left image via Starrfucker
It turns out that Malachi was a spy all along. The former high-fashion model’s plan from the beginning was to collect material for a book about porn and escorting, then retire for good. Malachi’s book is called Gay 4 Pay: The Revealing Life of a Gay Porn Star and Escort. You can pre-order the book here.
The Sword: You officially retired from gay porn and escorting today. Last week, you shot your final scene for Randy Blue last week. How did that feel?Malachi Marx: It was cool. It was kind of like, “Ta-da!”
TS: Did they give you a cake or something?
MM: Kind of! They took me out for dinner.
TS: The title of your new book is Gay-for-Pay.
MM: Yes, the title of the book is Gay-for-Pay: The Revealing Life of a Gay Porn Star and Escort
TS: There are lots of gay-for-pay skeptics out there.
MM: Yeah, the subject receives a lot of attention. Honestly, I was more bi-curious before I got into the industry, but now that I’ve done porn, I know more than ever that I’m straight. I even tried in my mind to see if I could be attracted to guys. Since I was working I tried hard to see whether I’d be able to enjoy it. But I never found it sexually attractive. So I’m more comfortable in my sexuality than I ever was. I have more respect for the gay community too.
TS: How does one have sex without sexual attraction?
MM: I used the power of my mind. My first scene was a solo scene, and that was hard enough — to masturbate in front of 6 other guys, just sitting there with all this attention, with flourescent lights, it was difficult enough to get turned on even for a solo. So I had to get over that and learn how to focus. Sometimes I’d use tricks, like straight porn on a TV set or my iPhone, but as I moved forward I learned to get to that place where I would close my eyes for 3 or 4 seconds and instantly get hard.
TS: Closing my eyes and trying really hard would make me go soft.
MM: No, I get hard by focusing all my energy and attention on something that turns me on, whether it’s a girl I hooked up, my fiance, a pursuit of mine or money. I mean, I can use money alone. Money turns me on.
TS: Tell me more about money.
MM: Well, I started escorting 4 months before I started gay porn, and I went from waiting tables for maybe a grand a week if I was lucky to making a grand a night. That turned me on because it freed me up so much in my life, with all the choices, the traveling. I developed a fantasy for money.
TS: Then you became a porn star hooker.
MM: I got into escorting first and I was doing very well. I’d collect 20 regulars in a month and take myself off rentboy. I didn’t have time for more clients. Then my girlfriend got pregnant, so it motivated me times 10, and that’s why I got into gay porn. By making a name for myself, I was able to do better for myself. And I did it to collect material for my book.
TS: If you’re not attracted to guys, do you care about whether the guys you fuck are attractive?
MM: I would definitely prefer a better body with no hair that smells good over a fat, hairy stinky client. It always makes the job a lot easier. Gross vs. nice, messy vs. neat etc.
TS: But why would a straight dude care about whether it’s a hot man body or not?
MM: If I’m a dishwasher at two restaurants, and one place is a stinky old restaurant with mice, and the other place is an upscale clean restaurant downtown, I’m downtown. It was my job, my purpose was monetary gain. A lot of these guys say they’re straight, but you can feel the difference.
TS: So a lot of porn stars and escorts say they’re straight but are really gay?
MM: I would say that of all the ‘straight’ escorts and porn stars I meet, about 60% are gay or will be very soon. You get these guys who come out from these po=dunk states, get their first blowjob from a guy, and things change for them. I’ve seen a lot of that, and that’s great because they found that out by exploring something.
TS: You’ve developed gay-for-paydar?
MM: Yeah, you could say that. I’ve been on my own since I was 14 and I trust my intuition. I’ve managed other escorts and developed relationships with a bunch of other guys and developed ‘an acute gay-for-paydar.’
TS: Would you ask clients to send you their pictures?
MM: No, I’ve never asked for photos of guys before I meet them, but I’ve developed a formula for filtering them. I’d get about 100 replies to my profile, and I’d filter them down to 25 or so by learning about them through email, and with help from my manager and an assistant. Out of those 25 I would keep 5 regulars at a time. Overall, I was lucky enough to find 25 regulars, and they were high-end clients, one who were willing to pay a lot. That’s another method of filtering: I’d set my price really high.
TS: How much?
MM: $500 an hour. Anything beyond vanilla foreplay (oral, rimming, kissing) was $1,000+.
TS: What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?
MM: It would have to be this guy who had a fetish for bananas. He had me lube up a banana, put a condom on it, and fuck him up the ass with it. So I’m sitting there shoving a banana in and out of his ass, and then I thought I was over. But he said “No. For another thousand I want you to peel the banana and eat it.”
