Today was not a good day for bareback porn studios in California, as State Assemblyman Isadore Hall III (D-Compton) introduced a bill that would make condoms mandatory for all adult films produced within the state. The bill would affect porn shoots from San Diego to San Francisco, so if passed, you can kiss Sean Cody’s Jarek and his infamous creampies goodbye.
Isadore Hall’s press conference this morning not coincidentally coincided with AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s separate Cal/OSHA complaint against bareback gay porn studios for not using condoms, which was filed yesterday. That complaint specifically targets over a dozen studios and distributors (many of which don’t produce content in Cal/OSHA’s jurisdiction of California, meaning most of the complaint will be automatically dismissed), including Treasure Island, SX Studios, Dark Alley, and Stud Mall, while Hall’s proposal goes after every studio, gay and straight. Talk about covering all your bases.
That Hall’s bill, AB 332, is sponsored by AHF should come as no surprise. AHF recently sponsored “Measure B,” which would have made condoms mandatory for L.A. porn shoots (“would have” because even though voters approved the measure last year, it’s still not enforced and still held up in appeals court). What is a surprise is that an elected official would take the same flawed, unenforceable, and financially disastrous policy that’s already failing locally and try to impose it statewide. (Although, given the way things work in California politics and the fact that the state is perpetually on the brink of bankruptcy, I guess it’s not a surprise.)
Even if AB 332 makes it through the state legislature (it’ll need to survive committee hearings and then a majority vote) and is miraculously enforced, most adult studios will simply move out of state. Bareback producer Corbin Fisher is already in Las Vegas now. Treasure Island already has offices in New York. Others will move to South Florida (home to bareback studios CollegeDudes and BrokeStraightBoys), where bareback productions are on the rise. Or, bareback studios will remain in California, start using condoms, dental dams, gloves, and goggles, magically increase profits, and stay in business forever. Ha ha.
Those against the anti-mandatory condom laws will accuse Isadore Hall of attempting to legislate censorship, and while that may be true, Isadore Hall’s more obvious fault is in ignoring his own constituents, many of whom are having bareback sex every day and contracting HIV. Hall’s 64th District includes some of the most poverty-stricken and destitute areas of L.A. County, including North Long Beach, Watts, Wilmington, and Compton, where public health services are desperately needed. A focus on drug treatment centers, STD testing facilities, and safe sex education could go a long way in preventing an increase to the nearly 18,000 HIV cases already recorded in L.A. County where Hall’s 64th District is, but instead, Hall held a press conference today to talk about porn, where not a single case of HIV transmission has been reported in nearly 10 years.
On the bright side, if Hall’s political career doesn’t work out (and given his sense of priorities, let’s hope it doesn’t), he could always find work as a porn star. He’s hot.
How long will it be before these zealots go after the Naked Sword web site for offering bareback scenes?
I wonder what skeletons lie in this modern-day Puritan’s closet. In keeping with today’s destroy-thy-enemy-at-any-cost politics, perhaps the best way to fight this guy and his ilk is through political obilteration. Anyone know a private detective?
I find it interesting the number of gay men on the side of bare backing being a good thing for porn, my question to them is are they willing to step up to the plate to replace those performers that turn up HIV positive and can no longer work in the industry, have they heard of or paid attention to the story of the STRAIGHT PORN actor who did a movie in South America came back to the states positive and infected the woman he performed with causing the studio to have to shut down for weeks and having to have all their performers re-tested for HIV. What are they going to do when the number of HIV infected gay men rises and are they going to be there to take care of them when they become ill, have they forgot about the 80’s & 90″s, ACTUP, the AIDS Quilt, just because we’re a point where we have the drugs available to lengthen your life and you people who have lived with the disease for 10-20 years doesn’t mean all of a sudden it’s time to go back to the 70’s and let a guy fuck you raw, if you’re in a stable relationship and you & your partner agree to not use condoms good for you, porn is fantasy but let’s have some common sense to WRAP IT UP, besides it more hygenic.
More grandstanding and manipulation of people by Michael Weinstein. Wasn’t he also the one that pushed the FDA to NOT allow Truvada being approved for PrEP? His motives become more and more questionable, personally I think he should be removed as the President of AHF.
When the government becomes the judge of what is good or bad for each individual at what point should the line be drawn? Do you trust the government not to cross that line if such a line could be agreed upon? If it is simply for the public good as many of the posts suggest, why start and stop with bareback sex? Why not ban, all forms of smoking, alcohol, junk food, gambling, or any of the “vices” we enjoy. Since speeding can cause accidents, should the government mandate that all cars should not be capable of going over 30mph, maybe 40mph? Should we get a committe together to determine just the right speed that would be safe for the public? I could go on all night but hopefully my point is obvious… there is no way government can protect us from life!!!!!!! That responsibility belongs to the individual!
Take care!
He loos a little suspect — DL much?
