In some new behind-the-scenes footage from Randy Blue, Jimmy Fanz fucks around with Kurtis Wolfe, discusses shaving his entire body, and puts Kurtis’s entire foot in his mouth.
This was footage shot during the shoot for this recent scene, in which Kurtis fucked Jimmy long and hard and as they show him, collapsed and slung over an arm of that couch, Jimmy looks like he nearly had the life fucked out of him.
Randy Blue’s Evil Jeff says they enjoy Jimmy’s antics, but when it comes to Jimmy trying to “turn his butthole inside out” and show them his post-fucking rosebud, they don’t want to see it. Then he does the foot-in-mouth trick with Kurtis’s foot.
Then he almost gets fired, or at least Evil Jeff says, “You’re fired,” after he apparently pooped out a little Santorum or something the video does not show it, but he was doing a lot of playing with his ass, and the video cuts back in with Evil Jeff having run out of the room and Jimmy looking around on the carpet, saying, “I wanna see it.”
Then! Jimmy takes the camera and interviews Kurtis, and ends up asking him what kind of ice cream he’d rather eat out of his ass.
So, yes, Jimmy’s really into feet. And his own ass.
Now, here’s the scene they shot.
Yep. Balls deep.
[Randy Blue: Jimmy Fanz Takes Kurtis Wolfe Balls Deep]
[Redtube via QueerMeNow]
Jimmy seems pretty endearing to me.
It’s kinda disgusting to take that foot inside your mouth it’s was like cock dirty and maybe has a fungi.
Both guys are hot. I just can’t get into feet. When you see how some people’s feet are dirty and nasty who would want that in their mouth?
What kind of an idiot would want to shave all of Jimmy’s body hair?
Seriously. The body hair is like 2/3 of his appeal.
lol I thought it was hilarious, and was told about his antics by a good number of models. And yes he pooped out lots of lube out of his ass. this shouldn’t be surprising to Evil Jeff considering in Jimmy’s behind the scenes with Abele Jimmy brought up the moment Jeff was going to shave Jimmy’s butthole. Jimmy was still holding in his douche and he asked Jeff if he wanted to release it lol. Jimmy then asked Jeff something like “what would you have done if I let it out while you were shaving me?” lol
I’m really surprised at how grossed out Jeff is about things like that considering he’s more than likely seen and had to go through far worse with his models. Dude is in the wrong industry if he can’t handle a little bit of rosebud and lube leaking out of assholes.