Porter and Mason (left), along with Mason’s boyfriend Marcus and a rotating cast of sluts and wanna-be porn stars, had been roommates for most of this year in Houston, but the house is two whores short today. Mason and Marcus moved out two months before the lease was up, allegedly leaving Porter to cover their share of the rent. But even after moving out and back in with Marcus’ parents across town (which is apparently closer to Marcus’ job as a shoe salesman), Mason and Marcus have still have been coming in and out of their old residence as they please, making Porter’s life so miserable!
Maybe Porter should write a blog post about how hard things have been for him, and get himself some publicity while he’s at it? Oh…
The Wylers are awful people…The boys moved out two months early and expected me to cover their part of the rent because they would no longer be living in the house. Why did they move out? Because “Marcus” decided he would rather move back in with his parents and brother in the remote town outside of Houston so he could go sell shoes.
Last night, I get a text from Marcus [saying] “My parents want our stuff, we’re going to get it tomorrow morning.” I get this text at like six o’clock. Meaning we have fifteen hours. They took the Washer and the Dryer. The Dining room set…The Living Room set…My Bed…My roommates bed…The desks…Taking the stuff wasn’t an issue…No warning and me having to sleep on the floor for the next few days might be a bit of problem for me.
The Final Straw…I had met with Marcus a while back and told him since they were no longer paying rent or bills they had to give me back the master key and garage door opener. So he did…This morning I wake up to Mason in my house…He had used a key that they had made. There are two more keys. He basically lied. They still have keys to the house so they can come and go as they please I believe this is called breaking and entering folks. Oh yes… And Lying… That is what set me over the edge now I have to change the locks and the garage door because how can I trust them not to come and go at their leisure.
So the saga ends. No more hunts for their third boyfriends. No more moody fights. No more random men coming over and staying for days because he was staying around for sex that wasn’t happening. No more sloppy ass dishes everywhere and stinking up my bathroom roommates…The Wylers. Not good roommates.
I’d almost feel bad for him if Mason’s lifestyle and reputation hadn’t been public knowledge for the past two years. What part of moving into a house commonly referred to as “Mason’s House Of Whores,” where an alleged rape once occurred, would lead you to believe that you’d be living in a stable, respectable environment? Sorry.
It’s more like the gay porn version of “Footballer’s Wives!”
So basically everyone involved in this situation is a complete and total hot mess? LULZ for days. Some porn stars should be completely banned from blogging.
Yes, it was Marcus that deleted it. Porter said so on twitter.
First off…everything that was removed from the house belonged to Mason and Marcus. They cold have taken the $600 fridge as well and left all their food to spoil but that would have ACTUALLY been mean. Marcus’ parents wanted to take the furniture in their house with them( which FYI Mason and Marcus live in Marcus’ parents house but his parents are elsewhere…Boston I think). So, instead of them sleeping on the floor, they went back to the house that they legally had a right to enter since they’re still on the lease and paying the internet bill, and took their furniture back that Porter and the two other people living with him were using. The reason they gave him only one day’s notice is because if they would have given him longer…God knows what he could have done to or with the stuff. Porter isn’t a neat freak as one reader said. I doubt he’s paid the sanitation bill in months due to the piles of garbage that were in the garage. The Wyler’s never even read the blog posts and said they were going to ignore this, but I’m defending them because I spent a week with those two and they’re good people. I’m privy to some information about the blog post that I should share and completely throw someone under the bus then back it over the bitch and run him over again…but even I have standards…kinda. Hope this helps clear the air a little Zach
I had Mason just shortly after he left college. His oral skills were up to par,even swallowed! But hopefully he has practiced about being a better bottom. I topped him in the doggy position and he kept trying to slam back into me for what,more cock? I kept telling him to shut up,too. I like him though.
Maybe your topping skills need to improve? Pushing / slamming back is a good thing. At least he didn’t just lay there dead and let you do all the work.
Momentum is good, so you have to work less.
Those aren’t the only reasons why pusing back is good. but that’s all I’ll say.
Why would Porter delete his ENTIRE blog? Perhaps one of the Wylers had access to his blog account? They’re the most likely culprits. All signs point in their general direction. Oh the drama, oh the humanity!
Nope Porterphilia was deleted by Marcus Wyler. I mean he’s already been in jail for identity theft in Denton County so why put this above him!
Google’s cache of Porterphilia, and that last post in full, is still available.
Hasn’t been blindingly obvious that Mason Wyler’s is crazy? Didn’t his rantings on his infamous blog prove to be a major red flag? What about Mason’s studio dropping him from his namesake website? Porter should’ve known that being in porn would expose him to whores. Too bad his home being turned in a bordello, by his also porn star room Mason, was the glaring spotlight on the ever so present truth. You’ll learn eventually.
I just went to porterphilia.com and it looks like every post has been deleted and it just says “No posts.” I can understand him deleting the post about the Wylers, if he wrote it in the heat of the moment, but what the hell? I don’t suppose one of the Wylers could have done it could they? I noticed the layout of the blog (and background etc) was the exact same as Wyler Nation so I was wondering if one of them set it up in the first place.
In the last post on Wyler Nation (on July the 1st) Mason said “I had a falling out with my housemate” then deleted all of his posts promoting Porter.
Aiden Ash also moved out of the “House Of Whores” because he fell out with Porter over a “boogers in the shower” incident (lol) so I think Porter can be a bit of a neat freak.
Oh the drama. Mason life reads like Peyton Place only the x rated version.