TS: Did you eat it?
MM: Yes.
TS: The thousand dollar banana. How’d it taste?
MM: It was nice! It was a great Chiquita banana, organic, a little firm because there was still a little green on it.
TS: The man had not rendered it into mush?
MM: No, still firm!
TS: What was the most luxurious experience a client treated you to?
MM: One that was awesome was 8 days in Greece [pictured, in Athens]. I got paid $32k, I went to all the islands, had a big shopping spree in Athens, the nicest hotels, great massages, different spa treatments. The client was very well off.
TS: Was he looking for the ‘boyfriend experience’?
MM: Yeah, he had been in a relationship for 12 years and he needed something exciting, so I came along. And I earned that money, too. This was a regular of mine, and I presented him with a great relationships. I helped him through a lot of his problems that he had from his relationships. It was almost like being a therapist. So that’s why he took me on the trip.
TS: So, okay, you’re retired, fine, but what if this dude is like, ‘Hey! Now let’s do Turkey for 50k!’
MM: Ha, no, I’m closing this book. I’ve worn many hats in my life, and it’s built my character, but I’m always good at walking away from something and never coming back to it.
TS: What skills are required to be a good escort?
MM: You definitely have to be a good listener, and be able to provide something that makes them feel special, that it’s all about them. It’s more than sex. You have to alter who you are based on who they are. You’ve got to be able to ignite something in them. You can’t just sit there with nothing to say over a 5-star meal.
TS: Another escort story please.
MM: One man had a OCD and a compulsive fetish where he would hire one to three escorts for a period of 1 hour to 6 hours. The first escort would come in and he would stay the entire 6 hours and the second one would stay just for an hour or two. I was always the anchor escort who came in the beginning and stayed for the full 6 hours. In those 6 hours, he had us put on all these different outfits, 30 T-shirts, all these shorts, hats, pants. It would always be these really nice hotel rooms in New York, or LA, Philadelphia or Phoenix, and he’d have the clothes in one of the rooms, folded on a table with the lights turned off.
And he’d be sitting in the chair — this fat, rich guy who wanted to be called daddy, just sitting there in a swivel chair rubbing himself. He would say, “Go and grab the orange shirt with the football texas hat and the blue shorts,” and the room was dark so you didn’t want to mess up. I didn’t have to do anything to him except sit on his lap sometimes and try on these outfits, stand, turn around. By the third hour, you’d just want to shoot yourself.
TS: Did anyone ever hire you to watch you fuck another escort?MM: It depended on the client, but mostly yes, it’d be easier because of the camraderie, you had a teammate. But with other clients it was harder for me to work my A-game when another escort was there with me. But of course there were lots of situations. One client hired six escorts at the same time. It was like after a varsity game in the shower of a locker room. There were just a bunch of hot naked guys walking around the hotel room. ‘Okay, who’s next?’ ‘No, you go in there!’ ‘No, you!’
TS: When did you realize how hot you were?
MM: When I was 18 I was a fashion model in NYC. Dolce & Gabbanna, Diesel, Ralph Lauren, and that’s when I first noticed that gay men were attracted to me. And I was very comfortable around them, I had grown up with gay friends and a gay uncle. I never did anything with guys when I was modeling but that’s when I first knew that I had an ability to attract people. But I never thought I’d make a job out of it like this.
TS: Do you worry about having a stigma in your future?
MM: No. I’ve noticed that society has become more open about things like dark pasts, it makes you more real and able to relate to people, and I think that Hollywood is changing too. I’m hoping that my book will become a movie, and if I’m able to act in it, that’d be great. I would love to come forward and be like, “Yeah, I did gay porn, I was a fucking escort, fire me if you want to. Or better yet, you can market it.”
Pre-order the book at www.gay4paybook.com. Here’s Malachi’s introduction:
I had a unique, marketable mixture of mysteriousness, intelligence, and raw sexuality that propelled me to the forefront of the gay porn industry. Utilizing my body and personality, I made an art out of performing and struck a chord with an audience that spanned the world. This book is a journey through the joys and struggles that I endured during the past year of my X-Rated life. This book is a chemistry of illustrations, pictures, and confessions that unveil the battle between good and evil within the body of a so-called “sex god.”
