Truthfully, Another Gay Sequel
depressed me a little. I’m all for a good, cheap romp now and then, but the sex
in this movie — and there’s a lot of it — didn’t look fun. It looked either
disgusting or pathetic.
… by “good, cheap romp” we assume he means one of the milquetoast bodice-rippers on his Greatest Gay Movies of All-Time List.
Hartinger feels the sex comedy is too obsessed with sex, and possibly
comedy, and promotes multiple partners instead of, you know, none. Once
again, we’re afraid, a gay sex comedy is unable to live up to the high aesthetic standards of classic straight sex comedies like Porky’s Revenge and Taradise.
Evidently, he was also upset that it didn’t end with one of those gay “weddings” we hear so much about these days..
There’s some talk about commitment tacked on the
end, but this is contradicted by every other frame in the film…
One would hope.
Michael Lucas Offers Us His Sausage in Another Gay Sequel
Exclusive Sneak Peak: Brent Corrigan in Another Gay Sequel
Twenty Cinematic Arguments That Suggest Is Written By A Lonely Gay Computer with an Abercrombie Mousepad
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