Full disclosure: I learned of Mason’s status last June, when Next Door Studios transitioned him from scenes with partners to solos and webcam work only (a clause in his contract stipulated that if he contracted HIV, he’d no longer be able to shoot with other models). At the time, Mason was not prepared to go public with the news, and I respected his privacy. In short, there is no moral or journalistic value in reporting on anyone’s private, personal health issues unless they choose to come forward, which Mason has today.
Why did he come forward today? Yesterday, his former roommate, Randy Blue’s Porter Wescott, tweeted and blogged that Mason had contracted Hepatitis C. This then led to GayPornGossip running a story revealing that Mason had contracted Hep C and HIV. Like me, GayPornGossip’s Mark Wilson (the man behind that site and the Gorgeous Boys network of sites, which includes Brent Corrigan’s and Jason Sechrest’s) learned of Mason’s status last June. Why he chose to reveal Mason’s status today is beyond all logical reasoning. Porter Wescott’s (inaccurate) ranting about Hepatitis C doesn’t even come close to excusing the unethical leap to publishing and disclosing Mason’s HIV status. But that’s another story.
This morning, Mason explained to me why his disgrunted roommate thought he had Hepatitis C, and acknowledged his HIV status publicly for the first time.
“I told Porter that I had Hepatitis C because I had to explain why I wasn’t flying out to work (for Next Door Studios) anymore. I mean, it sounded better than HIV and I didn’t want him to know. But yeah, it’s actually HIV. I have HIV, not Hepatitis C. And as much as I’d like to say that my sex life is active, it’s not. I haven’t been sleeping with anyone, and the last person I did sleep with was actually HIV positive, too.”
Mason went on to post an entry to his blog moments ago, writing, “I have something to say. I spent the last few months trying to find the right time to tell you this but it turns out that there is no right time…The truth usually comes out eventually so I might as well just tell you now. I tested positive in May. I have no one to blame but myself. I have HIV and it kind of sucks.”
Since 2007, Mason Wyler has worked for over a dozen studios both online and in DVD, including Randy Blue, Falcon, Titan, Colt, Active Duty, Hot House, Jet Set, Channel One, Studio 2000, and Corbin Fisher. His own site for Next Door Studios, MasonWyler.com, debuted in 2008, and his contract expires with them in January 2011.
I feel bad for him.
Is he still alive?
Wow… I can’t believe you all. Compassion is great. But then judging? Really? HIV is scary stuff. I’m petrified about it. And don’t get me wrong… some of the things he has said and done don’t exactly make me wanna be his buddy but the truth is a human being has HIV. I don’t care what he did. I can’t believe that some of you have the audacity to come on here and make these statements and sit on your high horses. I know there are plenty of guys out there who have made mistakes – I know I have. By the grace of God I haven’t contracted anything. We have all been young once, or has it really been that long for some of you? I have a really hard time coming out… but it was because of this. How cold the gay community can be. A person has HIV and the only thing some of you can do is throw his past in his face. Real admirable. Right now he needs our prayers and our good wishes. Not our bitchiness and “I told you so” attitudes. I hope that he can live a life relatively free of pain.
And some of you need to learn what it means to be compassionate. I can’t believe some of you. Thanks for being real role models to young fags like me.
The wonderful tthing about being American is that you have a world of opportunites that await you after graduation from high school. Some are able to appreciate more liberties than others, while the others understand the importance and value of hard honest work. Gay porn is a billion dollar industry that grabs up young apsiring, mostly caucasian males, whose desire is to make the quick dollar and get out as soon as possible. LIke a drug, they become addicted and end up in the industry well into their twenties. Most have made considerable money and dabled in drug use along the way. The casualties of gay porn are the guys who get addicted to the industry and the drugs and eventually end up making drasctic decisions to make big cash and boost their careers. I don’t personally know this guy but I do know that his good looks could have gotten him a great job anywhere in any industry but he made a CHOICE. Now the best thing for him to do is speak out against this industry and encourage young men avoid it at all costs.
Jesus Christ, all you said was dead on, save the last part. Yes the potential victims have an avenue for action, AFTER the potential crime is committed. We can stop that potential crime by alerting the community of his status, if he won’t do it. Essentially, someone else took it upon themselves to perform Mason’s legal oblication to disclose to his potential sexual partners. And why the heck not if by all indications he isn’t disclosing.
It is a totally heinous act, to take someone else’s private health matters into your own hands and publicizie, but it’s nore heinous not to if you think it will put people’s lives in peril.
News flash guys… condoms are only safe for HIV prevention 83% of the time. the more partners, the higher risk. It’s fact. I feel for Mason… but am more worried about the guys he fucked in between contraction and the positive test (it usually takes 4-5 weeks to show up).
I dont think he should have had his HIV status outed. But now that it has been. It might in the long run be healthier for him, Im HIV positive and circumstantially had to tell my family, co-workers, and friends. Its a hard thing to deal with, but, being open about it has helped me get through it. Not everyone will understand and many people will wallow is there cozy ignorance before being understanding. But belief is come out about your status, be proud. Let the Haters hate you to your face… Its helped me see to the heart of people. Its a litmus test for reason, compassion, and understanding.