Randy Blue Go-Go Boys Fluff and Get Buff
Pierre Fitch: The Sword Interview
[NSFW] Now A Twink Porn Star, Then A Blood-Drenched Amateur Wrestler
Funny the things you stumble across on the internet while doing totally unrelated searches. Somehow I ended up following threads about this guy. He is a prime example of one of the many reasons why I’ve become so anti-g4p. I’ve come to the point where I don’t actually enjoy porn like I used to because of it. I’ve started assuming that all performers are g4p until proven otherwise, and I just do not get aroused if they are str8. I know that those of us who feel this way are in a minority. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so successful using models like him.
For those who say porn is a fantasy, get over and enjoy the show. I say for me the fantasy is tied to the reality that if I were as hot as many of the porn actors, there would be a distinct possibility the man getting a cock rammed up his ass in the movie would want ME to ram his ass. If he is str8, then that isn’t a possibility no matter how hot I might be.(I’m not, just saying if I was).
Also, I will not give my money to people who are seeing me merely as a cash cow, and then ridicule me, go home and “vomit” because they are so vehemently sick(yes, it would have to be vehemently sick in order to induce regurgitation).
There have been so many instances of g4p’ers ridiculing the gay community, using hate filled homophobic slurs and then laughing all the way to the bank(or in many cases to their drug dealer) using OUR money to enjoy their life.
This has taken almost all the pleasure I used to get from porn away from me.
I realize that the people who work in the adult sex industry are human, with faults, feelings and needs just like everyone else. That sometimes being simply a ‘piece of meat’ would be depressing. But they put themselves in that position. I didn’t, the porn consumer didn’t. They did. Eh, I’m rambling now, so I’ll stop. Probably no one is following this thread now anyway!
This is goona be lengthy so bear with me,
I’m sorry but this entire interview, along with most things regarding Malachi Marx is completely asinine. I too was initially reeled in by this good looks, but after following him for a while, his story starts to fall apart. Who gives a damn about his sexuality, I’m talking about character now. He is a manipulative person by his own admission and I don’t think Earth is big enough to contain his monstrous ego. First of all, he’s not a star by an stretch of the world. The world of porn has a tainted image already. There are very few people in the industry that you can mention and some random person on the street will know their name. The fact that he wanted to write a book is mind-boggling. Even if he did write a book, would it be a pamphlet? He’s been in the game for too short a period of time to strut that type of arrogance. Not to mention that most of you probably already know that his booked failed miserably. No reputable publisher would dare put their name on it (hence it being “self-published”) and honestly how many people would read a book filled with stories (probably untrue) about how he was “therapist” for his johns. Secondly, I’m not one to get caught up in labels, but c’mon people. He claims to be 100% straight. What straight man do you know that would be willing to do ALL the things MM has done (notwithstanding eating a banana from another man’s ass) even for money? I think you’d be hard pressed to find many. True, sexuality is not a straight line, but he needs to admit that he isn’t 100% straight. His “dishwasher” analogy is crap. Straight men simply aren’t attracted to other men, regardless of if their body looks like it’s carved marble or Jabba the Hutt. While the dishwasher might prefer the nicer restauraunt, he is not in denial about being a dishwasher. We are really supposed to believe that all of the other “straight guys” are really gay, but he is the ONE exception to the rule? What also blew my mind is that he says he modeled for D&G, Ralph Lauren etc. What sane person would go from working for top designers to being a whore and making porn? That doesn’t logically make since. I guess one day he decided “I’ve had enough of being paid for just modeling clothing for top designers. I’d rather be fucked and suck dick for money, no homo though.” I’ve seen MM’s stuff, and he sucks not because he’s straight, but just because he’s a lousy “actor” and conceited “model,” and I use that term loosely here. And I completely agree with an earlier post that calls into question the veracity of his stories. He boasts 32K for one john, claimed elsewhere that he got on average 25K a month (yes month, not year) and still gets paid big bucks. So why is he still in the industry with that kind of money? And if he did make that kind of money from being an escort, he never will again. I thought the key to the industry was discretion. So why is MM sprewing all these tales about what he did with his johns? I wouldn’t pay for a slut to come over, have dinner with him, fuck him, and then have him go tell the world about what we did. Once again it just doesn’t add up. Anyone with any snese knows that it takes most people years upon years and building a name to make that kind of money in the porn industry. This kid has been around not even half a decade and suddenly he’s the best thing since sliced bread. If you just follow his stories, they don’t add up. He contradicts himself left and right. And lets not forget that he’s so amazing that he uses sheer mind-power and will to keep his dick hard while fucking a person that he is completely and utterly disgusted by. I say disgusted because Mr. Marx went on record saying that he’s even had to “go vomit after some shoots” because he was so disgusted. And yet