Queerclick saw a teaser for the season premiere of the show
featuring a deaf model named Martin who they instantly recognized as
Paul Y from CruiserBoys.com. Of course, this isn’t the first time that
Ms. Dickinson gave in to her baser urges–last year Rodrigo de Carli
turned up as Channel 1’s own Claudio Martin.
Clark Mallon Falls Into The Gap
Top Five Reality TV Gay Porn Crossovers
New Season of Janice Dickinson Features Amateur Porn Model (Queerclick via Fleshbot)
Back to Gay Porn for Janice Model (Queerty)
This certainly shouldn’t be surprising to anyone. What do male modeling (particularly fitness modeling) and gay porn have in common? Excellent physiques. Off the top of my head, I can think of five mainstream models that have done or are doing gay porn. It’s not exactly a secret.