In particular, Easter Sunday, when he was solely responsible for luring a gaggle of allededly drop-dead gorgeous, allegedly straight Marines — who were on vacay from the base in 29 Palms — back to Bobby Trendy‘s suite at the Wyndham, plied them with alcohol and drugs and convinced several of them to start doing porn.
The weekend began blandly enough, with Jason feeling a bit parenthetically insecure about appearing at big gatherings:
(I prefer it more intimate so I don’t get insecure or have to feel like I have to be “on” or whatever the stupidity that runs through my head among crowds makes me insist I need some kind of mental preparation or running head start to face them in a voice mimicking Liza Minnelli. Listen, it’s a job. I can’t just BE me, it must require some kind of work, no?!)
The White Party itself, as we could clearly see, was a bust. But Jason’s weekend ended with him triumphantly (and drunkenly) chatting up a bunch of would-be gay-for-pay stars who single-handedly saved the day for his friends and countrymen:
And so just like the marines saved them from the pirates last week, so they also saved me. We all proceeded to get incredibly fucked up between the hours of noon and midnight and the two hottest are, of course, interested in getting into porn after they heard the kind of money they could make and after I got them a little more… “comfortable” with the idea following some experimentation. ;-) … I think the most gratifying thing was how happy they were. These are guys who have never been taken care of like we took care of them.… [And] after all, how many stories like these have you heard from me over the past 10 years? And how many times have they happened to you?
My life….. is amazing. What did I ever do to deserve it?
All you did was simply BE you, Jason darling — and we know, you’re still not a racehorse.
Jason Curious’ Little Earthquake
Reality Bad-Tastemaker Bobby Trendy Wants His Own Reality Show
Jason Curious Escapes from Promises
Jason Sechrest and Angel Benton Hate Each Other Now
Blacked Out Jason Curious Cheered By Foibles of Drunken Dwarf
Just When I Thought White Party Was A Bust… The Straight Marines Saved Me From The Butt Pirates (Jason Curious)
Whoever wrote this…. that mention at the end….. actually very sweet. Never thought of it that way. Thank you. ;-)
The ‘Marines’ probably woke up the next day, hungover, looked at each other and said, “Dude. Who were those two weird wasted chicks who kept touching our cocks and talking about Anna Nicole and Liza Minnelli?”
I would have to question the definition of “marines” in any story written by Jason Sechrest. Jason darling, just because they were wearing dog tags and camouflage underwear at The White Party doesn’t mean they were Marines. And just because they let you suck their dick sin exchange for drugs doesn’t mean they will do porn. It just means you and Bobby Trendy got drunk and high and blew a bunch of free loading hookers in bad underwear. If to you that means you live a fabulous life, please, call Rod Barry and get to an AA Meeting immediately! And take Bobby Trendy with you, that is, if you can find her.
Those boys must’ve been completely wasted drunk and usually Marines can drink.
Well said, Cass.
The idea of Jason and Bobby Trendy sucking off straight men is enough to turn me off straight men.
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