Lucas Entertainment has apparently just signed this hot model, Tomas Lopez, who according to a tipster on Queer Me Now is actually an Argentinian guy who was accused of shooting his whole family back in 2003 and killing his father and brother.
And yes, there’s plenty of photographic evidence, helped by that big ‘4’ tattoo on his torso, that this guy is Tulio Adorna. In 2003, when he was 17, he apparently shot his parents, grandmother, and his 16-year-old brother, killing his father and brother, all in what prosecutors seem to have framed as a cocaine-fueled rage.
It looks like he may have spent some time in juvie, but was acquitted in 2007 on the basis of temporary insanity. Or “violent emotion temporary pathological” as the Google translation of this blog post puts it.
Furthermore, it sounds like he was in court-mandated psychiatric treatment up until earlier this year, at which point there was a hearing, he was determined maybe to have borderline personality disorder, and then released in Buenos Aires, prompting that blog post there by a concerned citizen.
But yes, Michael Lucas has deemed him hot, and he’s now a Lucas exclusive, as well as the boyfriend of this guy, Fernando Torres, who he’s shot some scenes with.
And his cock is big.
Good luck with all that, Fernando!
Here he is back in Venezuela walking a dog. (See more Grindr-esque shots of him here, obviously posted by someone who knew him.)
And here he is in his first model shoot for Lucas, with hair cut short. And maybe he’s in Berlin now?
Wonderful Guy!! Gorgeous!! Love Him!! ;)
Is Mr.Lucas rooting for “How to Get Away with (another) Murder”?
He can murder my ass! :)
Mr. Lucas is your classic ” psychopathic narrsacist” why not welcome another dangerous element to the tribe.
Some people seem to forget what industry they’re discussing. Who’s gonna give social pariahs a chance if not gay porn?
Irrelevant. Especially given how much the industry has time and time and time and time and time again claimed to be just as legitimate as any other industry. How time and time and time and time again pornography has played the role of victim to an austere legal system that has sought to control people’s sexual lives. Or else the victim of social prudes, moralists and the religious zealots. Pornography has time and time and time and time and time and time again always said ‘it’ is not to be blame for society’s ailments. So when it comes time to prove itself, pornography again and again and again fails to take ANY responsibility and therefore cannot ever be legitimized as genuine industry like everyone. It attempts to evade responsibility when it comes to safe practices. Even having a person like this around other potential lives is FUCKED. This guy is not a social pariah because he stole some candy. HE KILLED A WHOLE GROUP OF PEOPLE. Finally, pornography isn’t giving him a chance on the premise of how everyone in society should be given second chances. It is doing so because Michael Lucas got horny for him. Because there are plenty of social pariahs that are just the same rejected by porn because they meet their less than austere notions of beauty. In spite that, people who watch pornography have more diverse tastes than the industry pretends.
Oh, boo. He only killed 2 ppl.
Danny, you have a point. How dare you bring logic to the conversation?
Wow, there’s just no bunds to Michael Lucas’ lack of scruples, eh? Then again, it shouldn’t surprise coming from the man who’s turned into pusher for BigPharma. Telling us all to swallow truvata and bareback to our heart’s content. How did it work out with AZT by the way? BUT back to the main point here, it’s scary with Michael Lucas. It’s almost sociopathic really.
i’d fuck him but he couldn’t spend the night.
i thought i recognized him, he did (not sure if they still do) cam shows w/his b.f. i guess:
I don’t know, I mean his dick is kind of fat but not really very long at all.
I somewhat take issue with you calling him “hung”.
I mean, he’s not small but this is PORN and all and for porno, his size is nothing spectacular…
Do studio’s run background checks on models?
I saw this story on QueerMeNow first but I heard they received it from an anonymous source.
The scene was apparently shot a month ago. I doubt the model came to set with a sign around his neck saying he is a murderer.
is he straight, bi or gay ? if he’straight or bisexual trash im passed that
he’s gay and has a bf.
It is so irritating when people result to such pettiness as to say someone is ugly, that’s subjective.
I personally think that Venezuela got it right. Minors or Children being tried as an adult is just wrong. Children do not have the same life experiences or mental capabilities as do adults. It saddens me anytime I see a kid go to jail for basically a life sentence after being tried as an adult. What determines adulthood? is it age or reaching a certain mentality? Developmentally delayed adult individuals are often cited as being child like and therefore judged as such, yet many times we judge what we consider a child (by minor/age status) to be an adult, so what exactly determines these differences?
In this particular case I have to think it was deemed that he was not a danger to society but had temporarily, and under the influence of drugs become a threat to his family which is why the therapy was put into play. I don’t know the facts of his case so I wont judge him.
I judge, as did THE JUDGE.
