As charming as he is sexy, Kennedy Carter is the rare porn star triple threat: He’s undeniably attractive, turns in scorching performance after scorching performance, and he’s arguably the nicest person (porn star or non-porn star) I’ve ever met. The British bad boy (note to Kennedy: if you’re ever looking to gain legal residency in the U.S., I will marry you) took some time out of his daily routine of being hot and smart to answer a few questions about his personal life, his career, and more.
The Sword: How did you first get into porn and what was your first scene or movie?
Kennedy Carter: I got into porn when I started university; I had left a pretty well paying job and was freaking out about living on a student loan. So I thought about jobs that would give me lots of time to study and still pay good money. I was a shit bank robber, so I went for porn. My first scene was with Cazzo in Berlin. I was kinda lucky in that the other guy I was shooting with had never done porn either, so it just felt really natural and easy. And he had a massive dick, so that helped.
Did you have expectations before getting into the industry? What were they?
I think I maybe had some slightly negative expectations, that have definitely been confounded. I worried the directors would be pushy and, dare I say it, a bit sleazy, but everyone is totally professional and lovely. I feel more comfortable with no clothes on around [director] Tony DiMarco than I do with most guys I date. I think I also expected a lot of egos among the actors, but 95% of the people that I have worked with have been brilliant. I was really nervous about working with Kyle King as he was the first really famous American porn star I filmed with, and I was taken aback at how sweet, humble, and affectionate he was.
You’re a Raging Stallion exclusive, but you live all the way in London. What do you do with your spare time?
I’m at university here, so that takes up most of my time. I work out a lot and go to gigs and clubs sometimes when the DJ is good, and generally just enjoy being in this amazing city with all my non-porn friends.
What are you studying?
My degree is in Hispanic Studies: I am learning Spanish, and Portuguese since I started my second year, plus I do a lot of Iberian and Latin American history and literature.
Does being a porn star make it harder or easier to date people? If so, why?
I think so, yes. The more porn I do the less I look for random hook-ups and more for something more meaningful, because in essence my job is to have sex with people I have just met, so I want something different in my personal life. But while it’s very easy to find someone who wants to fuck a porn star, it’s harder to find someone who wants to date you. I think the assumption is that if you do porn you are a complete sex maniac and maybe not the most intellectual or ambitious person. It’s an unfortunate stereotype and one I think is completely wrong, but it does exist.
And you actually dated a fellow porn star for a while. What were the pluses and minuses to that?
I guess the biggest plus is just a better understanding of the industry and what it means for your relationship; that you are having sex with other people but it’s just your job. On the other hand, I imagine it can be hard when two people in the same profession date–whatever the profession–as there is naturally an element of competition.
You’ve become really good friends with Chris Porter, and one of your first scenes with Raging was with him. What was that like?
Shooting the scene in Don’t Ask, Just Fuck was really fun, we clicked straightaway. We have the same sense of humor, we listen to a lot of the same music, we are both a similar age. The scene went really well but I have to admit I find it hard to watch now. It got so many amazing reviews, I had to check it out. But it just felt so weird watching me cum on his face. Like, that’s my little bro, don’t do that!
And how about your scene in Golden Gate with D.O.? What was that like? I met him once and he’s as gorgeous in person as he is on camera, isn’t he?
Yes, he is a very beautiful man, we were filming in the street and he definitely had everyone’s full attention!
I bet. You might expect him to be a diva, but he’s not. But is it OK to be a bit of a diva if you’re hot?
I really don’t think there is ever a justification to act like an asshole, no matter what you look like or how successful you are, as there is always someone cuter and more talented right behind you coming to take your spot; I think most of any success in porn has come from being a nice guy. With regards to D.O., I don’t think he came across as a diva in the slightest, he was very professional and knew exactly what he was doing, but he was very sweet, too.
You have a reputation for being kind of wild, but yet you’re responsibly keeping up with your studies and working a lot. Is it hard to balance your “real” life and your porn life? Or do you even make an effort to divide the two?
I don’t know if I would divide it between my porn life and my ‘normal’ life, it’s more a divide between school time and not. Whenever I’m shooting it’s in San Francisco, so I’m away from home, away from the pressures of school, in a great country – I think to me it always feels kinda like a holiday just to be away from London, even though I’m doing my job there. When I’m in London I can go for weeks without going out or drinking as I’m concentrating on school, so it’s nice to be able to go out with friends I see rarely in San Francisco and go for a few drinks.
Did my reputation for being wild come from Dore Alley? I’m sure you have a big box marked Exhibit A with many photos of me with Ke$ha tattoos scrawled on me (blame Chris Porter) and a look of vapid drunkenness on my face, but I was on my best behavior at Folsom! I think a lot of that comes from being a bit shy at times, especially at big public events like that. Maybe I will reinvent myself as a teetotaller. Find Jesus perhaps?
Why do you think people like watching your movies or are fans of yours? Or, have you even thought about it?
Hmm, good question. I think without my Twitter and Facebook I would have literally no clue whether I even had fans or not, but through social media like that you get a lot of feedback from people who are vocal about loving your stuff. I guess with me a part of it comes from the way I look: not many people are pale, and red headed, with so many tattoos. Another part of it I think (or hope) is that people can tell I really love my job, that I really enjoy filming. [Blogger] Jasun Mark, who I love, said on his blog that I have a sort of “hand in the cookie jar” expression that shows how much I love doing scenes. I think that’s a pretty good way of putting it.
