Sean Cody’s Jarek, who became Randy Blue’s Jarec Wentworth in December, has already jumped ship and signed an exclusive deal with Then decided to shoot this interview with their handsome new star in which they ask him how it is working with The best he can say is that they have “some interesting new ways.”
At Randy Blue, Jarec got to fuck Nicco Sky, Colby Keller, and Justin Owen in what was probably his hottest scene for them.
As Queer Me Now reports, he’s going to be in a new scene for called Men For Sale, about sex trafficking, with Jimmy Fanz. It hasn’t been released yet, but here are some teaser images.
In the interview, says he had to “start a whole new image” when he moved from being Jarek to Jarec, but he doesn’t go into any real depth on that because it wasn’t exactly a wholesale makeover.
Then they ask him what he likes about, and he starts to look awkward and then they edit together his answer weirdly so he ends up saying, “I like it,” and “They have some interesting new ways.”
Not satisfied with that, they ask him again what’s different about from Sean Cody or Randy Blue, and he basically skirts the question again.
No one will ever love me
Clearly, J.W. Waxner-Herman and TheSword have no interest in keeping a performer’s real name private.
I am in such shock.. He is my ex husband. We r still legally married. I just found out 2day & I’m grossed out. I have nothing against gays lesbians but it’s jus shocking that my ex husband is doing this. Best of luck 2 him.
Being “still legally married” to one’s “ex husband” is an impossibility.
At worst you are naïve.
anyone know his real name?
I know his real name.
But even though he’s a jerk, I won’t tell.
You can ask that question here because it is evidently the policy of J.W. Waxner-Herman and/or TheSword to approve comments that disclose a performer’s real name.
does anyone on earth know what you’re talking about? or why you keep posting the same comment over and over again from different names? get a grip gurl.
Read the fucking thread, you twit.
@Adam Baran
1) I assume you realize that this blog is about the MEN.COM performer known by the fake name “Jarec Wentworth.”
2) On June 13, 2014 at 7:59, in the comments section, “wlo” asks if anyone knows Jarec Wentworth’s real name.
3) On June 21, 2014 at 12:39 pm, in the comments section, “Unknown” answers by posting Jarec Wentworth’s real name.
4) Is it TheSword’s policy to approve a comment that discloses Jarec Wentworth’s real name?
I didn’t approve that comment, but how are we supposed to know its his real name? do you think we have a handbook with all the real names of porn stars? if that’s his name it looks like some gobbledegook character name from one of the Dune books. just that comment with that weird name was supposed to set off our alarm bells and send us into action? i think you made more sense when you were busy hating trans people!
Even drawing you a picture does no good.
The moderator(s) of this blog are either dense or recalcitrant.
This is proof that it is the policy of J.W. Waxner-Herman and/or TheSword to approve comments that disclose a performer’s real name.
Isn’t it obvious? Sarah Palin is a genius compared to this guy!
Well Sarah Palin is an absolutely bitchy woman but she had education and Jarek well I used to like him then but this interview showed how brainless he is. Lucky for him he’s born with good looks that help him to survive life. And he’s f@cking his gf bareback after his gay porn shoots so goodluck to his future scene partners.
I’m sorry, but guys who make a living fucking other guys and call themselves “straight” are just kidding themselves. They may be bi-sexual but really. Straight?
He has one girlfriend after another, and was even briefly married (to a woman) when he was 18. He’s one of those “bisexual” guys who only has sex with men when there’s money to be made. What’s the difference between that and G4P?
Why are your sorry? Jarec has one girlfriend after another and was even briefly married (to a woman) when he was 18. In his RandyBlue cam profile he claims to be bi, but evidently never has sex with men off camera, which sounds to me like he’s straight and G4P.
Why are you sorry? In Jarec’s Randy Blue cam profile he claims to be bi, but evidently he never has sex with men off camera. He has one girlfriend after another and was briefly married (to a woman) when he was 18. So he’s evidently straight and G4P.