He looks like he watches gay porn and indulges :-)
You gotta love what people choose to fight over. Instead of educating, helping, and providing solutions to the STD and HIV problems they are worried about they would rather spend money on trying to pass a bill that will not affect transmission at all (well very slim to none)
Education has failed because many see this as a “choice”…since it is a choice there is nothing you can do but ban it…
Gawd is this america which last time i checked was a free country or is this fucking IRAN or North Korea. The AHF had to go to Compton I see to find a sponsor for their bill. Wonder what they bribed him with? This guy is not a democrat he is a Republican cause this is something they would do just like their attempts to ban abortion.
Sorry it needs to be said, who the fuck names their child Isadore?
Tristan and Isolde if they had a love child…ghetto style…how easy is that…
Even if it is on the books, there is NO way they could police it. Are there to be police forces present on set when they shoot? This is an impossible statute. Someone will just their productions east towards Nevada. And Nevada isn’t going to care about condoms in porn.
Impossible? Wouldn’t you just need to view the film to see if condoms are used? I’m not lawyer, so I’m just going off common sense. But, if the company was California-based, why couldn’t Cal/OHSA simply issue fines based on instances of non-compliance seen in videos? If the company can’t produce permits showing the filming was done outside of CA or they can’t prove that condoms were digitally removed in post-production, the fine stands.
It’s illegal to shoot porn in Nevada. Outside of Vegas and Reno, the state is very conservative with a large Mormon population. Besides California, the only state where shooting adult content is “on the books” legal is New Hampshire.
For years the porn industry has touted itself as being just as mainstream and normal in a business sense as any other industry. Well I can’t think of a “mainstream” industry where there isn’t some kind of workpalce saftey rules and reglations from construction to secretarial work. There is also workers comp and protection if they get injured on the job. As far as I know the porn industry has none of this. Stunt people have numerous safety guidelines that they must adhere to. If you are claiming you are no different then any other business then you shouldn’t have an issue being subjected to the standards that those businsses have to adhere by.
andre if you feel that way, then you shouldn’t have a problem with insurance companies denying people who work in the adult industry medical benefits if they come down with an STD. That would include genital and anal wart removal, anti viral treaments for HIV, herpes, and long term and expensive anti viral thearpies for people that come down with several forms of hepatitis. I take it you are also comfortable with the government denying benefits to people who work in the sex industry who contracted diseases that in some cases almost 100% preventable with the proper precautions.
Honestly, I’m indifferent about that side of things. You said the reason yourself.
“I take it you are also comfortable with the government denying benefits to people who work in the sex industry who contracted diseases that in some cases almost 100% preventable with the proper precautions.”
If they were almost 100% preventable, they should have been prevented. If a porn performer is willing to accept a higher paycheck (if that is the case) to bareback, then they have to accept some responsibility if a disease is conctracted. I think some of the companies that produce the porn have more of an obligation than the government to treat diseases spread within the industry.
I agree with you 100% Estelle. Porn company’s hire adults and those adults need to be responsible for their own actions and the studios for their own policing, but we live in a nanny state where the government tells us what to drink, where to smoke, what to smoke, how to dress (sagging), to buy health insurance so forth and so on, all in the name of doing what is best for us. The porn community is full of actors that supported the expansion of healthcare, well as the journalist Eleanor Clift said – “when the government secures your healthcare they have a right to direct health and safety policy to…well…pretty much right up to line.” (McLaughlin Group) That is the double edge sword that comes with looking out for everyone.
This will go nowhere just like all of their other proposals…worst scenario move to Vegas :-)
Someone had been wearing a “Not Chris Dorner” shirt for a week…
I wonder who his biggest campaign contributors are? AHF and Condom manufacturers? IMO He looks like a tool.
here’s the website where you can find out who your assemblyperson is. I just contacted mine and let him know that I oppose this ridiculous proposal.
YES!!! Make it happen…push it somewhere else and watch it come to an end since the gay community won’t say anything about it
What should the gay community be saying? I am beyond sick of you bareback bashers.
Doing porn is a choice.
Doing bareback porn is a choice.
Watching bareback porn is a choice.
If you don’t have the sense to understand that porn is entertainment, and don’t have the sense to be knowledgeable about and implement safe sex practices (if that is your choice), then you are a fucktard. And no bill or measure can ever cure you of your fucktardedness.
That is such circular reasoning. How the hell do you expect people to get the education and knowledge you claim they need to have if not through what they see and learn by example?
There is NO formal education for gay men anywhere in the US that comes before they start having sex, because the authorities don’t even like to admit that we HAVE sex so they’re sure as hell not going to teach us how to do it safely. The ONLY education they get is gay porn, so that is what is going to teach them how to have sex. And what do they see? No condoms. So what will they go out and do? Have sex with no condoms, because no-one told them they shouldn’t.
“I am beyond sick of you bareback bashers.”
