Michael Lucas, Dominic Ford, Other Industry Vets Vent Outrage At Str8UpGayPorn Blogger

Within the gay porn industry, a dustup began overnight after Str8UpGayPorn posted an article outing the full name and some more personal details of QueerMeNow‘s blogger, who last weekend took home the Grabby Award for Best Porn Blog for the second year running. Now, the entire porn industry is built on fake names, and there’s a code of ethics around protecting each others’ identities, so many including me quickly took this act as a step too far for an industry gossip site.

The offending post has since been removed.

To some degree, we all have lives ‘outside of porn’ and some of us choose to keep our ‘private lives’ and ‘porn lives’ separate. I’m not sure how many people read the blog I’m referring to and I don’t want to give it more publicity, but Zach Sire has just released an article using QueerMeNow’s founder’s real name, photographs, Facebook pages, divulged how much income he makes, and a whole host of other private information that he doesn’t have permission to divulge. I’m not sure if it’s all just so he can take out the competition, if he was jealous about not winning an award, or he just enjoys trying to destroy other people’s lives.

Just because the blogger of QueerMeNow went to an industry event and accepted an award on stage is not an excuse to publish all of his personal information.

In the last twelve hours, more people have come forward via a webmasters’ discussion thread calling for a boycott of the site — in other words, canceling any affiliate accounts they may have connected to the site. Dominic Ford released a statement, and posted a petition geared toward those in the industry, saying, “This sets a horrendous precedent in our industry and aligns Zach more with PornWikiLeaks than any legitimate news source for our industry.”

Lucas Entertainment founder Michael Lucas also issued a statement via email to fellow site owners saying, “Given that [QueerMeNow] is based in Thailand, a country with no protections in place for LGBT individuals and stringent laws on pornography, this exposé becomes even more malicious. Sire even mentions the potential for the blogger’s arrest at the close of his post, in his usual sardonic tone… Zach Sire profits from his persistent and hateful attacks on the gay porn industry. QueerMeNow is quite the opposite, acting as an integral part of this industry and supports all studios and models.”

Site co-owner Davyd Dixon, who asked for the removal of the post, defends Sire’s editorial discretion by saying, “I too have found myself not in agreement with some things Zach has said or done in the past and that’s expected.”

Also, fan Diesel Washington and some commenters on the site have come out in support of Str8Up.

Suffice it to say: Drama. The post was removed as of about 1 p.m. Pacific Time. There’s so far been no response from QueerMeNow.


113 thoughts on “Michael Lucas, Dominic Ford, Other Industry Vets Vent Outrage At Str8UpGayPorn Blogger”

  1. Zach Sires and the whole Str8upgayporn site are a bunch of pussies and liears. First off when you Google them you get this “No Filter, No Agenda’s. No Censors” – Funny since I was censored today. Last week I was called an loud mouth stupid asshole by Zach Sires because I mistook Liam Riley (Not real name) for the guy who was arrested in the rentboy raid (I even apologized IN the original comment – I have no idea who these hookers are) Today I called them out on putting down a studio that supposedly puts out “Incest Themed Porn” So I looked them all up. No Incest theme. It’s a fantasy. Then a LINK called “Gross” on the front page takes you to a site for DylanLucas films and a porn called “The Family That Plays Together”?? another so called “Incest themed film. Stating that NONE of them were incest I posted the Box Cover of the Peters Twins and said – INCEST!! You talked this up in past columns, NOW the headline is “Watch Vadim Black fuck his Stepfather Dennis West” WHAT IS IT. You hate incest themed porn? Or you only hate incest themed porn from companies not paying you to promote their stars? They are suck contradictory assholes and make the Gay Community look exactly like it does on FOX N&^S. Si I am banned from commenting but Porn guys who beat the shit out of their wives, RR Beats the shit out of his EX and ut him in the hospital then crocodile tears that he wanted to kill himself. The GoFundme Page for Vacations are fucked up, the GoFundMe Pages to help pay for lawyers because you got arrested doing something illegal. Vadim Black with his Homophobic tweets and racists words still gets coverage, WOW I felt better when we were all in the closet. They are making the Gay Community look like exactly what every homophobic/religious zealot thinks they are. Drug addicted, Porn addicted, Sex Addicts, Pride Parade float goers wearing next to nothing and doing blow right in Public…..I thought we were making strides. But NOPE looks like we are just like everyone else! Zachary Sires and the whole lot of them are coward pussies hudng behind a computer, like Perez Hilton. Click baiting stories and passing it off as Parody. Not buying it!!. WORST SELF PROMOTING, THINK THEY ARE OWED SOMETHING, HOOKERS WHO’S TIME WILL RUN OUT. Then we will see them working in a florists or designing drag queen gowns. Hypocrites,

