The network responsible for A-List: New York and the somehow even worse A-List: Dallas shows that it’s actually capable of making at least one good decision by hiring Colby Keller to be adorable and talk and stuff.
This is the first in what will be an ongoing series from Colby (who Logo doesn’t identify as a gay porn star, so I guess they just assume that everyone know his qualifications?), and he’s so cute I can’t breathe.
For his next video though, can Logo afford to buy him a better cam and microphone?
Never seen someone be that cute while talking so explicitly.
I’ve never seen him in porn, just the video clips of him being silly and having fun and I think he’s great. He is amazing and adorable. I’m signing up for Logo this is the first I’ve ever wanted too.
You don’t need to sign up for Logo. The videos are playing on their site (link is in the clip above).
Can we post gifs in the comments, because there are no words to describe my feelings right now.
He is adorable and sexy. And yes, they need to boost those mics.
this is cool. so where is this “column” going to be permanently at on the internet..does anybody know? I had trouble finding a specific spot where it will be so it could be bookmarked. It’s probably just me.
Haha this is great!! Love this guy ,he’s very witty and original – one of the few porn actors that turned me on MORE once I learnt more about him, it’s very rare…
God he’s cute!
“What advice do you have for two tops?
Try to be versatile.”