I prefer to call us ‘people with a social conscience.’
“Doing bareback porn is a choice.”
Yes it is, and they have chosen to provide a bad example to vulnerable youth.
“Watching bareback porn is a choice.”
Not if that’s all there is and the viewer doesn’t know any better.
“Today was not a good day for bareback porn studios in California”
Then it was a good day for me.
Besides, calling someone a “fucktard” because they disagree with your position only serves to reveal you as exactly that. You don’t have the reasoning skills to put forth a cogent argument so you resort to name calling.
“How the hell do you expect people… … …no-one told them they shouldn’t.”
This is the same nonsensical argument that’s been used about violence in movies and vulgarity in music. To use porn as the main or even sole example for what our youth to learn by is not only unrealistic buy naive. Your argument presumes that gay sex education is different than straight sex education – I’m at a loss as to how that is. What gay sex act is there that can’t be done in straight sex? I live in California, but growing up in NC, I learned (from sex education classes in high school and college) that anal sex was the highest risk form of sex because of the thinness of the intestinal lining, and that fluids that carry disease will permeate that lining the easiest to cause disease infection. They didn’t teach that because of gays, they taught it because it’s a form of sex and those are the medical facts. If you’re going to tell me that sex education is worse today than it was in North Carolina 10 years ago, than that is a serious problem that has exponentially more to do with our school system then with porn.
And seriously, the ONLY education gay men get is from gay porn? In current society, where there is basically access to the internet anywhere at any time of the day? I find it hard to sympathize with anybody who would spend every waking moment learning from porn and not being interested in finding actual facts for themselves.
‘Bareback porn spreads diseases and a bad example for youth. Therefore bareback porn is bad and nobody should do it.’ That is circular reasoning.
And the word fucktard is just amazing. Profanity does not presuppose an inability to make a cogent argument.
If you got proper sex education (which included gay sex) in your school, I respect and admire your. I’m also jealous. But let’s be truthful about this – there’s no sex education going on that deals with gay sex.
If you’re a young gay man, what you learn about sex is from the internet these days.
Sean Cody, Bel Ami, Chaos Men, Corbin Fisher TIM and all the other sites that display condom-free sex never refer to the amount of money it costs to keep on testing models. Being STD-free is not cheap when it comes to testing.
Also, the reality of AIDS- or any other STD-free status of a model is based on the trust you have for a site. It’s brand loyalty, rather than transparency of information.
Europe is having this problem at the moment – we’ve been told we are eating beef when, in fact, we’ve been eating horse.
Brands aren’t trustworthy.
AIDS still kills people. There are drugs – expensive drugs – that slow down the speed at which you die, but there’s no cure.
Whenever someone says: ‘It’s a personal choice’, I want to break their legs. It’s not personal in terms of the other people who have to support someone who is HIV+ and going through a bad time. It’s emphatically not personal when you have to attend the funeral of a person who has died from AIDS (these days it’s usually written off as a version of pneumonia).
Andre, I am so sorry you can’t jerk off your three inch dick from you mounds of fat around your head and belly; yeah while it is “choice” that is seasoned by the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS made from it each year…so please take it somewhere else…also if you want to watch bareback porn you can from years past and keep in mind that many if not most of these performers have died from AIDS…
I am so tired of the Moral Majority in this country telling us what we can and can’t do with our bodies…Why is it someone else’s business to tell anyone they can’t have an abortion, or wear a condom? It happens to be my life, and if I choose to be an idiot and not wear a condom, and I get Aids, or another STD, then I pay the price…But, no one should tell me how to live my life…
Just like every other law in that gets passed here in this country by people who think they know whats best for everyone else, people always find a way around it…Prostitution has always been illegal, Prohibition was in place for many years, but guess what, People still drink, and people still pay for sex… I am fed up with the government telling me what I can and can’t do or watch….. It’s about time we stand up for our rights, even if they are wrong for us…We should have the ability to make that decision, not Uncle Sam…….
I’m sorry, but if you don’t use a condom in real life you ARE affecting us all. Aids is a mutating disease, so the more people engage in unsafe sex the harder it is to find a cure and the more likelihood there is of the current, barely manageable, form of aids AGAIN becoming a death sentence. Furhtermore, if you do acquire aids or another STD you are hurting all of us by increasing the cost of medicine.
If you want to say it’s harmless in porn and that it only effects those that use it or view it, a case can be made for that. But a case cannot be made for your “freedom” to go bareback in real life. If you do you’re irresponsible and callous.
As usual on these post, another person has misinterpreted my response. I only said that I didnt want anyone telling me what I can and can’t do…..I never said I didn’t use condoms…. So, I am neither callous or irresponsible…
I said “IF you do, you’re callous and irresponsible”. But my main argument was your statement that it is “no one else’s business” as to whether someone uses a condom. Because that behavior does effect all of society, it is society’s business.