I had heard from a source last week that the slut with a heart of gold had been fired (for reasons that are, at this point, unconfirmed), and last night Mason updated his personal blog, writing, “I lost my job.”
The last update to MasonWyler.com, a solo scene, was on June 21st, but Next Door shoots many scenes far in advance, so it’s likely we’ll see a few more clips in the coming weeks. Reps at Next Door weren’t answering their phones this afternoon (they’re Canadian, but maybe they took off early for the 4th of July weekend?), and attempts to reach Mason have been unsuccessful. Hopefully he’s out celebrating his freedom (by getting fucked, of course), and I hope Next Door lets him keep his name?!
More as this develops…
Just got off the phone with Mason, who confirmed that he’s stopped filming scenes for Next Door Entertainment. But, we haven’t seen the last of him yet. In the coming weeks, Next Door will transition MasonWyler.com to include live webcam sessions with Mason, from his home in Texas. All the traveling to Northern California (where Next Door shoots) was taking a toll on Mason’s recently rekindled romance with…guess who…his ex-boyfriend Marcus.
Honestly, I got so sick of reading his blog. Every fucking story was “I can’t find anyone to fuck me. I can’t find anyone to fuck me. I was on Manhunt and Gaydar and no one would come to fuck me…. blah blah blah…” He’s hot as shit, but that attitude- even if it’s a joke- reeks.
Didn’t he try doing the webcam thing before and always flaked out. I hope he’s more reliable this time around.
Maybe he faked another rape?
Why don’t the editors of this site change the title of this entry to “Mason Wyler NOT FIRED from MasonWyler.com”, instead of just putting [Updated] in the title? Would that bring too much credibility to this supposed journalism? Mason Wyler was not, and has not been fired, and you should do him and the studio he works for justice by reporting as such.
So he’s given up his site for his ex-bf? I hate to be cynical but that will never last. Mason can’t be faithful and Marcus will be whining about it later. Those two are pathetic and they deserve each other.
So is Mason a rice queen?
To maxlee – he’s Mason Wyler’s boyfriend and they’ve just got back together after breaking up in October:
although I’m not sure how “broken up” they really were because they never stopped living together.
trent ur a piec eof shit and judging people by their looks, ur a face-ist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Canada Day— that’s funny. When was it ratified as a national holiday 1777? lol.
who is marcus? i have never heard of him before
Why is Canada Day funny? How ignorant.
Like the “rape Story” nothing about Mason adds up, there is a reason for all this and we know what is up. Question is anyone surprised?
Why is Mason with Marcus?! That dude is fucking ugly as hell! He needs to get with another hot guy, not some ugly thing I picked off my shoe.
I so sick of the bs drama these performers have with lovers– all of whom are doormats.
I just wanted to point out that We don’t celebrate the 4th of July in Canada… Our national holiday is July 1st (Canada Day) which fell on a Thursday this year so many people took an extended long weekend.
I would imagine they will replace him with Rod Daily, he’s on there every other week. Funny how they fired the only gay model in the Next Door lineup. But by his own admission, Mason was a lazy cum slut. LOL! It’ll be interesting to hear the reason he was let go.
This is to clear the way for Marcus Mojo aka Landon Mycles to return to the studio.