Blond and handsome Kelly Evans matches up perfectly with dark haired and stubble-bearded Brogan Reed in this new MEN scene.
Two very different looking but hot guys with Irish names star in the finale (?) of’s Sexual Procurer.
In the scene, tech CEO Kelly Evans (below right) is under so much pressure at work that he calls in Brogan Reed (left) to relieve the tension.
That’s exactly what Brogan does, too!
Get your first look below at this Marc MacNamara-filmed scene below. You can then sign up for more MEN for only 15 bucks a month.

I was looking forward to this scene because of newcomer Kelly Evans, but it didn’t live up to the hype. He’s supposed to be the CEO of a tech company, but it looks like he was dressed by a near-blind lesbian. Brogan is supposed to cater to high-class clients: does he look the part? I enjoy sex scenes with a theme and dialogue, but the producers have to at least make an effort for it to work.