miraculously he STILL continued to fuck and be fucked by guys. Along with being a real whore, he’s quite the attention whore. And let’s not spare that he’s turned on by money. Really? So what he is saying is that he will pretty much do anything for money (ala eating a banana that’s been inside another man’s ass.) What type of person does that make him? Since he seems to have no boundaries to what he will do for money, I think that puts Mr. Marx pretty low on the proverbial food chain. It’s truly astounding just how big his ego is and just how delusional he is. You can tell from the interview itself that he’s snooty and thinks way too highly of himself. He might have thought himself a “therapist” for his johns but to them he was a piece of ass. Just read more about him and you’ll start to see all the holes in his story (no pun intended.) And before someone says I’m being judgmental about someone I’ve never met, yes I am because this is what HE has put out there for people to go on. What person (that has a humble bone in their body) refers to themselves as a “sex god?” Look at the big picture people. This kid is looking for his 15 minutes and he uses US to get it. More importantly, it’s time for him to take a seat somewhere. But wait, suddenly he’s “unretired” and back in gay porn. I guess it’s true that a leopard can’t change its spots. I had the displeasure of seeing his return to Randy Blue. The cameraman asks him why he’s back from being retired, to which Mr. Marx replies “My brother Issac Marx was actaully supposed to do this screne, but couldn’t make it so I’m filling in for him.” He couldn’t even admit that he came crawling back to the industry after his delusions of becoming a and I quote “best-selling author and actor” fell through. I just know that if I had a fiancé, two kids on the way and was focusing on “leaving the industry,” I would do just that. I’d take my supposed buttloades of money and focus on my growing family and worry about what they hell I”m going to tell my kids when they grow up (oh because they will find out that daddy was once a hooker.) All things consider, I completely forget that he is a handsome man and it’s negated by all the things I’ve learned about him. Malachi Marx is and forever will be a glorified prostitute.
So he has sex with men, escorts for men, writes a book about sex with men, says he loves and respects gay men yet he is straight? His girlfreind must be a total idiot. I commend him though for opening up (no pun intended) but yea? Also, how can you be bi curious if you claim to be straight? Wouldn’t he be bisexual?
I am sorry Malachi! Respect for the gay comunity is something you don’t have! You love to take our money and thats it! Respect is something you don’t know! Good luck with the straight life! I just don’t hope your kids will ever have to go throught this because you will never know how to deal with it!
He is so full of shit, but what is really sad is that so many gay men believe this. Calling yourself straight is about power….you are saying you are better than the nelly gay boys, but you still get to have sex with me. Malachi is living in LA…cruising the gyms and is yes, as of May 27, 2010 he is still an escort. So much for the writing a book beard (you gotta admit that was an original one). Being openly gay takes courage….not everyone has it.
Absolutely correct. So sad, really. A nice looking boy but that 9s sadly ot. And he’s uncut :-(
What happened to the book? I though it was to be released in Dec 09.
I think it’s ok for him to act in the gay porn industry since we want to see him doing so.
It’s true that he takes advantage of his great looks and luscious body to make money,
but it pleased us too.
I am getting bored with the gay-for-pay stuff…
They done nothing real in gay sex seriously…
I can’t feel their emotion…
Just pretending…
Wow he sounds like a very cruel, selfish person. It is sad that gay men idolize him. When are gay/bi men going to have respect for themselves and not feel honored that the hot straight guy will fuck him for cash. It sounds like young men aren’t getting progressive when it comes to sexuality, just more opportunisitic. I would be ashamed to grow up being his child.
I suppose we’re all just insecure about our own self to feel the need to point a finger at the one INFRONT of the camera to realize we’re just as bad being the ones on the other end of the spectrum jacking off to it? What the heck, it’s the easier thing to do rather than looking in the mirror. Isn’t the one paying for the sex/porn just as bad as the one setting the price? You’d have to be pretty f’d up in your own beliefs to think otherwise. I guess from what I’ve read above, you have all officially stopped surfing for porn all together online & have proceeded to dust off & crack open your bibles? Because that’s what it sounds like…
Until we ALL realize that Malachi is no different than the rest of the porn stars, or even mainstream celebs for that matter, who use their looks &/or talent for personal gain then we will only be decieving ourselves. That is what “the business” is all about. Get off of your high horses & be a grown MAN & own up to your own faults before you chastise others for doing the same. I think that’s the definition of being a hypocrite…
This has absolutely nothing to do with decieving the gay community. Get over it & get over yourself. This is PORN. One shouldn’t take such a thing so seriously. Your priorities are far out of wack if this is the case. It’s no wonder why we as gay people haven’t gotten as far as we’d like in society. We’re all too busy turning on others & passing judgement ourselves on people like Malachi (with what goes on between HIS sheets whether there’s a camera there or not) then turning around declairing we shouldn’t be treated in the same manner.
