OMG! Candace here back with another edition of Barebacking With Candace, and today’s bareback movie is a HOT one! Today I’ll be reviewing Treasure Island Media’s Plantin’ Seed Anthology, which includes all three of the legendary Plantin’ Seed movies! It’s a collectors item–for people who love collecting cum in their assholes!
Ever since I may or may not have had bareback sex with a certain gay porn star at the Phoenix Forum, I’ve been really into bareback sex. Having bareback sex, watching other people have bareback sex, telling other people to have bareback sex…you name it! If it’s bareback, Candace is into it. In fact, I’m so into bareback sex, some of my girlfriends have even started calling me “Condomless Candace”! LOL!
So with that in mind, you can pretty much guess that Plantin’ Seed Anthology is right up my alley. I’ll keep my review short so you can get to the trailer and just let you know that I have two words for Plantin’ Seed Anthology: FUCKINGGGGGG HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!
[Treasure Island Media: Plantin’ Seed Anthology]
It’s totally unsafe but I love to eat cum and I like the feel of cum seeping out of my ass. I’m older now so I’m looking to relive the old days when I cuold take queit as few loads in the ass and suck cock till I was full
The pic is why I came here… I think bareback / cum oozing is hot as fuck. If I’m getting fucked in the ass it’s bareback or nothing.
For all those who find this type of porn so awful you simply don’t buy it, rent it, read about it etc… No one is forcing you to view it. Last I checked this was a free country!
So dude is going up in his boiz ass raw, nuttin up all in it, then homie pushes the cum out his ass into a glass and then drinks it….how fucking NASTY can you be……
20 some years into this AIDS epidemic and this is SEXY? Looks like more like death to me than a funeral.
What happened to The Sword’s plan to stop covering ‘stories’ like this? Stand by your morals. Have a spine and let’s look at hot safer sex. I’m starting to think that all the barebacking videos are being backed by the pharma companies that profit so greatly off AIDS. Ponder that.
Zach may be the head writer of this blog but this blog is owned by a larger company for which Zach has no control over. I always understood that Zach “hires” these “interns” so that he himself can “avoid” being attached to the barebacking articles. This way Nakedsword gets the news coverage it wants to reflect and even influence its sales and Zach, well, he keeps on as being the writer here.
And clearly you don’t remember the whole Michael Lucas and Republican story here, but ever since I found out what happened in that situation I have more respect for Zach. He really did try to do something there, but it was a situation that was out of his hand as he mentioned. So instead of accusing Zach of being spineless why don’t you get off your fat ass and go protest in front of the Treasure Island, SX Video, Corbin Fisher, Sean Cody, ChaosMen, Dark Alley, etc. offices. Bitching about it online doesn’t do much to change anything.
Nothin’ like milkin’ fresh splooge out of a well bred asshole.
Gross. What is that proving?
sorrynotsorry, but I don’t like it when I have to worry about whether or not a guy’s throbbing asshole is going to squirt out a shitlog or not.
here come the haters….
unless of course it Sean Cody or Corbin Fisher, with a lovely disclaimer in the opening credits how they were all tested and are indeed negative which makes it totally ok and super hot. One can only assume the hateful repulsed reactions are due to the belief that diseased fags don’t deserve to have natural sex, only negative ones. The hypocrisy on these comment boards is astounding.
Agreed…as long as it is from well toned, attractive and unattainable models is this acceptable…if you hate it from TIM then HATE it from ALL
Just looking at the eyes of some of these “models”, you can see they are soulless.
Does that also include Seancody models??
No, it doesn’t.
I have growing preference for bareback videos. I like those cum oozing shots and sounds. However I would never engage in that activity with strangers like porn actors do. I understand it is their choice.
That photo looks disgusting. It should be removed and why even use them and promote them here anyway ?
It’s only hot in straight porn and if all the cum is in a woman’s mouth, cunt, or asshole. In gay porn with men? that shit is gross. Dangerous, reckless, irresponsible, etc. you name it.
Dangerous, reckless and irresponsible is what makes it sell.
Sarcasm, right?
He has a valid point… why isn’t as big an issue in straight porn??
It’s unfortunate that you missed an opportunity to reinforce, especially to your younger followers, that unsafe sex can still, at worst, kill you – and at best – change your life forever with challenging anti-retroviral side effects, enormous monthly medication costs, and toxic organ damage over a prolonged period of time.
Reckless and irresponsible.