What I remember he’s former job was a house painter, maybe he’s not that really educated at all as we know straight guy doesnt wanna read or study less than having sex with his woman or to any sluts. So the advantages of Jarek are he’s an American, he’s undoubtedly HANDSOME and SEXY, he’s tall and maybe a really f@cking machine on and off camera.
@Jay, RB and MEN pay $2500 per movie? Wow, I didn’t know actors were still making that much per scene. No wonder the number of gay4pay actors is multiplying if they can make that kind of money.
@pornbit A more typical fee would be around $1000 per movie.
But RB and SC pay more, and I think the reason is that neither RB nor SC promise to hire you for future movies. The 90-day “exclusivity” agreements they want you to sign are really nothing more than non-compete agreements; i.e., they pay you a few hundred bucks if you agree not to work for a competitor for 90 days, but they don’t promise to hire you for any movies during that period.
I’m not really sure that MEN is paying Jarec $2500 per movie. It might be less. But with MEN, he has a guarantee of 24 movies over 12 months; with RB, he had no promise of any future movies.
The rumor I’ve heard from people who’ve worked with Jarec is that he’s difficult to work with. MEN could still drop him if he pisses them off.
The way RB works, everyone gets paid $1500 for their first/only scene, which is a solo. After that if you want to continue with the company, and if you’re not so weird or difficult during your solo shoot, they’ll film you for a duo scene. For duo scenes you get paid $2000 to top and $2500 to bottom. HOWEVER, because RB also offers webcamming, they pay an extra $500 to the models IF they meet a certain amount in webcamming sales. I can’t remember how much the requirement is. I’m not 100% sure if that extra $500 rule is written in stone. Some models could very well get the extra $500 without having to meet the webcamming requirements.
RB is good if you are someone who doesn’t want to become a full-time pornstar, since filming is sporadic. You could be filming once a month or more, then find yourself in a middle of a drought, not having filmed a scene in months.
The rise in the number of str8t guys wanting to get paid for doing gay porn, coupled with the rise in the number of gay porn sites competing for subscription dollars, has already lowered the fees.
In 2009, Sean Cody paid $3000 for your first duo, $3500 for the 2nd, $4000 for the 3rd, $4500 for the 4th, and $5000 for each subsequent duo. And Zeb Atlas was getting as much as $10,000 per movie. Now he gets $1000.
Fine with me, Marys, then why the fuck agree to an interview and ruin it for all of us?
@LaToya Caprice I doubt that Jarec was consulted. Jarec isn’t running the show. It was not necessary for Jarec to “agree” to do the interview. MEN arranged the interview, and Jarec did the interview because MEN told him to do it. The interview is simply a promotional stunt to make Jarec fans to become MEN subscribers.
So it only means good looks doesn’t mirror what you have inside your head..
Evidently you don’t understand how porn works. What’s important is that you have a big dick and that you know how to fuck. Everything else is incidental. Oh, and it’s best if you don’t speak (see Paddy O’Brien.)
What if the model is Asian definitely we dont have a penis as large as black and white guys and if we’re virgin and bottom only how could we know how to f@ck that’s a Top’s job right?
He certainly doesn’t come across as being particularly charismatic, insightful, thoughtful, or well spoken.
I mean, in terms of his personality, charm, or having really anything to say about anything at all, I give him like a 2 on a scale of 1 – 10. I think that’s even lower than that notorious straight guy Johnny Rapid.
If he is serious about branching out, he will really need a media person to coach him because vapid, meaningless interviews like this will not get him very far.
I agree, and i find it interesting how standoffish he was. When you see him in his SC videos, both the sex and the behind the scenes, he comes off very personable with a kind of goofy personality. Not sure what his deal is. He declined to do an interview with str8upgayporn which asked way more interesting questions than this video.
It wasn’t up to Jarec. The interview was arranged by and for MEN to introduce their new performer, Jarec. And MEN, not Jarec, determined which questions the interviewer could ask.
Zach at str8upgayporn will NEVER get an interview Jarec, no matter what questions he asks.
In the 2nd photo there are 3 views of Jarec. In the middle view, where he has “MEN FOR SALE” across his chest, he reminds me of Michael Lucas.
Give him a break.
