For those who have been in a coma or out of the country since the early 90s, Kevin Spacey is an Academy Award-winning actor who has long remained mum about his clear, 100% certain and oft-documented homosexuality.
And for those who somehow still gave this ‘mo the hetero benefit of the doubt, we submit the following photos (via Dlisted) of Kevin walking down a London street the other night and doing a full stop to stare at the photo of Chad Hunt’s underwear-clad cock that graces the cover of Taschen’s Big Penis Book.
Exhibit A: Kevin’s faggy date. Exhibit B: The double-take. Exhibit C: The shoes. Any further questions?
Big Penises Attend Book Party
Kevin Spacey’s Twink-Molesting Croatian Gaycation
Pierre Fitch: “Reading Makes Me Dizzy”
Arty Flesh, Fleshy Art: The New Nude Male
Japanese Book Browsers Soon to Be Staring Down Huge Black & White Penises
Kevin Spacey Stops for Big Penis (Dlisted)
The Big Penis Book (Taschen)
I was approached by one of kevins assistants to be hired by him in South Beach about 3 years ago on the day before New Years Eve. Long story short, i was already there with a John and to high to take on anymore clients.