I wanna see! [Updated below.]
Don’t you?
Over the years I have created quite a few homemade sex tapes. I’m not talking studio porn with professional equipment and a paid crew, I’m talking private videos made with a simple handycam and a slew of willing volunteers. These videos can not be found in your local porn store, they aren’t on xtube or gaytube or rockettube… in fact, they aren’t online at all… not yet at least.
It’s not surprising that the proudest and most prolific slut on the internet has a cache of XXX home movies; it’s just a wonder that he’s kept them hidden this long. Not for much longer though.
Here’s the deal, help get my twitter following to 25,000 followers. Follow me on twitter. Tell all of your followers to follow Mason_WylerXXX on twitter. Once I reach 25,000 followers I will post the videos on Wyler Nation for your viewing pleasure. Until then, enjoy these screen shots from one of my homemade sex tapes.
Even if you don’t have a Twitter, set one up (and maybe set up 10 fake ones, too?) and follow him, please. And even if you don’t like Mason, do it for me because I want to see the tapes. Thank you.
[Mason Wyler: Twitter For Porn]
UPDATE: The fuck? Cold feet? Threats from his sex partners? Boo. Giant BOO.
I admit I am infinitely reckless with my life and reputation. Although I am not entirely ashamed of my notoriety, I do have some regrets. One them being my thoughtlessness with my post from yesterday, “Twitter for Porn”, which included screen shots from home-videos made over a year ago (way before I contracted HIV). Regardless of the date of the videos, I understand my poor standing in the public eye has ill effects on the lives of those seen associating with me. I regret that I did not think of the men involved in the videos before I published the screen shots. It was a major failure on my part and I am deeply sorry for it. With that being said, I have decided I can not release any private footage that threatens the livelihood of other people. I will do my best to continue to amuse and entertain you but I can only do it at my own expense (and with the help of willing volunteers).
there was this one time mason got some of his site followers to send him $50 each for a personalized webcam show that never happened with no refund too.
that was a super fun scam i got jipped on.
Mason is a piece of shit and he’s proving it with this (and other) stunts. HIV will kill Wyler whether he likes it or not and the tax-payers of whatever state he’s living in will have to foot the bill for his meds and hospice care. It’s total crap.
How anyone can defend Wyler is beyond me. I guess that gays really will excuse any kind of behavior as long as it’s attached to a somewhat-pretty face. How much are you going to love him when he’s covered in lesions, underweight by about 80 lbs and can’t control his bowels?
..Awh so how long have YOU had the illness…i’m guessing by your bitter post the lesions and un-controllable bowel movements have already set in..cheer up i’m sure u’re NOT alone :-)…:
Nobody dies of Hiv anymore these days unless you are dirt poor or live in Africa, this is not the fucking 70’s anymore old man. That being said I find it the height of irony that many of the loudest voices against him staying in porn are from stars that are themselves positive yet in the closet about it. They don’t want his taint to expose their sin. Ive met the guy and hes fairly down to earth about his whole situation. If other stars are using condoms and are pos and being with neg guys thats much worse than Mason being fucking honest about it.
Seriously??? “Nobody dies of HIV anymore these days unless you are dirt poor or live in Africa” Are you fucking kidding?? It just takes them longer to die and costs hundreds of thousands of dollars along the way. To be completely correct, no one actually dies from HIV. They die from HIV/AIDS related illness brought on by a compromised immune system and years of toxic anti-retroviral drugs.
I have AIDS so I know what its like. This cavalier attitude that HIV is no big deal, you just have to take a few pills a days is absurd!! Anyone that would like to trade with me I’d be happy too, just let me know and you can have my AIDS! You can have the lipodystrophy, the drug related early onset diabetes, the neuropathy, the chronic fatigue, the $30,000/yearly drug bill, and on and on and on.
HIV is still a big fucking deal, so stop acting like its not!
I would just like to point out that you don’t have to have HIV/AIDS to agree with this viewpoint. I don’t have it – I’m a total slut but one with common sense so I have never once contracted any sexually transmitted disease beyond one case of crabs when I was 18. But I am still of the same mind as PWA ^. Being willfully ignorant about the dangers of HIV is nothing but self-destructive suicidal idiocy. Trying to convince others of that view just so that you can get your rocks off is approaching fully qualified evil.