The interview was arranged by MEN, not Jarec. And the purpose of the interview was to introduce Jarec as a new MEN performer, not to promote Jarec’s interests.
Jarec obviously didn’t even want to do the interview. He did it simply because MEN told him to do it.
Men is porn by the numbers and their only strength is that they release a new scene everyday. I was a big fan when it first came out, but now I am only there to see Johnny Rapid and that is not even a strong enough pull for me… ewwwww dude needs to get with Corbin Fisher or Bel Ami or Sean Cody desperately needs him back :-)
It seems like is a dumping group tired pornstar. He definitely went down a notch when signing w/ Most of the scenes they produce are boring. No passion.
My bad, Dumping Ground.
“In the interview, says he had to “start a whole new image” when he moved from being Jarek to Jarec, but he doesn’t go into any real depth on that because it wasn’t exactly a wholesale makeover.”
Jarec sure does a lot of hand waving in his vague explanation. I doubt that Randy Blue required him to “start a whole new image.”
On SeanCody, Jarek was top only in the beginning, but eventually did several bottoming and flip-flop scenes. In his last SeanCody movie, “Stu and Jarek”, Jarek bottomed and really seemed to enjoy it.
But at Randy Blue, Jarec was top only.
I think what Jarec really means is that HE himself wanted to change his “image” from versatile to top only, which is really just a pretentious way of saying he didn’t want to bottom anymore. Sources at MEN say that MEN offered him a contract to do 30 movies over 12 months, with bottoming in the last 6 movies. But Jarec insisted that his new “image” is top only. So MEN cut him back to 24 movies, with no bottoming.
He looks prettier than when he was at SC….I still prefer the vids he did there
…what’s his appeal?
I think he’s very handsome.
He has a nice body, a shlong and he is straight, so he does what he does only for money: No plasure… A handsome straight male whore who is a fuck machine. This is his appeal.
I liked his stint at RB but I don’t know if he can top what he did at SC for me. His scene with Ryan may be one of the hottest SC has ever produced and Ryan (Colt Rivers) just seems to be getting better and better. Let’s hope MEN can bring out the best in Jarec
lol that’s funny I hardly noticed until you mentioned it. Well from my resources at RB he was difficult to work with and full of demands. My guess is this “image” that he was trying to start after SC was probably trying to convert himself into a brand. It’s not working so well that he is no longer working with RB, who is one of the most well-paying studios currently out there, to go to, one of the lowest paying. If he’s an exclusive, at least he’s guaranteed 3 scenes a month.
Being an “exclusive” doesn’t necessarily guarantee you any movies (“scenes”). It often means nothing more than that in exchange for a few hundred dollars, you agree not to work for any competitor for the exclusivity period, which is typically 90 days. That is the type of exclusivity agreement offered by Sean Cody and Randy Blue. In California, exclusivity agreements are unenforceable; no one can force you to agree not to work for a competitor or make such an agreement a condition of employment. If the actor violates the agreement, the worst that could happen, legally, is that he might have to return the consideration he was paid for the agreement.
My sources at RB tell me Jarec was getting $2500 per movie.
Jarec had no agent when he worked for SC and RB.
My sources at MEN tell me that Jarec is now repped by Howard Andrew, owner of Fabscout. Howard negotiated Jarec’s contract with MEN. The original deal was 30 movies over 12 months, with bottoming in 6 of those 30 movies. But Jarec insisted that his new image is top only. So MEN cut him back to 24 movies, with no bottoming. Apparently Howard got Jarec a per movie fee that is a couple hundred dollars more than RB paid him. But now Jarec has to pay Howard a commission, which I think to 10 to 15%, so Jarec probably nets about the same at he was getting from RB.
Jarec shot his first MEN movie in New York around April 29. On that day, in Jarec’s Facebook timeline, (1) Howard Andrew of Fabscout announced that Jarec’s scene partner was Jimmy Fanz (who is also repped by Fabscout and is a MEN actor) and (2) Jarec posted a photo of himself taken on a break from the shoot.
That is some cool info you posted. Thank you for sharing.
Is it just me or does Jarec appear to have done some “manscaping?”