What do you think makes a good performance? I mean, how do you know you’ve done a good job when you finish a scene?
I think it’s easy to put a good scene down to a good cum shot, as that is what the whole scene climaxes with, what it builds towards. But I think you have to look at your entire performance. The most important thing is to show how much you are enjoying it. There is nothing less erotic than two guys just going at it like two wooden crash test dummies. I would say I know I have given a good performance if I can see the director has a semi!
Any performer whom you’d like to work with again?
I have worked with Kyle King a couple of times and it’s always so easy to work with him, so I would say him first. Also Wilfried Knight for the all the stupid jokes about the Spice Girls.
Is Kyle your “type”? What do you normally look for in a guy?
Physically I go for lots of different guys, but the one type that will always turn my head is tall, above 35, bearded, muscled, tattooed, Latino, dark or grey hair…that’s actually pretty specific! In terms of personality I like guys who are mature, grounded, but still really goofy and funny. Definitely no Republicans, Scientologists or vegetarians. Ha.
OK, which five porn stars–living or dead–would you like to have an orgy with?
My current obsession is Robert Axel, something about his coloring just makes my nipples sweat. Him five times? The mind boggles. That’s kind of cheating I guess, so I will say Robert with Colton Ford, before he started singing but definitely with the grey hair; Jordano Santoro, for my love of Mexico; Carlos Montenegro, for his very fancy name that makes me think of a high society European count with a penchant for speedboats and expensive callgirls; and Ron Jeremy as a wild card.
Excellent choices all around, especially Ron Jeremy.
What five websites do you visit every day?
DListed because nothing makes me laugh harder than Michael K’s sense of humor. Pop Justice to keep up with lots of good music. YouTube for anything from music videos to cats riding vacuum cleaners. Facebook to see what thrilling facts about her garden my mum has put as her status update. And of course Twitter to tell everyone about my life in minute, exacting, tedious detail. And I know this makes six but my upcoming website, That Kid Kennedy Carter is going to be pretty special!
What music or musicians are you currently listening to?
Argh too many to even start! Tons of stuff from minimal techno to folk, I’m a big music geek. Artists I’m pretty excited about right now are Jessie J, Janelle Monae, Hurts, Superpitcher, and Sebo K.
Alright, before I let you go, tell me about an average day in the life of Kennedy Carter, in less than 100 words.
Get up, eat, be late for college, study, hit the library, hit the gym, home, eat, tweet, jerk off, sleep. Rinse and repeat. Only 23 words! How sad.
One more thing. When are you coming back to San Francisco, and can we please go out and get drunk together when you’re here?
But I thought I was going to reinvent myself as a teetotaller? I get into SFO from LA on the 24th of December and I’m in town until the 8th of January. Whatever The Sword Christmas party you think you have arranged I want postponed until I arrive. Capisce?
Watch Kennedy Carter now in Naked Sword’s Golden Gate!
Communicated with him just before he flew out to the States with a view to getting together when he returns to London. I was starting to have doubts ( just how is an ordinary Joe supposed to go toe-to-toe with such an awesome porn star without feeling embarrased about his trainers?? ) but now his intelligence, charisma, and all-round niceness has intoxicated me and I can’t wait. Hurry home, Kennedy!
Damn guys thanks for all the lovely comments, you just made my night!! :) xxx
I love his foreskin.
And everything else about him.
Seriously, he’s definitely gorgeous and seems like a nice guy. I love this new wave of porn stars who are educated and have something to say. Guys like him and Conner Habib are sexy and smart. We’ve got the best, most interesting group of gay porn stars working now.
Oh please. If you’re walking your dog – please keep your commentary to picking up it’s poop. Not how another might be feeling about anything else. Unless, of course, he was aghast at your pooper-pick-up skills.
Is there no-where where porn stars can just be themselves – without criticism?
I’m deeply disappointed that Kennedy hasn’t been intoxicated by my love for him enough to reply to me with a love-tone in his voice. “dude…………………………………………………..”
Kennedy_Carter: call me: reach out to me: I’m not weird and I know that Zach Sire’s pizza around town series are simply what he couldn’t eat – then he photographed his own left over pizza to stir controversy for his own homeless series. Ahaha
He tries sucking you in like that. Don’t be fooled! Ahaha
Oh wait, that’s not true. He has other ideas with bite marks…….lol
Regardless…Kennedy, I love you and if someday our paths should cross….Then, OMG, it will be one hell of a lunch. I’m buying!!!
I just saw him in Notting Hill while I was walking my dog. He seems annoyed but he had his titties out.
Which pornstar did he date?
Oh Kennedy Carter….I love thee ever soooooooooooooooooooooo. KC make porn fun. KC makes porn sexy. KC is like an aphrodisiac you NEVER want to get rid of. Such a class act this KC is. I’m beyond thrilled with his growing popularity and success. :P
Can’t WAIT to hang out with Kennedy for X-Mas shenanigans!!! :P
He really is gorgeous.
I’ve just surprised myself starting to jerk off while reading an interview…..Guys this awesome should not be allowed to roam freely around the rest of us mortals. It’s just not fair!
He got my vote just for being a real gay! I like his mas. appeal too.
he’s pretty much one of the best people EVER.
Swoooon…. .
I’m Sooo in love with him. No, really, I am.