Gay or straight, true story or fiction, this sounds like he has an intriguing story to tell. Although I don’t know if Hollywood is quite ready for such a film. He needs a VERY good agent & develope a serious marketing strategy if he’s going to make it work. Porn or not, Malachi has some serious star quality potential. Good luck, buddy. :-)
u are talking and talking but u don’t have any of contents ..
this is full of shit what u wrote up there.. Malachi he is a porn star and as a porn star u don’t gave up and say one day “hey it all was for the money and hey!.. by the way I am straight!”.. what’s wrong with u?
to have a control minder in the gay porn industry like Malachi, the minimon u have to do is to keep real all the way- don’t be a gay porn if u know from the begining it is just for gain.
i guess u know him somehow, otherwise i don’t see any realistic Argument for says such a pool full of shit.
and stop to ingratiating, BELIEVE ME i am admire Malchai so much and because this point of view my heart is kinda broken. and also others in here..
I think hes gay. I knew him in Michigan when he was straight. Went by John Erickson then. but he always seemed gay to me.
Alan, I think the concept of ‘being used’ is off base — both the escort and the john use each other for what they want…money/sex.
He’s a bit of a tawdry whore, no?
Sorry, he comes across like a real dick to me. First of all, he’s using his looks to manipulate others. That’s pretty unattractive, and a twisted kind of emotional abuse of gay men. Second, his “money gives me a hard-on” is a major turn-off. And then I read that synopsis for his “book” A “chemistry of illustrations…”? He struck a chord that spanned the world? WTF? This is one mess I won’t be reading (I don’t know if I’d understand the writing if I did anyway), and one shallow ego I don’t care to feed.
Jeez, you people really overthink this shit. All you need to remember about this dude and his random book are “No, I get hard by focusing all my energy and attention on something that turns me on, whether it’s a girl I hooked up, my fiance, a pursuit of mine or money. I mean, I can use money alone. Money turns me on.” , and
“unveil the battle between good and evil within the body of a so-called “sex god.” ” Whatever, dude. Hot, kind of a boring fuck most of the time, meh.
Ok. You define yourself as straight and you find your girlfriend pregnant. So in the first year of providing for your child, you decide to do gay porn and become a high-priced prostitute. You even write a book about it. What is he going to do for year two much less for the other seventeen that he has to at least provide for his child? I’d love to see how his mind works around the financial planning for getting that kid hopefully through college. The most important job out there is to be a parent. I feel he has more than compromised that role with his very public porn work and revelations as an expensive prostitute. I’d love to be the fly on that wall when his son or daughter discovers their father’s past. Every day is Father’s Day Malachi.
I did have a cringe factor when i read his girlfriend got preggers… then he decided to go into gay porn as a means to pay up for that expense. I mean, what the hell are you thinking? If your making the amount of money for escorting, as reported by him, and still need cash from making films–what happened to the the thousands of dollars he earned in a week, or the 32K from Greece; either he’s over inflating the amounts he’s gotten or has a serious money management problem.
It seems this guy is completely irresponsible, and out of control with his life–If this “book” think doesn’t pan out I’m sure he’d run back into gay porn and escorting.
As for the gay-for-pay genre, Hugh Merme–I think it is a manufactured fantasy for insecure men; so making cheap shots about those gay men who are repulsed by it doesn’t really make a case for it as well. It just means you cannot mandate taste in either groups; and shouldn’t expect each other to reciprocate those feelings or opinions on it.
Personally, I’ve never been able to force an erection, for not only the people of the opposite sex, but also those of the same sex of whom I don’t find physically attractive at all– and I consider myself gay in either case. [So by this standard I measure he has to on some level find those sexual partners attractive. He even admits to this.] No amount of fantasy will ever make me able to force an erection, because when I’d open my eyes the illusion would be broken; but then again, I’m a realist and try not rely on fantasy to get by in life. Malachi seems to be, like those men into G4P, a fantasist– and really its a futile attempt to try to rid those peoples affliction.
He is entitled to his own hang-ups and personal demons like anyone else, if he is adamant that he is in no way a homosexual–I wouldn’t bother making the attempt to break his need for this fantasy and others like this gem:”I’m hoping that my book will become a movie, and if I’m able to act in it, that’d be great. ”
I do feel there was some condescending tone: “If I’m a dishwasher at two restaurants, and one place is a stinky old restaurant with mice, and the other place is an upscale clean restaurant downtown, I’m downtown. It was my job, my purpose was monetary gain. A lot of these guys say they’re straight, but you can feel the difference.” — clarify here, do you think they are in denial about being straight? Hmm, and why doesn’t this standard not apply to you, Malachi?
