[Updated] Justin Bieber Now Being Publicly Humiliated For Having Skinny Arms, Asking To Have His Bulge Photoshopped

That Justin Bieber Calvin Klein shoot that everyone’s been crowing about just got a little juicier as a non-Photoshopped image of the Biebs has leaked showing just how much the CK ad team did to, um, enhance his appearance.

The handsome man-child multimillionaire has already become a nightmare human being, and apparently, according to a tipster to the site BreatheHeavy, he was a nightmare at this photoshoot too. And he had some requests when it came to the retouching.

He was basically a douche. He hit on [one of the female staff] several times and she had to stop him, basically calling him out on being just a child… Bieber specified [he] wanted to look “taller and buff.” Bigger bulge implied.

Right, so, everyone who was rightly surprised at how buff and manly Bieber had become overnight was right to be surprised.


And this does make one wonder if Mark Wahlberg has actually had a tiny package all along.

Also, they Photoshopped more hair onto his abs to make him more manly.


UPDATE: The Biebs’ team is claiming those skinny shots were REVERSE-Photoshopped, that his package is plenty ample, and he’s now threatening to sue that blog BreatheHeavy. Yes, that is how serious this has gotten.

[Breathe Heavy]

42 thoughts on “[Updated] Justin Bieber Now Being Publicly Humiliated For Having Skinny Arms, Asking To Have His Bulge Photoshopped”

  1. I think he’s cute and (several if not all of us) would love to top him, c’mon the looks are angelic and cute, the boy himself oh well….

  2. J.W.. You might want to update this story yet again because BreatheHeavy was forced to issue a public retraction, and a public apology on it’s site and removed the so called “un-retouched” photo which I think even most people who are not experts could point out the obvious bad photo shop job.. As well several experts have made public comments on several sites saying the “un-retouched” was a lousy attempt at photoshopping to begin with. It looks like the original CK photo and videos are the real deal. I always knew Justin Bieber was packing, but I had no idea it would upset some people this much who want to see him taken down a notch or two.. Since when has penis size ever been determined by what height you are anyway? I mean are plenty of guys who are shorter that have big dicks too and guys that are tall that have small dicks. Anyway we all know there are two types of guys who are either “growers” or “showers”, and you can’t be totally sure what size a dick can grow to while it’s in flaccid state either.

  3. i do not care for his music nor his personality but as far as looks are concerned he is just DIVINE!!!!!!!! and NO he does need to beef or bulge up, he’s as perfect as can be, the more i see of him the more i get hooked on him

  4. I think I’ll have my personal photos photoshopped too..
    Actually. Lately CKs have become really lousy tailored. after my own experience. You actually would have to get your package photo-fixed, even if you’re really well endowed. Your package is so terribly squeezed in the latest pairs that you’d look like you’ve been castrated.

  5. Now, you queens don’t lie! If Justin Bieber told any of y’all he’d like to fuck you, you’d be on your back, with your ankles in the air, in a hurry!

    1. Not wanting to be a hater toward anyone, but I honestly would not be on my back with my ankles in the air. I need a man, and he’s just too much of a boy.

  6. I don’t know which is worse the self centered jerk that so many say Justin has become or the obvious jealousy and hate so many seem to have for him.

    1. According to sources which have come forward on other sites who were involved with the CK shoot, the “original” photos showed too much visible penis line and had to be retouched or downplayed in order for it to pass standards that would allow them to be placed as print ads in major fashion magazines such as Vogue or Harper’s Bazzar and billboards. But this something that is common I would assume because a bulge is one thing but a visible penis line is something else quite entirely. You can’t show a visible penis line in major mainstream magazine print ads because of standards and censors not to mention the uproar that would result from customers. I would love to hear some fashion photographers explain why this is done and what consequences there would be if it happened to get published in major print ads. I am assuming fines from local or state government obscenity laws for starters. There is a big difference on what is allowed to be in major magazine ads from advertisers such as CK even with their underwear ads and a company such as Andrew Christian where some of it’s underwear ads leave nothing to the imagination, those types of ads would never be allowed to pass as print ads in major mainstream magazine and are confined to adult sites. A better question to ask is why is the penis so taboo in American culture? Other countries are not so uptight.

  7. Doesn’t anyone else think the tats are ugly? I know they are stylish these days, but they look like convicts used to look. He was good looking once, but he destroyed it in my book.

  8. Okay guys I’m coming to Justin`s defense I think the so called leaked photo have been photo shopped as well. Look at the pic of Justin with the girl closely she has two different hands one is much larger than the other and she’s a brunette and the girl in the actual CK ad is a blonde. I’m sure he’s not as buff, tan or sports a big package like he seems but that is what CK ads look like there’s a difference between photo shopping and air brushing to make a body look harder.

    1. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of pics/videos taken of him over the last few years by paparazzi or fans or that he uploaded himself online that show him buff and many of those have been in major mainstream magazines and major sites to disprove any claims that he is not buff. New shirtless pictures of Justin Bieber is a weekly event and most of the time he posts them as selfies on Instagram or Shots. As for his bulge well there is plenty of photos and videos that show it.. Check out this one from YouTube where he obviously is not wearing any underwear underneath his sweats and his dick is swinging. It’s even in slow motion. It looks like a thick one to me.