” Trying to convince others of that view just so that you can get your rocks off is approaching fully qualified evil.”
Hey guys, if you want to watch bareback porn get some from the 70s and just remember that these guys are mostly all dead from AIDS.
Condoms should be required in ALL porn because no matter how much “testing” is done; the porn industry is NOT monitoring these men and women day and night.
What may come up negative one month; can come up positive the next month…has the gay community forgotten that it is can take up to 3-6 months before the body starts producing anti-bodies that will show up on a test.
The gay community is really backwards: obsessing with “straight” guys and wanting to see unsafe sex. Such a sad statement: is this prevalent voice out there?
I know some people say it is a choice but too many gay men DO LEARN their sexual behaviors from porn (yes just like straight men) but the difference is the GREATER risk of HIV and other diseases!
The number #1 reasons someone is HIV+ is a deadly combination of trust and ignorance.
..Don’t care..i only like bareback porn…you know what they say everyone likes to watch a train wreck..if these fools don’t care about themselves why the hell should i..oh and btw..STFU:-)))))
Ding Ding….
I knew it as soon as this post came out MenofPorn ran a story and already people are pointing out “The people” he may have had sex with in the recordings. As we speak a certain model is being singled out because he is in one of the screen captures from Masons private tapes. I feel bad for Mason, people want to have sex with him still….but nobody wants to own up to it because of “The association” fucking sad…
Mason I would do a scene with you in a heartbeat, film it or not!! I just want to fuck you…..
Then afterwards I will bust your ass on PS3….I feel you geek boy
Personally, I think Mason is doing exactly what I would expect him (and what I want him) to do. And it’s just what I would do. He’s a porn performer. after all. He never said he was anything else. He’s a very intelligent, self-admitted slut, and I find that at once, entertaining and erotic. Therefore, he’s doing what he wants, and he’s doing what I want–which is to post it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a win-win. All of those who are offended or who want to espouse your morals, go to your church of choice. The Sword is, after all, a porn blog, and I daresay it’s not the most appropriate place for you to assuage your insecurities by trying to take down a guy who is just like you and me, except that this time, he got caught. Get off your crosses, honey…somebody needs the wood.
I watched it and I didn’t cum
This seems like a notice from Mason to open the bidding from his “scene partners” to keep their faces off the video. Kind of …”If we did it, and you want to keep it secret, then lets talk about what it’s worth to you.” Sort of a reverse EASY A! I wonder if he will take gift cards to Lowes?
Also Mason only has a few more than 4000 followers (I added him months ago because I loves me some draaammmaa; the same reason I added Diesel when he came back!) and I think the reality of him adding 21000 followers seems slim.
The common names for what you are describing would be extortion or ‘blackmail’.
He is a self-admitted slut, why would he give a shit about lighting or production, you dummy.
Amateur porn, will overrun the industry. Soon there will no longer be the crap that is generated by studios, or web sites…. and all I can say is, ALL THE BETTER! Drop this model of business, it is outdated, and “stars” are more and more furthering the case to leave it when they use blogs or twitter. The “less is more” approach seems to be lost right now.
I don’t want to get to know you as a person, I want you to be a sex object. Until you understand that people aren’t interested in your mind, you won’t create a sense of mystery or anonymity for people to create a fantasy of you. You defeat your purpose when you become a “porn persona”.
I have to disagree. I like blogs and candid Youtube interviews. I think Twitter in general lets people show their asses at a much higher frequency than normal, and public figures should use it judiciously. But that’s everybody, not just porn stars. I’ll cop to bad twitter behavior my own self.
It’s one thing to see people reading lines or having sex on some producer’s beige sofa, but infinitely more interesting if they’ve put some of their own personality out there for me to add to the sex (in the vein of Colby Keller’s art blog or Conner Habib’s Thinky Thoughts About Things). Of course, as I mentioned upthread, it can work against you.
Funny how Diesel Washington looks at everything from a PR point of view. Maybe, if DW was not so calculating, he would have had a more successful career?
More successful career?? I have numerous DVDs which are classics now, a shelf full of awards(Best Performer,Best Supporting Actor, Best Pornstar blog Hottest Cock) not sure what the hell your talking about? Another Secret Admirer……talking shit that hes knows nothing about. I know who u are as well….
