Though her Bravo show probably peaked for us with the GayVN Awards episode in 2007, her standup storytelling can still get us on a laff-roll if the moment’s right. In the interview, conducted by John Russell, Kathy talks about how much CNN and Anderson Cooper love her now, how the next season of D-List is going to be a little more talk-showy, and about how she still finds herself confused by gay lingo despite being surrounded so often by gays:
Do the unshockable gays ever shock you?
Oh, are you kidding? They live for it. There are expressions to this day, I don’t really know what they mean. I was having a conversation with a friend of mine two days ago, and this was the two of us, literally sitting in the living room of my house saying, ‘Well, exactly what is a sloppy pig bottom?’ And my friend who is gay was like, ‘Well I’m pretty sure it’s a guy who gets fucked up the ass, but you know, he does it in a really sloppy way.’ And I was saying, ‘Well, define sloppy.” So yes, there are many of my gay friends that use expressions that are so shocking that I think they’re trying to fool me into thinking that they know what they mean. And I still don’t really know what a daisy chain is.
The best take-away from the interview, though is the idea of reaching a “gay ceiling:”
Have you ever been in one of those situations with like, a gaggle of gays, and the wit and the pithiness and the clever bitchiness is just too much?
You mean, have I reached my gay ceiling? Oh yeah. I have gay friends that make jokes about how they can’t stand the gays and they want to go gay bashing. But yeah, every so often one of my gay friends will turn to me and say, “Oh God, have you reached your gay ceiling?” And I’ll be like, ”As if you didn’t ten minutes ago.”
We’re totally going to start popularizing that term right now. Today. Because we reached our gay ceiling ten years ago.
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I Love My Gays (HX)