Witness one Bryan Thomas–actually that’s swimsuit and fitness model Bryan Thomas who was voted DNA mag’s ‘Mate of the Year 2008‘–who Lance was seen “partying” with over the weekend in Philadelphia. (photo c/o Pink Is the New Blog)
Granted, we don’t follow Lance’s every move–maybe he has off days where he parties with total Melvins. But we’re as guilty as any blog of spilling some virtual ink over the paltry handful of young, out gay celebs we have to choose from who aren’t named Clay. And we can’t help but notice that Lance has got some game, or his minor celebrity translates into enough major PR that he gets to fuck the kind of men most of us only masturbate over, including monster-dicked porn stars.
Below, a few shots of Bryan culled from his blog, as well as a short clip of his DNA photoshoot, in which he touches himself.
[ed note: If becoming Torso of the Week on Cybersocket-award-winning E-zine The Sword dot com is enticement enough to sleep with us, we might have to pull a Fleshbot on the next swimsuit model we meet.]
Lance Bass Says Yes on 11 (Inches)!
Thousands of Gays, Tila Tequila Protest Prop 8
Lance Bass Declares Prospect of Male-Male Dancing on DWTS “So Silly”
Lance Bass Does PSA For Next Week’s Day of Silence, Also Hopes For N’Sync Reunion
Lance Bass Parties With A ‘Hot Dude Of The Week’ (Pink is the New Blog)
Always thought Lance looked like an unmade bed. BUT there were several times toward the end of DWTS he looked incredibly sexy on stage. It was then that I realized the Power of THE DANCE!
Hmmmm…. I don’t know… Something (and call me crazy if you want) but something tells me the “B” in Lance’s last name stands for Bottom. Hmmm it could be Lance B(ottom)ass… I’m not sure what it is… can’t put my finger on it….. The nellefied haircut perhaps?