Carrey said, and we quote: “[It was] a dream come true. I mean, look at the guy.”
McGregor, being less disingenuous but even more predictably modern and PC, said it was all part of the craft.
“It’s the same as playing any other kind of man, any other kind of character,” said McGregor, saying there was nothing awkward in their kissing and cuddling scenes.
Anyway, *yawn*. But after seeing the Versace-laden trailer, we’re looking forward to the film. But not as much as we’re looking forward to the inevitable porn version, I Fucked You, Philip Morris — or, perhaps more romantically, I Made Love to You Philip Morris and Then You Blew Me.
In other news, in promotion of his film Yes Man, Carrey recently appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman (re-aired last night) naked in a bathtub with Larry King. Har har. (Fast-forward to end of clip.)
The Sword’s Big Gay Sundance Roundup
Trailer Trash: ‘I Love You Philip Morris’
Trailer Trash: ‘Humpday’
Jim Carrey says kissing Ewan McGregor was ‘a dream come true’ (Celebitchy)
And then there was this charming quote, as reported by The New York Times blog “The Carpetbagger”:
The post-screening Q&A was friendly, except for one righteous dork who said he was impressed by the movie, but wondered what the people involved were “going to do to support the LGBT community.” The directors and the stars looked at each other, wondering who was going to take the bullet and answer the question.
Mr. Carrey stepped tentatively to the mic: “What am I doing for the gay community? Um, loving and tolerating them, I guess.”