I think those in films are just as culpable as those buying them– so I can’t chastise those producers that make a product that sales. It is the community that needs to change in which creates the demand for this product.
Perhaps the book deals with the issue of splitting: he claims to be a hetero father with a hetero mother of his child but he’s also a hooker having sex with gay men as part of an act. Isn’t it a little hard to play each of these roles without denying the other? Don’t those different lifestyles suggest psychological damage in trying to reconcile them?
The tone of the interview is chillingly dismissive of the feelings and emotions of those he deluded. Rather than justify his whoring by suggesting that he made people happy, he seems proud of his ability to delude his johns. While that may be the fact, writing a book about it seems repellant. Moreover, the issue of confidentiality makes one a bit queasy.
And the tone is detached, clinical and kind of scary. This story may not have such a happy ending.
How big is that stick up your butt that you have to be so vehemently judgmental toward a person you don’t know? The guy’s just trying to make money; he’s not harming anyone, he isn’t even trying to push any sort of ideology down your throats; the interview was very succinct and to the point, any judgements or assumptions on his part were scant.
The guys who seem to be worked up the most: the gay-for-pay denialists; those against his escorting; those against actors for trying to find a life outside of porn… what is it about his lifestyle that sends you over the edge? Do you honestly believe in what you say or is it a deep-seated insecurity that you just can’t help but project on others? If you feel any sort of smug pleasure from putting the guy down, then i think it might be the latter.
Really, who are any of us to judge anyone in this business? These guys risk their health and dignity to produce a product they have no control over. A product you’ll probably download illegally, jack off to mercilessly, then troll a porn blog to express in detail how sub-par it was. How much of a raging hypocrite do you have to be to jack off to porn stars then act like they’re the lowest form of life?
What a sad, sad man.
He’s a user & master manipulator. Gay men should be ashamed to buy his book, to rub in their faces how he took them for their money & considers himself a therapist to them, in some ways. WAKE UP gay people. Let’s not applaud a ‘straight’ hooker just because he eats a banana out of our asses for money. It’s NOT impressive that you can afford a whore…but if you have to, at least give your money to a gay one. This book looks stupid.
“Gay for pay” porn stars or escorts are pathetic. I don’t know how gay men can find them attractive since they tend to be low class (socially) and desperate for money. Only gay men can produce scorching hot love between men.
What does one do after going into porn and especially escorting anyway? I mean you cannot honestly be a teacher, cop, politician, or a handful of other professions. Your boss, co-workers, and everyone around the water cooler will eventually find out and know that you were once a prostitute. It could’ve been worst since it’s all too common for porn stars to die of either a drug overdose or suicide. I can only think of Aidan Shaw. He’s a mediocre writer and not exactly literally to begin with. Sure he’s a great porn star and got another fictional character named after him (ie Sex in the City). Though limiting, Malachi could do something gay-related: personal training, restaurant/bar owner, etc.
You’ll never remove prostituting, porn star on your resume so why not just embrace it? The most successful former porn stars I know eventually become porn producers and directors. They’re the Michael Lucas and Kristen Bjorn of this world. I can only think of Simon Rex who’s a has-been MTV vj and washed up actor. Jenna Jameson and Traci Lords haven’t exactly transitioned into mainstream entertainment with their mostly defunct acting careers. Belladonna did the film “The Girlfriend Experience” but she’ll always be typecast as a whore and not an eventual Meryl Streepe. Probably the most successful is former porn star Dr. Sharon Mitchell who set up AIM (Adult Industry Medical).
Gee, so he is not “gay” by the philosophical notion of the term. BUT…..he is clearly bisexual. Sure, sexual arousal can be gained without the assistance of the external source with which you are engaged. But let’s consider context to reach reasonable conclusions. What actual incentive does a “straight” guy have to have sex with a guy over a woman in porn? The big money? Well let’s explore that? Would he have sex with a goat if given a very generous monetary offer? I’m sure many of these prostitutes WOULD eventually have something that they feel is off limits, legality or anything like that, non-withstanding. They wouldn’t do it simply because it’s psychological a barrier they wish not to cross. So why is sex with another of the same sex, a barrier they are willing to cross, or better, no barrier at all? Either way points to them not being “heterosexual”. Even with umbrella labels like gay or straight aside, reason and a survey of actions alone would indicate someone with at least some kind of sexual interest in the same sex. THAT he IS. I think his “curiosity” was really just insecurity, and like with so many other “sexually confident” guys, the curiosity will return again and again and again until he’s a middle aged marriend man constantly on the hunt for “discreet” encounters with men.
