hard on killer. The few guys I know that like Jake Cruise look just like him. Upper middle aged, bald, smallish dick with carb heavy diets that rarely go to the gym. Haters start your engines, your opinion is the ONLY one that counts.
I think it’s really fucked up to imply that because Jake Cruise looks the way that he does, that the only way for him to get laid is to pay for it. I think a lot of different men are sexy. I believe on the same day that this article was posted I said Dominic Pacifico was hot. And I’m always talking about Shay Michaels, Chris Daniels and a whole bunch other types. I don’t seek the same kind of man in dating, in the same way that I don’t constantly watch the same type of porn. I’ve done everything from Black Breeders to Fraternity X. Jake Cruise is attractive to me, not because I look like him, (I don’t, I am early 30s and black). But to insist only a certain type of man is attractive to someone else is just as ignorant as anyone saying that because you like the same sex, you don’t deserve basic human rights. Different strokes for different folks. Not the same stroke for everyone. That’s stupid, reductive and most of all: boring!
DD it’s more that he gets these particular guys because of the money he offers them, I’m sure plenty of guys find him sexy and he gets no shortage of offers.
I hope I’ll be rich when I’m old so I can pick and choose my fuck toys.
There goes my lunch..! BARF! BARF! BARF!
If you look at the pictures, especially from the scenes he did for Cocksure Men, you may wonder why a hunk like this is allowed to wander around freely and be in a scene with Jake while the idiot(s) responsible for casting at Raging Stallion/Falcon hire a cardboard box like Paddy O’Brian as an exclusive. Even in the few pics I have seen he seems to be more passionate and more into his partners than Paddy has been in all his scenes put together.
I want to see some pics of JC as a young guy. He’s good-looking now and I’m sure he was cute then.
(lol at me leaving a nice comment)
Oh and the pictures are great
I think Jake is Hot #jealous
His eyes are closed and a piece of his soul is dying.
I love this post! LOL.
I’m in the minority probably. I think JC is a sexy mature man. And I’m not a hater, I’m jealous! Plus not all young hot guys only fuck with other young hot guys……..some like us older mature men better. I say go for it Jake. Fuck ’em all! :D
He’s not bad looking especially since he lost the weight, he just needs to lose the smug, shit eating grin he has in all the videos. Most of them probably wouldn’t give him a second look if he didn’t bring his wallet out, but they agree to it so half his luck and yes I’m fucking jealous.
You must look like him that’s why u’re making this comment..LMFAO
Well, let’s see. I’m in my 50’s, I have more hair, altho I do have a bald spot, and only a few gray hairs. I have a mustache, no goatee, I’m slightly overweight, and have a belly….so yea, I probably do. And I ain’t ashamed of it one little bit. I’ve survived many ups and downs in my life, and still somewhat sane. My life is very happy. And a really cute young guy flirted with me last week. So any attempt to make me feel inferior because of how I look today, does not work. So go ahead and laugh your fat ass off(re: the lmfao) It doesn’t matter to me.
I’m a lot like you although a little younger….. and ok, I have less hair. When I was in my 20s/30s I actually preferred MATURE older men. They we a hell of a lot better in bed and most could get me harder than a rock. And as I have always had steady job and a college degree I really didn’t care about their net worth.
It does bother you “troll” hence your response..once again LMFAO :-))))))))))))))))))
Ignoring the fact that Jake Cruise is there*
I’ve been fantasizing about this guys since queermenow put up the article. and he answers back to people!!
Markus Ruhl
Daniel Marvin
Pedro Andreas
Robin Sanchez
Half of Kristen Bjorn’s stable
Marcel Cruz
Marcelo Maestro
Tiger Tyson
Dante Ferrara (or Escobar) whatever name he’s going by now.
and this is just the porno actors
the list goes on…………………………….
I hate life :(
You think you’re gonna faint? I think I’m gonna throw up.
As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Heard that some of these models enjoy Jake offline.
Still jealous that he penetrated Mike Roberts!
Hold on … oh my God! You’re right! Jake Cruise actually fucked Mike Roberts!! He stuck his thing into … seriously? I need to reevaluate my entire life now.
I think Jake Cruise is hot!
Let’s not kid ourselves into thinking he would be able to score them without paying them.
Exactly. Anyone can pay someone to have sex, film it, then upload it on the internet.
People can say whatever they want to what Jake might do behind the scenes but at this point it is just talk. Repeating that rumor doesn’t prove anything. John you are dead on without money the guys that he has had sex with on cam would laugh in his face. Jake proves the old point that money can buy anything.
Thanks for that, I was going to say the same thing! There’s definitely a market for guys that are older, and not able to hook up with these kinds of dudes (without money or whatever) to fantasize that they can. Jake Cruise is the gay man’s Ron Jeremy, tho slightly more attractive & less hung.