Just kidding.
While Jennifer Love Hewitt is a fan of decorating her vagina with Swarovski crystals, her recent meeting with Brent had nothing to do with that. It was for that charity bingo event in WeHo I told you about last week, and the Garfield: A Tail Of Two Kitties star was on hand to lend her support.
The event was held to raise funds for Judas Kiss, an upcoming indie film starring Brent, and it turns out J-Love has just as much appreciation for his adult work as she does faith in his mainstream stardom:
Knowing her place in West Hollywood, at a gay bingo game raising money for a gay independent film, [Hewitt] stepped up to the plate and bought a handful of Brent Corrigan’s best projects ever released. Yes, that Jennifer Love Hewitt. She took one for the team. I sure hope her homo’s are proud. Cuz you know she’s got ‘em! And I sure hope they enjoy the DVD’s. Or she does. I guess we shall never know. Though, we wouldn’t fault Miss Love if she did get a little curious and popped one in her DVD player one afternoon, now would we?
I don’t want to think about Jennifer Love Hewitt masturbating, but it’s worth noting that she used to date John Mayer, who has allegedly singled out Brent Corrigan as his favorite gay porn star. Coincidence???
[Brent Corrigan: Why We Need To Do It For Ourselves. And Bingo.]
Hey now, Jennifer looks mighty pretty, too!
Botox isn’t necessary at 23 years old. He sure doesn’t need it and it doesn’t look like he’s had any. He’s prettier than her because you’re gay and this is a gay porn website. Even with the hair slicked back I think this is probably the most masculine I’ve seen him ever. I don’t care if he has to powder his face to cover whatever imperfections that may appear there either. I think we’ve come to expect it from the entertainment world and even our male adult performers. So what!
@Legend: I’ve always been a big defender of MIchael Lucas, but I saw him in CVS the other day, and something looks very odd about his face now, maybe it is Botox.
He is prettier than her. Wow!
If he started getting Botox, he’d start looking like Michael Lucas.
That’s a warning, btw.