I’m not a fan of Malachi’s work or gay for pay in general, but I thought the interview was very interesting. His answers were very straightforward, and to be able to describe his experiences escorting without pretense.. it seems like he’s very much a realist about his lifestyle. I may not be a fan of his work, but I can’t help but feel respect for him at the same time.
Personally, I wish Malachi all the luck in the world with his future endeavours. Whatever they may be. He seems to be a very strong willed, cleaver individual with a great head on his shoulders. Someone you could sit with & enjoy his company. (without ever taking your clothes off or paying any fee.) He’s an extremely passionate & convincing performer among the sea of boring “it’s obvious I’m only here for the money” G4P porn we see out there cluttering up the web. If he’s THAT raw & passionate on screan, I can only imagine how satisfied his woman is! The book will defininitely be interesting as we only see from our view & never really stop to think of how being in the industry effects the REAL men behind the porn star personas.
Best wishes & thank you Malachi for your generous contribution to the industry!
[ BTW I would think it would be HIGHLY insulting to somebody who’s been cool enough with our community to be in such an industry to suggest that they MUST be gay. Not to mention doing the gay community a disgraceful disservice by not being accepting & understanding enough to believe them when they respectfully declair their heterosexuality. Hypocrites. ]
I just wish you asked him why he only has one ball. I really want to know.
Me thinks he ought to try more formal acting roles, as that interview showed he has the maturity and knowledge to carry himself through a formal career. I will definitely want to read that book! Far more intelligent than I was giving him credit for. You may hear about this one in the future! He has the drive and ambition to accomplish anything he puts his mind to. Ther very best of luck for all future endeavors!! NJMJr!
I’m trying desperately not to be mean, but good riddance I say, enough with the GFP. It’s a shame too because he’s so adorable. But let’s face it, he was never that great of a performer or a convincing as a model.
What a loser….
In a few months no one will remember him. Most escorts always return to try and make the money they once loved so much, but what they can make falls alot. I say do not let the door hit your ass on the way out. There will always be younger and more attractive porn stars to take your place.
Malachi Marx is gay. I’ve never seen his porn but I can tell from the written interview that he is gay. His language sensiblities and point of view are that of a gay man. He made the mistake to produce a child at such a young age and with a woman. It’s a difficult situation he is in given he is gay too.
Watch some of the porn he’s in. Definitely not gay.
It’s the emotional and spiritual connection to someone of the same gender that makes one gay or lesbian. Realistically though, one doesn’t “leave” porn. It’s forever since those photos and videos last a lifetime. I honestly wish Malachi the very best and hope he saves/invest those $500 an hour earnings. It’ll be interesting to note how he deals with his very visible past with his offspring.
“It’s the emotional and spiritual connection to someone of the same gender that makes one gay or lesbian.”
Bullshit. It’s the PHYSICAL and SEXUAL attraction to someone of the same gender, which then leads to the emotional and spiritual connection.
Malachi Mark: Yet another link in the endless gay-4-pay chain. And yet another one saying, “I’m totally straight but other guys in this biz who say they’re straight really aren’t.” Just more bullshit on top of bullshit. No wonder gay porn is about as exciting as watching paint dry.
MMDD, you must be single or haven’t been in a relationship longer than 5 years. I could have sex with a woman I find physically and sexually attractive but it’s the feelings, mental stuff, and spirituality that keep people together. Looks can only go so far for so long. Ask any gay couple who are in monogamous, closed 20+ year relationships. If you’re so bored with gay porn, wtf are you doing on a gay porn site? There are other Sean Cody, Falcon, Bel Ami, etc out there for you to watch. And you can go extreme with the bug-chasing Treasure Island at the other end.
When a straight female porn star does lesbian or bisexual scenes no one questions her sexuality. Look at Jenna Jameson, Tera Patrick, or Belladona. Sexuality is SELF-defining. It’s not really up to anyone else to question another’s sexuality.
When Malachi’s book collects dust after less than a year of being published, there will be other out there like him. Porn has a short attention span but a long memory. Randy Blue has hotter and more prominent gay for pay stars like Leo Giamani, Reese Rideout, and even Christian Sharpe. There’s no shortage of guys to replace him but realistically after a career in porn some professions are definitely off the table.
