The dulcet-toned Angel Benton initiated the volley, tugging on La Curiosity’s pig-tails in a stinging Live Journal indictment pulled from an OK! Magazine guide on “How to Spot a Frenemy.” It included the following charges against Jason:
- He talks smack behind your back,
- He’s got a serious case of the “ME, ME, MEs.”
- He – GASP! – tries to steal your love interest.
- He breaks the cardinal rule of friendship and ditches you for a boyfriend.
- He’s “Single White Female.”
- You’re suddenly the competition.
That’s quite a little “rawr” there, Angel. You’ve whipped out your cat claws, but Jason, as he demonstrated with his get-up at the CyberSocket Awards, is a short-sleeved silk tiger. His charges against Angel, which he published late last week as “How to Spot a Crazy Person” are a bit harsh. Among them:
- He’s got a serious case of the YOU, YOU, YOU’S. He goes above and beyond to help you with your problems because he’s too afraid to fix his own.
- He never chooses happiness and thrives on his misery.
- He puts himself in places where he doesn’t fit in, only so that he can fail and perpetuate his own misery.
- He is stuck in his past and emulates himself at 15 years old.
- His “love interest” tells him repeatedly he’s not interested, but he remains certain that this will change.
- He refuses to seek therapy even after he is told he has mental problems.
And then, a doozy:
[Angel] is old enough to have a child in his teens but remains a virgin, waiting for that “special moment.”
We asked La Curiousity why the low blow. She told us emphatically, “I’m not a villian! …I’m just vaudevillian!” NYUK.
But could it really be that the fuck-cherub of gay porn public relations is a virgin? We’ll believe this incendiary charge, Jason, just as soon as you post a picture of Angel’s hymen, intact.
Jason Curious Escapes from Promises
Jason Curious VS. Jason Ridge?
Jason Curious’s Little Earthquakes
Happy Birthday Jeremy Hall
How To Spot A Frenemy (Angel Benton LiveJournal)
How To Spot A Crazy Person (Jason Curious Newsdesk)
Who really cares?
This is the best The Sword can do?
I am close to and can honestly say I love both dearly; unfortunately because of this feud I’ve gotten closer to one over the other at a time in my life when I was starting to develop friendships with both. They’re both wonderful people and Jason includes in his retort (as omitted by this article):
“The sad thing is… he’s a nice guy. I miss him and his big bucket of crazy no matter how much of a battle our friendship may have been. I hope he finds happiness.”
I would never call Angel crazy or question his motives but he is entitled to his feelings and Jason his. I truly hope that they will eventually end this feud and at least start to build a friendship a quarter as close as they once had. This article is trying to stir the pot a bit and as the first poster mentioned revealed NOTHING new and scandalous as it apparently tried to.
Angel is so annoying in his interviews. Jason is ten times as good in just about every category.
Knowing Jason ans one of my closest and dearest friends, I know that honestly He wants Angel to be happy and that he misses him. We all have those times where we expierence a strain in a friendship… It has happened between me and my closest of friends, usually over something petty… So is life, I hope they are able to resolve this. Angel is a great guy and Jason, again is one of my closest of friends, so I personally hate to see disagreements between friends, but again, they happen.
Whoever Jasons blog is about (it doesnt say) he doesnt hate him. He says he wants him to be happy and misses him.
Curiosity killed the cat, but a double whopper with cheese and a tab of ecstasy brought it back.
angel has talked about being a virgin on his blog openly for yeras