When I met with Jimmy Fanz and Josh Long for breakfast earlier this month, Josh told me that this shoot with MenOnEdge ended with what was the most challenging cum shot of his career. It’s clear why.
The possibly cutest gay porn star of all time explained that having to cum while being suspended midair after being edged for over eight hours was “the hardest cum shot [he] ever had to do,” but being the professional that he is, he of course pulled it off and was able to cum buckets—once he was finally allowed.
So, the next time you think being a gay porn star is easy or glamorous, ask yourself if you could handle being hung upside down with a broom handle in your asshole while two strange men stroke your cock for hours on end without letting you cum.
My hero, Josh Long:
He’s gorgeous
Wow, and people think porn is all pretty faces and easy money….poor guy. So cute though, would love to see him in something less rough.
LOL that Asian guy….”No cum! No cum!”
makes me feel sorry for him, i don t know how people can find this exciting!!
He is SO cute! However, a broom handle and tied to a metal pipe just doesn’t do it for me. To each his own I suppose.
8 Hours!?
Yikes that looks like it hurt.
IDK how the models do it for this site, but it always looks good; I love Josh Long a lot.