In case you needed more proof that everyone in the world has a better life than you, designer Marc Jacobs and gay porn star Harry Louis are fucking. Oh, sorry, they’re “dating.”
News of the couple appears to have first popped up on this Brazilian site (it’s all in Portuguese, so I don’t know!), after Harry himself tweeted a pic of him and Marc, with the caption, “What a great weekend thanks to the sweetest guy on earth, Marc Jacobs, see you soon in Paris baby… X.”
Here’s the enlarged photo, along with another one of Harry in Paris, captioned, “See you soon Paris… Loved every single minute of it, and yeah, I’m in love again… It feels nice, and I’m so happy!!” It’s so great that someone as physically unattractive as Harry Louis can still find love.
Marc must have changed his mind between November 27th (when the above tweet was posted) and November 28th (when Harry tweeted the above photo of him and Marc) and given Harry the “OK” to talk about their relationship publicly. And how could he not? If I had just had sex with Harry Louis all weekend, I’d be screaming it to anyone who would listen. I also would not be able to walk.
Marc and Harry are the latest in a string of gay celebrity/porn star courtships this year, following Calvin Klein and Nick Gruber and George Michael and Isaac Mazar, the main difference being that Harry and Marc are actually still relevant both in gay porn and popular culture. Also, they are both still hot. Congrats, guys!
[Lucas Entertainment: Harry Louis]
[Lucas Entertainment: Harry Louis & Hugo Martin Flip-Fuck]
Very hot & sexy nice body love his ass great cock
Luv to suck his cock
Harry is a boy of Dream land!!!!!!!!!
Harry is really really reallt from dream land.
You are the one. Harry
Harry louis looks like zayn malik
I like that Marc Bentley guy I already wanna suck his cock for free on cam and maybe let him into my booty if he calls me ill send pics on my phat white butt ;)
Wow! Marc is a very lucky guy!
The only reason everyone is aware of this, is because they are both high profile. Either of them could have dated any number of ordinary people prior to finding each other, but it wasn’t interesting enough to talk about. At least when you are both high profile, you both have similar concerns about career and image and you don’t have to worry about being compromised through indiscretions of someone who doesn’t realize what’s at stake.
hi zach why u say that harry is not a good looking guy ? he is handsome
Jealous fags, and a creepy woman. This site is priceless.
Call me naive, but not sure why anyone cares. Unless you are dating Marc or Harry.
everytime you don’t care an attention whore dies.
Hay algo que realmente me cuesta entender. Hasta hace muy poco tiempo, en todas las declaraciones que hicieron como pareja con Fernando Kairon, se juraban amor eterno. Es màs, a Kairon se lo conociò en los medios despues de 5 años de relaciòn con Harry, y pòrque Harry decidio mostrarlo. ¿Las ùltimas fotos no los muestran en un crucero renovando votos amorosos?. Vaya, vaya….le creì a Harry; creì en èl como una persona realmente enamorada mas allà de su trabajo pùblico como actor porno gay.
What I would really like to know is how and when they met….If Harry plays his cards right he may never have to do porn again. I could certainly see him modeling Marc Jacobs clothing. And the doors this could open for him. When you’re as HOTT and SEXXXY as Harry is and fucking Marc Jacobs I can only imagine where he could go from here. I feel sorry for Fernando but I do wish Harry and Marc good luck in their new relationship. It’ll be tough, but hopefully they’ll be good for each other.
how about we all just stop being bitter, close our laptops, and find somebody to fuck for ourselves instead of spitting bile at those who already have.
Hookers do what they do best…search out their next victim :-)
how must Harry’s (now former?) boyfriend feel? Being dumped for the good american dollar? Jacob is buying sex (his good right by the way) but not harry’s love as harry now has proven there is no love in him…..oh gay brazilians and their reputation
Maybe Harry’s boyfriend was already a thing of the past? Porn folk aren’t obligated to update you on every change in their life. (They do anyway, but they’re not required by law or anything.) Who’s to say there’s no love in Harry Louis?
Wow. You people are so judgmental. No wonder a lot of people dislike our community. And yes, I’d be self loathing to if I’m associated with such bitter, immature queens.
No you are self loathing because you hate yourself. BTW dear you must not be around very many straight people because I’ve heard the same cunty comments from straight people about ugly/hot, fat/thin, and young/old couples. The fact that you think this kind of reaction is limited to gay people says more about your own issues with your sexuality then it does about the gay community.
What a fucking boring life one must have when you’re completely unable to grasp sarcasm…people don’t hate our community,people are probably just bored by you.
2nd porn star that Marc has dated that we know about. Least this one has a job.
95% less creepy than whatever’s going on between Im-Ho-Tep’s little brother, Karl Lagerfeld & that boy he follows around & calls his muse.
Well, you’d be the authority on creepy…
I’m creepy, but you’re the one who compulsively comments on everything I say. How’s that pot & kettle situation working for you?
Oh, I comment on any number of stupid things I read on this blog. No one’s singling you out, dearie.
Now tell us how you’d like spank Harry Louis’ bottom or fuck his arse with a little help from Doc Johnson…
If Mother Nature hadn’t wanted Harry Louis spanked, she wouldn’t have endowed him with that ass.
further proof that life isn’t fair…..great
just the natural progresion of a whore, good for Jacobs who can pay the skanks fee.
Copy and paste the Brazilian article to google translate and you can see what it talks about.
I’ve always liked Harry Louis.
I would overlook the pectus excavatum for a roll in the sack with him.
It’s not as bad as some of the other pics I’ve googled.
Thanks for sharing. I was perfectly fine looking at him with a nagging feeling there’s something not right about his chest. Now, it’s all I see, lol!
If he lays down in the rain, I bet there’s a big puddle on his chest soon.
I gave up on fashion designers and their millions with Calvin Klein’s yellow toothed bleach haired buttock implant boy. They have NO taste.
Please post more often.
Marc Jacobs is gross and Harry Louis could do so much better. Money can’t buy love but apparently it can buy a porn star.
So you can’t fall in love a person just because he looks “gross?” How shallow, pathetic, childish, naive and GROSS.
Call us when you have your tongue firmly planted up Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s asshole.
Please leave one of the finest actors of our generation out of this trashy mess LOL.
This isn’t the first porn star Marc has dated but this time I am totally jealous!
If porn stars can dream aloud is because Calvin Klein opened the way and set the example.A true pioneer.
I thought Harry had a long term boyfriend???
Same here. What a difference a few months make. We’ll see how long this one lasts. I’m kinda a Harry Louis fan but maybe he’s looking to get out of porn or looking at life beyond porn. Either way good for Harry and I wish him well.
?????Fernando Kairon?????….Just checked Harry’s Blog. No mention of it yet.
I think that is more a lesson about how having money and fame apparently makes someone “attractive”. Pathetic.
Marc Jacobs does not look so bad and for sure he has an interesting life. Perhaps he’s even an interesting person!
He is a former fatty. Not to mention a superficial narcissist, and very hard on the eyes.
Oh the bitterness is palpable. Perhaps you can post a link to your photos so we can also be bitter about you people. LOL.
u kidding?he created an empire based on creativity became rich lost weight fucks a lot,has a tattoo of the simpsons version of himself…no way he can possibly remotely be an interesting person.
Jacobs is really hot so I’s fuck him too. Nothing to do with fame or fortune.