Any time my name is mentioned Juan and Bye now have to comment as usual …… you guys are fools keep watching Me. I have more things coming up so U can get upset even more…
No, diesel, cant say I’ve visited your blog. If it is so successful why don’t you post comments there. Of course, maybe this is a poor attempt at stealing another porn blogs audience by commenting here. Gee, wonder how that is going.
From a PR standpoint, I think this is a bad idea for the following reasons:
As soon as they are made public then will start the Witch Hunt of every single person that Mason had sex with…(read above)
All people are going to do is rip apart his production skills, lighting, camerawork, closeups(or lack of) bah bah bah
Why give them for free?? Fucking charge money for that shit!!
While I like the idea of showing people your private sex life, the twisted reality of knowing after all of these hookups……….. his life would be forever changed.
With that said, I l think Mason is hot!! I would fuck the shit out of Mason….. hes such a little Mind fucker
Right back to Bubble Butt Fucker that quick…..
I have a question for you, as someone in the business — in general, if an HIV negative performer did a condoms/safer-sex protocols video with an openly HIV positive performer, as part of a non-creepy-fetish production, would there be problems booking jobs in the future?
(I say ‘openly HIV positive’, as I understand there are models who don’t disclose this information but perform in condom productions.)
Who asked you? Please stop expecting people to be interested in your opinion, you’ve burned so many bridges and acted like a fool, no one cares anymore.
I know who this is……
You follow me so closely its scary…..your a Secret Admirer. And I can give my opinion anytime I want….I hate faceless commentors who talk shit while they hide behind screennames…
Do you have HIV?
Oh, you guys. I am so ambivalent about Mason Wyler. He hasn’t actually hurt anyone but himself, so I can’t get all ~moralistic about his antics. On the other hand, the underlying pathology of his shenanigans sort of takes the sexy out of his body of work. But, his blogs are a really interesting (if somewhat creepifying) look into his head, if you don’t take the stories in them at face value at all. . .
I guess I’ll follow him on twitter. For Zach.
Really? He hasn’t hurt anyone? What about all the impressionable gay teen boys who get their sex education from the web instead of from school? I dare say he’s hurt a few of those. I’m with “Sorry” – all I can wonder is, does the other guy know he’s fucking a human petri dish?
A teenager who is old enough to watch porn, knows the risk of HIV/Aids, especially with all the conversations about mason and his hiv/aids. So yes, the latest bare back film he did is scandulous, however who are we to judge what these models choose to do? They know the risk, as does everyone who sees that video because everyone who goes on a blog about porn knows mason is positive. And these videos were presumably done before he became positive…and mason might be a huge slut, but whos to say the guy he is fucking isn’t one as well?
I depends on the teens home situation and location–if this is the bible belt, then chances are they don’t know since they don’t actively talk about gay sex in that area. But if you are a teen in say, New York City, that has comprehensive sex ed then it would be true.
Different states handle sex education differently.
Perhaps this is because I’m coming from an outsider perspective, but why are we looking at porn (which can be art and is occasionally entertainment, but is mostly just people rolling all over each other) for education?
Because it’s all the education some people get.
As regards the update, I actually approve of Mason’s newest decision. Clearly his brain is capable of overriding his gaping asshole on rare occasions.
porn is NOT art, you douche. Anyone that thinks it is completely ignorant.
We’ll have to agree to disagree, Sheesh. There’s no cause for name calling.
Porn is dehumanizing. It is a disconnect between the actual subjects and the viewer. They are objectified, for the purpose of fantasy and sexual escapism.–NOT THAT THERE IS ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT! It is just about entertainment.
I just get annoyed with people in the industry that conflate the two.
I do have to admit, that with his reckless use of his blog, a lot of people with common sense wouldn’t follow him as an example. But I guess some teens are stupid and vapid, if I recall correctly when I was one. Usually, they were straight. But then you would come across one that was gay- Usually, on the cheerleading squad.
:D, lol, :P
Every one of those vids will leave me guessing, ‘was this the moment he caught it?’; not a turn on. Sorry, Mason. Can you disappear into porn obscurity?
That’s totally DJ from Active duty!! Doing bareback with Mason, naughty, naughty! What would Dink say! Heh, heh!