As far as people calling him dangerous. Its not the media or bloggers place to judge whether he spread HIV. To my understanding, the law focuses on notification. If he did expose people to risk and if he didnt disclose to them so they can make an informed decision than those, “victims” can take legal action. I dont know texas law… but I imagine they are strict on the subject. My point is. There doesnt need to be public wrath if you feel that he is behaving badly. If he did the “victims” can take legal action and an informed court can decide.
Well I am not going to say that it does not feel better because it does. However that 20 minutes of bareback could place you on 20 years of medication. There is no denying these realities; while the medication is helpful there is a backlash in the gay community because of the perception of being HIV+. Many in the gay community see HIV as preventable and IT IS but please remember we are all having SAFER SEX; condom usage is VITAL to this.
Here are some of my thoughts:
1. I think EVERY gay man should have an answer regarding whether or not they will have sex or date a HIV+ person. I would never try to convince someone as it is your decision but you should have a solid answer.
2. STOP using language like I am clean UB2; some HIV+ men are caused to further hide their status. You can NO longer tell if someone is HIV+ and many gay men do not tell even their closest friends about their health status because too many gay men are not discreet.
3. The #1 reason most men are HIV+ is TRUST sure it is misplaced TRUST but there it is. You say I am negative and then it is happy trails down the unsafe sex lane. It just can’t be that easy to be convinced about someone’s status. Where is your paper work from the doctor? Something of proof, some discussion about your sexual practices. If they have an ad on Manhunt, Grindr, Adam4Adam, Gay.com, RealJock, etc. you may want to rethink having unsafe sex. Oh hell, you should not be having it with anyone under any conditions.
4. Bareback videos whether people want to acknowledge them or not cause many HIV- and HIV+ men to formulate an opinion about bareback sex. HIV- may see HIV+ men as “slutty” and HIV+ men as a measuring stick on how to to behave sexually. Of course this does not apply to all men but there needs to be more talk about this.
Absolutely despicable on the part of M. Wilson. A person’s health information is private for good reason. There’s no evidence that he was actually engaging in unsafe sex after testing positive, and if. there. had. been. proof. of. that. internet porn blogging man should have still gone about it differently. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t knowingly spreading a communicable disease a crime in at least some locales? I swear it counts as a form of assault. Even if it doesn’t, with the type of person who would knowingly endanger other people’s lives like that, they’re probably going to be doing something else unethical or illegal that they can be caught out on. Innocent until proven guilty? Not if you can drive hits for someone’s website. If this Wilson guy actually cared about the dangers of HIV in the community or the porn industry, he’d be working towards promoting safe sex, instead of pointing fingers at one guy who is positive.
Now, I’m for safe sex, all the way. It’s foolish not to take advantage of the safety measures available to us. But the people who are saying he got what he deserved or that it was just a matter of time before he contracted it because he was promiscuous… He was being foolish, but being foolish doesn’t mean you deserve HIV. No one deserves HIV.
He also didn’t deserve to have his private information blasted across the internet, regardless of what information about himself he has shared in the past. That information was his choice. This information was a sanctimonious prick’s choice. It’s like saying that because you’ve seen a girl’s panties, you get to have sex with her. Entitlement, you don’t have it.
I am also HIV positive and still working in this industry and i do not work for bareback companies. I find new cases of positive models all the time. The fact is that models are very naive. They all have this ego like “it can’t happen to me” until the results knock them off their high horse. HIV has not gone away, yes the meds are better and do not kill you… but if your fucking for money wether it be porn or escorting, its not if you get HIV? its more like when are you going to get HIV.
I support Mason… but if you ever read his blog, i think you have to assume he already had it. Now i am more shocked if a model doesn’t have HIV. And if they do not have it, i just say to myself, its only a matter of time.
The fantasy of course disappears when your HIV positive. But at the same time, when a model is on a box cover with a load dripping out of his hole, don you say to yourself, “wow i can’t wait to see that 17 year old contract HIV” (Brent Corrigan). God, i hope not.
I’m just happy he blames himself.
Your moniker makes me sad. I hope that is really not the case.
i escorted for 7 years i never would do anything unsafe. if you get hiv its because you did something dumb. i am not judging this is just my observation. i can honestly say i never ever bb in my life i am lucky i am just not “wired” that way to think bb is hot or something i want to do…i think you can be pretty wild have fun and still stay neg ..but i understand your comments …you are right with everything you say except i’m not sure i believe its always a matter of time for everyone.
Now Mason con start a new career showing people how hot “real safe sex” is, as apposed to faux safe sex that always includes sucking down cum loads. That may be safer, but it is not safe. If any actor could make real safe sex hot, it would be Mason.
