A banner running on NextDoorStudios’s now defunct MasonWyler.com, which is still taking in new memberships. Wyler’s contract, which only included webcam solo shows due to NextDoor’s policy of not filming HIV-positive models, ended nearly six months ago.

Lord. Why are porn fans such catty jerks? Fine. Fine. You don’t like him. Don’t find him attractive, but please explain this sentence: “Some ppl you would never know they had HIV, but it’s obvious for me that his appearance has changed due to it and the medications that I hope he’s taking.” LOL. Really? How the fuck is it obvious?
Well I don’t see any facial wasting or anything. With guys who are really ripped I think their muscle mass can vary quite a bit. I mean Zack Randall is no longer in the insanely impressive shape he once was and I’m not making assumptions about his health. And as for Mason losing his “youthful energy” well converting did hit him very hard psychologically, and lost him his job, and two people he should have been able to trust betrayed his confidence then had the nerve to act self-righteous about it. I think anyone would lose their “youthful energy” after all that.
P.S. I know it technically wasn’t Porter’s fault but it’s like he got acquitted for a robbery, he had an alibi, he was busy doing another robbery at the time. It doesn’t make me have a higher opinion of him.
Could be a technical error? Maybe the website needs to be debugged?
…too soon?
Every time I see that face I want to vomit.
Why? I think he is fucking sexy!
Not at all…
I agree a little. He’s definitely not as attractive now as he was before contacting HIV.
this comment kills me. I didn’t realize being HIV positive made anyone less attractive.
It doesn’t normally, but he has lost muscle mass and his face doesn’t have the youthful energy that he once had before it. Some ppl you would never know they had HIV, but it’s obvious for me that his appearance has changed due to it and the medications that I hope he’s taking.
I’m sure I remember him saying he had a super-low viral load and his doctor told him he didn’t need to go on meds yet but maybe that’s not the case anymore. He was never really conventionally good looking anyway. You could tell he used to look nerdy before started going to the gym and that made me like him more. He was attractive for his flaws.
Maybe he just hit his aesthetic peak a few years ago? We’ll never know what he would have looked like by now if he hadn’t sero-converted. He still looks good to me even if he used to look even better.