  9. You don’t have to be a expert in photoshopping to realize it is the 2nd photo in particular that is photoshopped and not the original.. Several things are glaring, among them the quality of the 2nd supposedly unretouched photo, the shadowing around his neck area in the 2nd photo is different than the first.. Then there is the glaring difference between the 2nd photo missing the creases of the original right around the side of his thigh area on his underwear. If there was ever a instance of obvious photoshopping it is with the 2nd photo. As well I have heard from photographers stating a cup is usually worn underneath underwear during photo shoots so that a visible penis line is not apparent, the reasoning behind that is so it will pass approval to placed in major magazine print ads. Don’t confuse major underwear companies ads with those of say Andrew Christian ads which leave nothing to the imagination and would never appear in fashion magazines such as Vogue due to it being too vulgar. All of this make believe controversy will be cleared up soon as fashion photographers come forth to explain why they have to do it this way in order to get into print ads and on billboards. Much ado about nothing. There are plenty of pics/videos of Justin Bieber bulging out on the beach and on concert stages with his underwear showing that proves he has nothing to be ashamed of. There got to be a reason why Selena Gomez goes crawling back to him over and over again.

    1. Hey, don’t blame America for this mess. He’s not ours, and we tried to return him to Canada in 2010. Our only mistake was staking it on a hockey game.

  10. Hahaha, Justin Bieber has got to be the biggest try hard loser next to Miley Cyrus. This is all about him being deadly embarrassed of his do-Gooder image of boyhood he has to reinvent himself as hardcore gangsta biebs sadly it just comes across as so poser like. There is nothing hard-ass or remotely sexy about this gangly, gnarly, scrawny brat. And his ass is just as flat as Miley Cyrus. He is about as sexy as Miley Cyrus. Ew.

    1. So true. I think he will disappear soon because the only stuff he has to offer is his youth and when it’ll come to an end the fans, the ‘industry’ will find another Bieber to idolise and to dig a profit.

  11. Several websites have reported this story is fake and the real calvin photo is reverse-photoshopped to make him look skinnier and create a fake news story. Still doesn’t take away from his douch-a-tude, but still.

    1. Not only that but it is probably common practice for a cup to be worn underneath underwear when major fashion shoots are done so that a visible penis line is not glaringly apparent which would be offensive to some and which would prevent the ads from appearing in major fashion magazines such as Harpers or Vogue.. As for that so called “round bulge” that is causing some fools to lose their shit.. It was also apparent with David Beckam’s underwear ads as well. Here is a link to one such example of another “round” bulge this time belonging to David Beckam modeling Armani underwear then compare it to the one with Justin Bieber above and you will see a similarity.. It’s obvious a cup or jock is being worn with both David and Justin underneath the underwear. Then again male bulges are always something that has to be hidden or downplayed in tv shows and movies and in major print ads so it can get past the censors.. Just like they had to hide Superman and Spiderman bulges in the movies so that it could get past censors and not upset soccer moms and young children in the movie theatre.


  12. Okay, is Justin Bieber so scary talented that he can now afford his own private jet? If this trashy punk actually had muscles or a sizable dick he’d be slamming us with selfies non-stop. I’m not jealous much.

    1. His private jet was debunked as a fake by TMZ. He didn’t own it, and he has a habit of taking pics next to ridiculously priced items hinting that he owns it when he does not.

  13. I’ve never liked Mark Wahlberg and I never thought he was good looking and now I know why… he is a huge POS! When he was a teenager he called an Asian guy a racist name and attacked him causing him to go blind, and now he wants to be pardoned for it. The bastard should have ended up in jail and rotted there.
    After seeing pics and vids of Justin Bieber in his underwear, he used to be basically flat in the bulge department. He’s probably wearing a dick sheath or something in that first pic to enhance what little he has. I don’t think he started puberty naturally. I think he forced it by taking steroids… just a hunch.

      1. The claim that he was blinded in the attack is false. The victim lost his eye fighting alongside US forces in Vietnam. (Part of the reason he got to the United States.)

        But for Mark to file for a pardon from the legal system while never, NEVER having even sought forgiveness from his victims (yes victims, there were 2 that night) is reprehensible.

        He didn’t blind his victim, but he remains a POS.

    1. Apparently reports are saying the Asian guy himself said he was already blind in one eye, and that Mark Wahlberg has never reached out to him.

      And that’s not all, Mark also terrorized a few black kids as well. As hot as he is, he is fucking scum down to the core, no matter if he has turned his life around. And the only reason he wants to clear his name now more than ever is definitely NOT because he feels he’s repented, but so he can get permits to open up his shitty Wahlbergers franchises in certain states.

      I’ll take his brother Donnie over him any day. I actually find Donnie hotter than Mark! :)

      1. Sxg, the only true “scum down to the core” around here is you that spends his whole life on porn blogs commenting rudely. Mark Wahlberg is an actual success that did something with his life. Maybe when you get over your jealousy and porn addiction you should try that out.

  14. I know many people drool over Biebs, but he’s just not my idea of a stud. Those of you who enjoy him, have fun fantasizing! The shopping just makes it more enjoyable for you!!

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