In the end, it’s also true: once you’re a whore, you’ll always be a whore. For every hour you spent selling your soul, you’ll need an equivalent of at least three hours of therapy to deal with the emotional, mental, and spiritual cost of your once profitable profession. No one goes into prostitution without some sort of trauma.
DeadVertical, I tried to reply to your post directly, but it wouldn’t go through.
You are way off base. I’ve been happily partnered to a man and totally monogamous for well over 14 years. I don’t go out and have sex with women I find attractive because I’m not sexually attracted to women. I’m sexually, emotionally, and spiritually attracted to MEN, my partner specifically. That’s because I’m a homosexual (yes, a few of us still exist out there, believe it or not).
If you’re sexually attracted to women and find them physically appealing enough to go out and have sex with them, then good for you. Assuming you’re a man, then you are a heterosexual or a bisexual, not a homosexual. Doesn’t matter whether you fuck them and then leave them to go have a “mental and spiritual connection” with a penis or if you put a ring on their finger and say “I do.” If you’re sexually attracted to them, then you aren’t gay, period. Sexuality is most certainly self-defining UNLESS you’re talking bullshit, in which case people will call you on it. Besides, a man is known by his actions, not by his words. If you’re pursuing and fucking women because you’re attracted to them, then you’re not gay.
I’m on a porn site and expressing an opinion, nothing more, nothing less. None of those companies interest me either. Unlike their male counterparts, female porn stars NEVER make sure they emphasize their total and complete heterosexuality, despite their lesbian performances. That’s because very few of them are genuinely straight. Interestingly enough, very few women in straight porn are straight, and very few men in gay porn are gay. I’ve always found that be ironic.
“In the end, it’s also true: once you’re a whore, you’ll always be a whore. For every hour you spent selling your soul, you’ll need an equivalent of at least three hours of therapy to deal with the emotional, mental, and spiritual cost of your once profitable profession. No one goes into prostitution without some sort of trauma” – that’s bullshit. an escort doesn’t “sell his soul” (you sound like a trite religious zealot), he sells a sexual experience. Your need to think of an escort as “a whore” any more than any business person making money off a service, is sad. And your last statement, “no one goes into prostitution without some sort of trauma” is just a pathetic, hateful, unproven and untrue myth. It seems indeed you are “DeadVertical”.
You’ve got to seriously compartmentalize yourself emotionally, mentally, physically if you think being a prostitute is simply a “business person making money off a service”. As a former sex worker, I have to agree it literally is “selling your soul”. No matter how supposedly empower or flattering it is, being paid for sex is like a slap in the face. You are seen not as person but as an object. People such as myself don’t go into selling their bodies coming from the most healthy and stable backgrounds. A lot of us were molested, sexually assaulted, or had a variety of very challenging lives. Sure at the time i thought it was different. People don’t see you as someone’s child. You become this empty vessel, an orifice to be filled, an appendage to stuff them them. You become a blank canvas for someone to simply and selfishly project their fantasies upon. It’s not fucking a gay version of Pretty Woman. There’s a bored destruction that comes from selling your ass to make rent.
When I was little I didn’t exactly say to myself when I grow up I’m going to be a prostitute. You’re probably right: healthy, well-rounded people, who lead full lives often consider being paid by others not to have sex with them but sex ON them. If only I knew the hourly escort rate per three therapy session ratio years ago in my twenties, I would’ve saved so much more. It maybe’s a sign that you’ve got more than just intimacy issues with others and yourself. This might seem like a shock to you but putting a price point and numerical value on your own sexual experience tends to really fuck you up inside. And with that word “whore”, the closest I can think of it is a form of slavery; you’re not exactly a fully realized person. Your humanity dies a little with each act and bill passed to you. One’s self-esteem isn’t all together there when you’re willing to go down on any and every stranger waving cash in your poor yet fuckable face. I don’t think I can fully describe this form of self-abuse and victimization. I love how people are so cavalier and cool in describing selling my very self as a “service” or a “sexual experience”.
Last night I saw a Premier showing of NEFARIOUS. See more at either Facebook or nefariousdocumentary.com. Tells a lot about the sex industry and what it does to people in it. One lady said she reached a point where she was incapable of loving anyone. Sad.
How the hell can you be ok with porn but say all this bull about “selling your soul” when it comes to whoring. Its the same thing. What is the difference between the two? Honestly i dont get it. A perfomer can be in the porn industry for a year fuck 100’s of people and a prostitute with the same number of partners in one year has a stigma against him/her? Makes no sense. If you’re ok with porn, you should be ok with prostitution.
What a cool guy, I didn’t know he was a runway model …