His political leanings were disclosed months ago, but something about
the Towleroad post in particular acted as a lightning rod for
anti-Crutchley sentiment. For example:
“Pathetic! Talk about fag hating fags! How dare they. More rich gay guys giving money to keep the hate going. BOYCOTT MANHUNT!”
“He looks out of shape. Hopefully he has a heart attack and dies very soon. Selfish fat fuck.”
“I’m sick to my stomach that I’ve given that fat piece of shit any money at all.”
Crutchley, who’s company also runs amateur porn site OnTheHunt.com, (NSFW) identifies as a Republican. Referring to him as a liberal and you’re likely to receive his ire. Responding to a comment online about his political leanings, Jonathan said:
“I am a Massachusetts Republican, which is about the same as being an Alabama Democrat. But don’t call me a “liberal.” That’s an insult.”
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Hey All. He was just asked to step down from the Board – he STILL owns most of the company and will continue to be enriched by our gay dollars. Until he is bought out and removed completely from the company BOYCOTT Manhunt!!
PJ, you’re right. He does have every right to support whomever he wants. And we have every right to boycott his business and do whatever we can to disconnect people like him. If only there had been a gay network back when J. Edgar was still here.
What kind of porn site owner wants a Republican to win the white house? I’d say this guy needs to be slapped but what he really needs is a shrink. He thinks running a gay sex site is not “liberal”?
Somehow i doubt this is gonna stop horny fucktards to hook-up…
PJ’s response is absurd. Why don’t we have the same rights as Crutchley to choose where we spend our money? If it doesn’t matter, then would you subscribe to Manhunt if you knew Fred Phelps was the CEO? Of course it matters, unless you are some brain dead Log Cabinette.
PJ, of course he can donate to whomever he wants. And his customers are free to speak with their wallets as well. If the guy had any sense he would have kept his political leanings to himself and not made a contribution that was sure to alienate his customer base.
And then he goes and shoots his mouth off with that incendiary comment talking about the “gay agenda.” The old fart must be aching to retire.
This controversy is ridiculous. I just don’t get the hating. This guy can donate to whatever candidate he wants. It’s still America, or at least it was the last time I checked. Feels more like Zimbabwe when people want to destroy the man just for supporting an opposition candidate.
The drapes, though. Yeah, we should put him on the pyre for those.