I don’t know what to make of all this…in ways you gotta feel sorry for the guy and in others you really don’t. I remember way back when Mason would tell his fantasies or dreams of getting raped remember all those blog posts ? Then all the sudden he told everyone he was raped so you never knew who to believe. Then he would go on and on about his endless desire to get fucked, he talked about cheating, he talked about how he and Marcus would like to go on vacation in different cities around the U.S. just so he could get fucked and Marcus could watch and film it. Then there was the ‘who wants to post a story on my new blog about how you wanna fuck me,,and the winner fucks me’. Or the donate money to my college fund and i will call you for 3 minutes thing. These stories and other just reeks of someone who is a little unstable. Now there are blog posts that his roomie thinks he is a disgusting pig who would not pay bills, had endless whores coming and going like a revolving door etc. Remember his post about his fantasy porn man who he met up with had him fuck him at the drop of a hat, fell in love with him till he realized he had a serious drug problem and then had him thrown out after the guy started to show signs on violence ?
Mason mason mason…you have lived life dangerously and now, well now you have the results of your actions and the results are positive.
It’s never good for someone to have tested positive. But I have a hard time working up any sympathy for him when all of his stories in the past suggested that he was basically out there determined to chase it down one way or another. He took the risks, now he has to live with the consequences, as do all men who test positive even though they knew better. Just have a little dignity and don’t go the bb porn route, please.
Wow it seems that all of his fantasies have turned into a very nasty in your face reality. You live by the sword (no pun) you die by the sword.
I’m sorry, that would be the Jim – nine posts up. Apologies to Ben, I mean that other Jim, Ben’s client.
ROFL Michael! Too true. Too true!
We believe you Ben.
Why do I smell a rat named Mark Wilson of Great Atlantic Media, Gayporngossip (Ha! not so great) posting as Jim – three posts above? Mark Wilson needs to feel the heat and pay a price for his irresponsible and reckless behavior against Mason Wyler. NOBODY, and I don’t care how you live your life, deserves to be outed like this.
Brent Corrigan, Jason Pitt, Pierre Fitch, and Jason Sechrest should dump Mark Wilson as their webmaster. And DeWayneinsd needs to wake the fuck up and realize who he has gotten himself in bed with.
Re: Benjamin Nicholas
I’m one of his clients. Rest assured that he does in fact live a jet-set life thanks to the group of us who see him and greatly value his time. He has never been dishonest with me in any of our dealings. What it appears to me is that there are many out there who judge without ever knowing a thing about the individual. While I don’t know what transpired, if anything, between Ben and Mason, it does seem clear to me that it’s Benjamin who’s came out on top in this situation considering the now-circumstance.
..99% of these dudes in porn are HIV+..and the majority of these sex sites /film companies knows it…because they wear condoms of film…it’s usually not an issue..however remember most of the are escorts off screen and the majority fuck bareback….many porn watchers may be nieve to this fact..but fortunately i’m NOT…:)
Here’s another really informed one…
where do you get your facts and numbers asshole??
Why do I have a feeling that this crazy porn star’s next move is doing bareback videos?
I’m not shocked, nor do I feel sorry for Mason. He brought this upon himself, lied to those he was having sexual encounters with (as per his A4A and Manhunt profiles) and put a great deal of people in jeopardy in the process. Those who sympathize with this guy are equally as messy in my mind. He deserves not a crippling death, but the spotlight of shame for his actions and, now, reactions. It’s gay people like this that taint the community.
Who said anything about feeling sorry for him asshole it’s called compassion. Nobody deserves HIV and you have no idea if he put people in jeopardy or not you hysterical queen. The only people that “taint” the community (whatever that might be) are insufferable fucknuts like you.
I’m sure he has zero interest in your shock or pity – but any human being capable of compassion would sympathize with him or with anyone who has HIV.
How do you know what kind, if any, sexual contacts took in fact place? That’s right, you don’t. Rumors and jumping in conclusions are not enough to violate someone’s privacy in such a matter.
That San Antonio press-loving escort “Benjamin Nicholas” outed this news maybe 2 years ago. He always writes “blind items” that even Stevie Wonder could see through a mile away.
Not sure what news you’re referring to from 2 years ago. Mason did not test positive until May of this year. He wouldn’t have been allowed to work for Next Door (which tests its models monthly) had he been positive.
So this is a side issue but I am fascinated. You are saying NextDoorModels BAN HIV+ models? Don’t they use condoms?
I dunno – I don’t follow either guy too closely but I could swear old Bennie is known for his blog where he’s known to want to post blind items about other escorts he doesn’t like and he was after a blond barebacker from Texas and I thought everyone posted in reply he meant to imply HIV poz Mason. From years ago.
I had actually read this two years ago and all this time, I had assumed Mason Wyler was HIV+. Many pornstars are so I didn’t think much more of it. And I had assumed that’s why he had become so much more open to really freaky stuff since then,
Surprised that he only got a diagnosis this year. Also stunned about the way this was revealed. But glad I wasn’t the only one who was under the impression he already was.
Not a fan but all my best to him.
I also remember the very obvious blind item that the always dishonest “Benjamin Nicholas” put up but, I didn’t believe it because I knew he was a liar. Plus, he always seemed to have it out for Mason. Mason was probably living the life poor Ben could only make up on his keyboard.
I also find it disturbing that Next Door Models discriminates against HIV positive performers.
they dont discriminate hes still working for them they just dont want to use poz models with neg ones , this is obviously because it is safer for their neg guys. apparently they must test alot