(image courtesy of TitanMen)
Before we go any further, we’d just like to point everyone to The Sword’s own sister social network, The Hustle, where you and all your gay pals can post pictures of each others’ cocks and asses to your hearts’ conent, without worrying about those Facebook tyrants swooping in and deleting your account. Also, you can identify yourself by hankie color, just like in the 70s!
But back to LPTribes.com, the new leather-centric social network started by Leatherpost already has a bunch of members and they want YOU, yes you, especially if you’re into chaps, fisting and edging for hours with binder clips attached to your nipples.
We think niche social networks like this are especially important for those unfortunate gays who live far, far away from urban centers and for whom the internet has been a great a source of gay-to-gay contact. For those twentysomethings who barely ever knew a world without the World Wide Web, there once was a time when ex-urban and rural gays lived in complete isolation and barely new each other existed apart from their subscriptions to Inches and Advocate Men.
Margaret Cho Used to Work in Leather
From the Dungeon to the Mayor’s Office
Homosexual BDSM Joke of the Day
The Sword Tour of San Francisco Gay Porn Locations
Roma Does Chicago (NSFW)