Is the word “ho” considered offensive in porn, or is that just a thing in rap music? Because here is a new Marcus Mojo scene called “Roboho.”
Three things:
1. Marcus Mojo is cute with his new haircut.
2. You might not think that this scene is appropriate for a gay porn site but, um, hi, look at her fierce shoes.
3. Charla, is that you?
“Do any of them really make any efforts to support the gay community in areas such as drug abuse prevention or employment discrimination? No, not really…because there’s nothing in it for them.”
OK, this is funny. Suddenly porn performers are expected to political activists?!?!? And surely you have the same standard for gay performers? :-) Who knew that so much lather could be created over folk who identify as straight and have gay sex!
Was it truly necessary to remind gay consumers that in the final analysis, Landon Mycles/Marcus Mojo/Whatever The Fuck He’s Calling Himself is just another using straight guy after gay dollars because he knows that since he’s pretty, fags will give up the cash? Mojo, Cummings, O’Toole, Daily—they are all cut from the same bolt of cloth. They’re just after your money. Do any of them really make any efforts to support the gay community in areas such as drug abuse prevention or employment discrimination? No, not really…because there’s nothing in it for them. There is a degree of Karma here, though–neither Mycles/Mojo/WTFHCH nor any of the other names I mentioned will ever be able to escape their moments in celluloid…in gay world, no one is really going to care, but in straight world, it will be the monkey that never really climbs off their back, and the straights will judge them for their cruises down Poop Chute Boulevard to a greater extent than gays will.
I love Myrna and Charla from The Amazing Race, but man, in that context they are even more of a buzzkill than the Charla knockoff with the Dorothy shoes of porn (there’s no place like dick, there’s no place like dick, there’s no place …).
Come to think of it: The whole blog entry is a buzz(cut over)kill. I wouldn’t mind if that’s the last Next Door Buddies blog post ever.
nDB doing straight porn on a gay porn site? Genius I say as I cancel any membership that has anything to do with them. As a gay male paying bucks I could not be less interested and feel rather insulted. Good luck with that.
Good point, ALEX. How ridiculous and offensive of them.
How sad is it that these guys want to be seen having sex with a woman so bad they will literally take any bottom feeding female from straight porn. I mean Cherry Torn did several watersports and scat porn films but guys like Tyler Toro and Cody Cummings who refuse to touch a dick or kiss a guy were french kissing a mouth that was used as a toilet. Its like saying they would rather kiss a toilet than a man…yeah sounds like they are real open and easy for gay performers to work with.
I have been EXCLUSIVELY told that Next Door Male is trying to take a cue from the numerous porn parodies that have been popular in the straight porn industry lately and have decided to make their own parody porn movies based off of reality TV shows. This one was originally supposed to be called Little Dick Big World (notice that the model bears a striking resemblance to Amy Roloff)
Next Up:
“Toddlers and Tiaras” starring Samuel O’Toole, Johnny Torque, Tucker Scott, and Joey Soto. No explanation needed.
I think Marcus looks more like the Dwarf in the face.
Really nothing hot about this. Apart from the shoes. I’d totally fuck the shoes,
oh man, I don’t think the shoes would fuck you, bro.
Definitely think Marcus looks better with this haircut. I never liked the messy crap he had before.
As for Charla the dwarf, she was a contestant on the reality show Amazing Race twice. once for her regular season and another for All Star season. The girl next to her is her sister I can’t remember her name. Clearly roboho and charla are not the same person, but they look very similar facewise. lol Zach that is so random I never would’ve thought of a comparison like that.
In the words of Homer Simpson, you gotta be pretty desperate to make it with a robot.
I do like his new haircut though, it suits him.
I’m really intrigued how the dwarf fits into the plot. It she wearing “roboho” as an exoskeleton suit and she bursts out of it at the end?
I think Mojo is hot as fuck, love his look, love to see him get fucked, jack whatever and I am diggin the new buzzcut too. Could we not tho, get at least one shot of him without that woman ? That god the midget was not with him in a scene or naked, I would have seriously puked. lol
Marcus has a bigger coochie than her
I think they used the shorter model to try and downplay Marcus Mojo’s small penis. You know kind of like when you shave your pubes your dick is supposed to look bigger, but in this case using a tiny model might make his cock look bigger. Unfortunately it doesn’t. I think NDM needs to get the same still photographer that “It’s Gonna Hurt” uses with Castro.
“….rotting stench of tuna fish….”
Mmmmmm. I understand you like the men, but do you gotta be a jerk in describing the ladies?
Who was describing “the ladies”? I was talking about the stench permeating from her rancid dirt box.
Nothing gets my ladyparts more happy than watching a fantasy about a woman-shaped object with no autonomy or sexual agency of its own being used by a doofus who looks like he’d rather be smoking a bowl than having sex. Roboho? Next Door hates y’all, I’m not surprised it hates us too. . .
Oh, I know! I can’t believe they combined the word “ho” with “robot!” It’s completely offensive to all the women that view this gay porn site, and totally trashing the women who don’t BEHIND their backs! The word “ho” has NO place in gay OR straight porn, even if it’s being used in a joking fashion as it is here.
Where will these militantly straight, women-haters stop!
I don’t think they would have had a scene with a mechanical go-go-boy and called it Robohomo so there’s a bit of a double standard.
Well why would you put it past ’em?! Clearly the only reason they’re making porn over there is to slip subtle hate messages into their scene titles!
The fact that you’re required to view this content, Asenath, just makes me sick. You know, considering you hate it so much.
Stay pressed, fanboy.
The shoes may be fierce but that weave is so busted even Britney wouldn’t wear it.
CHARLA!! She got much taller.
………….Her shoes are quite fabulous.
I dunno, but he seems totally natural and not at all uncomfortable with the rotting stench of tuna fish inches from his face. His hole is wider than hers, that I can safely say.
ps – why the midget/dwarf to close out the pics? Is she an upcoming co-star of his? THAT I’d pay to see, especially if she was the top.
Yeah. The picture of the dwarf made me WTF too.
“Ew, vag,” – really? How third grade of you.
He is cute with that hair.
He looks less like Ellen DeGeneres now.
please no more stories about Next Door!
please no more comments from “chyna”