All we know is we don’t think this sort of tranny-esque male belly dancing thing wouldn’t fly anywhere in Asia or the Middle East, except maybe in some underground gay club in Mumbai or Dubai. And this is clearly taking place in a large banquet hall.
He’s no Tamechi, but we’re impressed. Watch and learn, trannies.
(We have Lady Bunny to thank for this one. Thanks, toots.)
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Nice to see ignorance is bliss. There are, in fact, male belly dancers. They are very popular and, as stated in another post, are from Egypt, India and almost all the Middle Eastern countries. You need to pull your head out of the sand and educate yourself on other countries. You might be surprised at what you learn about other cultures that go against your own sterotypical upbringing.
Glad that your impressed, it takes guts and a lot of hard work to do that, especially as a man, but I’m a male belly dancer nothing in this performance is “tranny-esque” seems like your discussing how ignorant people can be, but you’re being a bit ignorant yourself, don’t you think?
Clearly stated in the beginning of the vid: Movenpic Hotel Giza Egypt 2005. And I saw male belly dancers when I was in Egypt too. Way to show your ignorance.