jessie colter

Jessie Colter Reveals He’s Been Diagnosed With An “Incurable Kind Of Brain Cancer”

Famous porn model Jessie Colter is opening up to his followers about a recent life-changing diagnosis. The model revealed on his Instagram this afternoon that he was “diagnosed with an incurable kind of brain cancer” on Valentine’s Day.

The 38-year-old asked his followers to not directly message him or anyone in his family about the news. “I will reach out to you if I so choose,” wrote Colter.  He also said in the post how difficult it was for him to come out with this news. He talks about struggling with when it was appropriate to share his diagnosis since he didn’t want to “diminish the good times,” but later realized “that there is never a good time.”

He ended the post on an uplifting and positive note.

“I plan on having more birthdays to celebrate as well as other joyous occasions that I very much look forward to,” wrote the star. “Just know that I am OK. I am not scared. I am not sad. I’m just doing my best with what I’ve got left. That’s all we can do. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I love you all.”

Read his entire statement below:

Our hearts and prayers are will Jessie and his family during this difficult time.



6 thoughts on “Jessie Colter Reveals He’s Been Diagnosed With An “Incurable Kind Of Brain Cancer””

  1. Wow, after all thee years of bullying you Jessie I am sorry. I’ve always been as the joker to batman, but today I am sad at this news. I guess this is how arch enemies end up having to part ways.

  2. I love that he is keeping a positive idea during this situation and I wish him and his family the best.

  3. I understand his desire for some privacy. I felt the same way in 1984 when I was told I had AIDS, and had about a year left to live. He needs time alone to process this information.

  4. Love everyday as it is your first not your last and live in the now for the past cannot be changed and the future is not yet unveiled. Live in the now and be conscious of the now you are alive and that within itself it’s amazing

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