Apparently the judge didn’t judge him. He was acquitted in 2007 by a jury but required to undergo therapy as is anyone acquitted under temporary insanity.
Dude, in life people have to take responsibility for their actions. The guy was high when he pretty much killed his family. We’re talking about human lives here. Where do we draw the line? And saying he was high is also an excuse. Plenty of people get high and don’t go on killing rampages. Hell, when I was 16 I was dropping acid like it was gummy bears. It’s kinda like saying that a drunk driver didn’t know what he was doing when he hit that innocent by-stander and therefore should not be judged.
Ok. So after that big speech, what exactly are you proposing we do? You make Michael Lucas not to hire who he hires. You can’t force people to not find him attractive. You can’t reverse the decision of the judge and you can’t bring back the lives that were lost. I won’t patronize his work, and I’m sure neither will you… but that’s about it.
Actually, until very recently it would have been the parents who were to blame for a child who got themselves into trouble. Parenting these days is a joke. Parents set their kids down in front of a tv, and computer screen and hope school teaches them the rest. As a teacher, you’d be surprised at what parents think a teacher should teach their children. A child is not mentally capable of making adult decisions. That comes with being taught how to do so.
Let’s be clear just because you dropped acid and didn’t kill someone doesn’t mean some other drug could not make you to do so. Ever heard of roid rage. The chemical composition of each person is highly different. Now compound that with the various chemicals we put in our bodies each day and the varying doses of such chemicals. Factor in narcotics to this equation. From here remind yourselves you are talking about a child who has not had the life experiences or mental growth of an average adult. Now think about placing this person in a disagreement.
You cant compare alcohol with narcotics and you can’t compare a child with an adult. It’s really that simple. I can’t even imagine what he must have went through when he came down from his high. Obviously the courts felt him a non threat to society or he wouldn’t have been acquitted. He was under the care of a therapist with a PHd.
I think these people are a little more in tune with the schematics of the situation and for us, with no knowledge of said particulars, other than a simple blog posting, to judge someone is just ignorant.
Start your own blog you long-winded bore.
That’s how I see it. It’s not my place to judge him. A court already did that and he was let go after treatment.
Uh-oh, somebody actually speaking some sense.
LOL … I know right. Who would have ever thought on a porn blog people could make any sense. Even worse is the fact that the sense comes from a former Porn Star and everyone knows porn stars are nothing but uneducated, mindless, & narcissistic. ;-)
gee his models get more and more ugly, yikes
You know the golden rule applies here also with this model.. If the guy is hot and hung then all is forgiven when it comes to most gay men.
I’m sure he’s suffered for his mistake. Let him move on with his life. It was a tragedy, not intent.
Sure, it happenes to the best of us. WHAT?! Are you insane?
Hey, everybody makes mistakes. Everybody deserves a second chance at life. Except for the people he murdered. LOL
Yeah, like the Hillside Strangler said, “Everyone makes mistakes.”
And Charles Manson has done enough time in prison for his mistake too. He should be let out to roam wild and free already! Or is your exception to the rule based on only looks?
I dont wanna judge this hunk until there’s proof that he’s a bad guy. Qué bonito este chico ;-)
He was tried and convicted of the double homicide of his father and brother and attempted homicide of his mother and GRANDMOTHER and you’re not going to judge him until there’s “proof”? You’re hilarious.
Mike J…you’ll soon discover that the Jordi person is a fucking idiot! He also posts under different aliases, but it’s easy to spot him because of his lack of coherent English. I disagreed with something he wrote, and his reply to me was “shut up.” He’s like a kid on the playground.
I pity you shit_creek you’re such a pathetic moron african man who pretends as american. Easily to figure out that you are old and uneducated.
What part of Africa is he from? South Africa? Sudan? Egypt? Why is this an insult? Please explain.
Did you hear recently that some chick is going to marry Charles Manson? This is actual truth here. There is a whacked out chick in her 20’s who is all gungho for Charles Manson. When I first hear the news, I was like “WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD SO MUCH AS CONSIDER THE NOTION OF MARRYING CHARLES MANSON??? WTF??? WHERE DO THESE PEOPLE COME FROM???”
Jordi, thanks for answering the question.
A buck’s a buck. Common opportunists. Isn’t ISIS hiring people to produce their videos?
Wow! I do find him to be very attractive, but I’m not sure how involved I’d want to be with him. Didn’t Vito Gallo tear up a Lucas office once? Why take a chance?
Why does it not shock me that Andrei Treivas (Michael Lucas) would use someone like this?
Is this a publicity stunt like the time Lucas hired Clay Aiken’s stalker/one night stand?
well it has been said before, anyone who works for michael lucas must be crazy…;-D