Between doing porn, hosting awards shows, and inventing new sexual positions like “the bully,” you’ve probably wondered how Diesel Washington manages to fight with so many twinks on his blog. Who has the time? How does Diesel make it look so easy? Can one man really do it all? Of course not.
Enter Pat, Diesel’s right-hand gaysian:
I used to have an Assistant named Pat. If people don’t remember the story: Pat was my assistant for 7months, alot of the projects in some of my earlier posts (2008) were edited and directed by him.
When He left it was hard…. I had to teach myself how to hold the camera and how to Edit Vids…It was easy when someone could give you a rough draft first, and then u can sit with them and tighten up the work, while they Edit at the same time.And always good to have some help book flights, taking those risky pictures and to be honest…Just having someone that shared the same Vision as urself (Of Course I had to pay him for it). He saw firsthand how his work was grabbing laughs and bringing smiles to other people faces. So when Pat became available again (School schedule flexible), I jumped on the opportunity to rehire him again!! Now that he has free time he was eager to return….And the timing couldn’t be any better I have alot of projects coming up.
Welcome back, Pat! Does Diesel offer a dental plan?
Is Pat a psychiatrist?
Love you Diesel ! Tell the haters where they can go baby!
Pat’s way hotter than Diesel.
“I have alot of projects coming up.”
Oh, goody, guaranteed are more public “episodes” and “tantrums” when each project blows up in his face. The man has literally the mind of a child.
“Big things coming up I mean BIG things BIG BIG “—followed days later with “Apology to the fanz………”
Sort of funny reading about him here just seconds after reading black porn performer’s Chase Coxx’s (juicygigolo) Twitter page:
“but exploits his ass for profit. You’re a token & you look like a Neanderthal that crossbreeded w/a Cro Magnon. It’s called lotion, get some
34 minutes ago via web
There’s a certain ashy skinned old ass mofo who is always embroiled in porn drama. Half the industry loathes him & the other 1/2 hates him
38 minutes ago via web
If you’re over 40, broke, ignorant & still doing porn that makes you a loser. By 40 you should own or at least run a studio instead blogging
42 minutes ago via web”
WHO can he mean???
I know I know I know sounds like he is talking about Diesel Washington…
The only problem I see in his comments:
I have done porn for 4years, 18DVDs 6 Webscenes(Drop in Bucket)
Own a studio in this recession??(Colt is having problems) Come on
Half industry loathes Me and other half hates Me?? Maybe that is true…but I still find work
Broke? not really..
Loser..hardly Nut job maybe LOL
And all I can say a Bareback Top that is mad at Me because I’m working more than he is…….
HATER!! all I can say!!
I go through this all the time
Curious to know what he’s referring to when he says “projects” The rambling blog entries and terrible videos he uploads to youtube? Someone is actually helping him with those? Really?
Yet U read the blog and watch those Youtubes??? Haters Haters Haters all I can say
Is Pat Diesel Washington’s “assistant” or Diesel Washington’s “brain?”