Even in a country as culturally divisive as Greece, gay porn star Leo Forte, a Mexican-American, found more acceptance than back at home.
Leo Forte was recently in Greece filming for Michael Lucas. So yes, that means his studio bareback cherry was popped — along with some ideas about America. Unfortunately, this trip also brought to life just how problematic the lack of diversity is not just in gay porn, but in our entire community.
Most of us haven’t signed onto Donald Trump’s “Build a Wall and Keep ‘Em Out” mentality on our voter’s cards, correct. However, the prevalence of “No Asians, Black, Fats, or Fems” on hook-up app profiles and porn box covers means man of us are as racist as they are.
Here’s the bottom line, whether you are a performer or just swiping through profiles, everyone has a type. When you rule out entire groups of people based their race or nationality, that is not preference; that is racism. Yes, Paul Canon, I’m talking to you and your ex too.
Guys, we have the outside world trolling us. Isn’t it time we stopped doing it to ourselves?
The last time we saw Leo Forte on NakedSword Originals, there was no strife in sight, just passion:
[Watch Leo Forte and Issac Hardy in “Bulge 2” from NakedSword Originals]
Is gay porn more racist than straight porn? Is the gay community more or less racist that Joe & Jane Breeder? Has racism ever touched your life?