Marcus has been Mason’s doting boyfriend for years, as well as his effective partner in publicity-mongering. We’re jealous that Marcus gets to wake up next to Mason’s alabaster ass every morning, but we also think it must be difficult to stand by while Mason pursues an endless line-up of dicks to ingest.
In a blog post called “Trouble in Paradise,” Marcus blames himself for allowing his boyfriend’s cock-collecting but he also blames Mason for refusing to compromise:
I’m the one who said that it’s perfectly acceptable for him to mess around off camera as long as he doesn’t lie about it. I’m the one that stands by his side while he makes out with someone else right in front of me at a bar… I understand that sex can just be sex. But what if it hurts me? … What should I do if I tell him, “No, not this time”, and he totally disregards it? … I know that relationships need a bit of compromising on both ends to work, but I don’t know how much more I can compromise before I have nothing left to give.
When The Sword contacted Mason for a comment, he told us:
He has asked me to stop messing around with other guys (not including porn) and I have tried to quit for him. But it’s a hard uphill battle for me.
We’d advise Mason to quit the anonymous sex for love, but then again, we want to fuck him, so it’s a tough call.
Which Porn Star’s Boyfriend Would You Fuck if You Could? (You Can’t.)
The Night Mason Wyler Took The Sword Bowling
Mason Wyler’s Final Word About Being Raped
Trouble in Paradise (Wyler Nation)
I have to agree with Jeff. This should have been planned out before Mason even got into porn. My rule was always that I would stop when either I or my boyfriend wanted me to stop, because when you’re a couple, it’s no longer just “MY sex life” and “HIS sex life”, as a couple it becomes “OUR sex life”. To think of it any other way is infantile and sheer selfishness on his part. But to allow that infancy and selfishness doesn’t say much about you either. It’s practically the same dynamic between an abuser and the abused.
Ditch him and go find some self-esteem. If you act like a doormat, then “Mason” will always wipe his feet on you. You stand by his side as he makes out with someone else in front of you? The man does NOT respect you, since he is perfectly willing to do that in front of you….and to make it even worse, your dumb ass gave him the green light to do it. “Mason Wyler” is a nymphomaniacal whore, and most likely always will be….and you can do better than being tied to a human petri dish, Marcus……unless this whole thing is just another publicity stunt, and considering the track record you two have, maybe this is just a big joke.
They should have a “don’t tell” rule and not do it around each other unless it’s a threesome that all guys approve beforehand.