The adults-only event will take place in San Francisco’s Regency Center
Ballroom and includes dinner and, thankfully, an open bar. But wipe
that piss off your face, queens, because the invite suggests that Joan
doesn’t like to be kept waiting:
will start exactly at 7:00pm, so don’t be late – not even to be
fashionable! If you want to be fashionable, then start planning your
outfit now because this event is formal. Appropriate attire includes
formal wear, dress leather and high-fashion kink wear!
And to think that she didn’t like what George Clooney was wearing! The Folsom Street Fair has been a lightening rod for conservatives
in recent years who have alternately boycotted sponsors (Miller Lite),
railed against promotions (a poster featuring a delightfully perverse
Last Supper tableau) or the participants itself (who could very well
have jumped out of an Oklahoma comic book). We look forward to jokes about leather (her face, your ass), but we suspect she won’t be volunteering for the butt plug ring toss
or a spanking session.
“If God wanted us to bend over,” the 75-years-young lady intoned during the 80s aerobics epidemic, “he’d put diamonds on the floor.”
The Sword Folsom Street Fair Sweepstakes
New Leather Bar Opens In San Francisco; Leather Queens Declare Leather Scene Alive and Well
The Worst in Gay Marketing: Miller Lite
Folsom Street Fair Gala (
Look at her top photo. Smear her lipstick wider, paint her hair green, and you’ve got Heath Ledger’s Joker.
Does this mean Melissa will be doing Dore Alley? I’ve been wanting to piss on her for sometime now.
her career is not exactly booming, right?