  2. The adult entertainment industry has proven a disappointment to me. It is a business after all, that does not perform to the standards of any other. Performers acting in the likes of Sebastian Young, for example, would have been terminated long ago. Accusations against Studio leaders like Michael Lucas, would have been investigated, charged or exonerated. And bloggers aligning themselves as journalist, would be fired for providing opinions as facts.
    I am sure I am in the minority and suffering from my years working under the regulations of my employment. I know this industry is all about fantasy and escape, but it is an industry. All that I can do is speak my mind and act as I feel necessary for my own mind. After mentioning the QueerMeNow blogger by name 28 times, I need no further information to prove that Zachary Sire acted personally and not professionally.
    I will no longer visit his site.

  3. How can you out someone who wasn’t all that hidden? I mean his personal Facebook accounts linked his work with QMN, and yes he did appear in public to accept an award at a recorded event. Most of the people that are more outspoken against him have been people who have long had issues with him. Lucas, Jake Cruise, Nica Noelle, and Dominick Ford. He never said Jake Cruise went bankrupt, but he did say they were laying off people and cutting back production, which they did and now they no longer shoot original content but instead outsource it. The issues with Lucas have been made public by more then one model, as have the issues with Nica Noelle.

    Maybe it was personal, I don’t know, but in a industry where people are routinely betrayed, lied to, misled, and where agents/producers etc… could for the most part care less about most of these guys (talent) well being and how they are treated the “outrage” rings hollow.

    As for outing, where was the “industry” when performers names were being outed on Porn Wiki Leaks? They didn’t care, they didn’t have to face the consequences, they just collected the money. No major company or studio jumped in to put a stop to it or put any kind of $$$ into waging a legal fight to get it taken down. For the most part it was bloggers that took Porn Wiki Leaks down.

    The point is that none of these people put their money where their mouth was when their talent, you know, the people that keep them in business, were being outed left and right.

    The line of “outing” is murky now with social media, and now even moreso with the stupid Go Fund Me pages where a legal name is required, and the Amazon Wish Lists.

  4. Oh look, there goes Zach with that hard hitting journalism yet again! This time about some Men.com contest where fans and bloggers (including Zach) have a chance to win a cruise. Full disclosure though, so it’s ok for Zach to stuff as many affiliate links in as possible to get those Men.com sales and win the cruise!

    Nothing but an affiliate blogger, like I said before. Why does he think he does anything different than QMN and is somehow better? Poor delusional wannabe journalist.

  5. It’s clear that Zach Sire has suffered some kind of mental breakdown. Suddenly everyone needs to play by Zach Sire’s rules.

    Ummm, no. Outing the QMN blogger was an exercise in lack of character and moral compass. How can Zach Sire point his finger at anyone when he has demonstrated such an utter lack of moral fortitude and character.

    He’s a disgusting failure of a human being.

  6. I couldn’t agree more. He clearly says in that video that he named the guy to make a point. How can even his supporters stand beside him when he himself bas deleted and or blocked so many comments? Journalism is about recording the news not creating it.

  7. Zachary takes his job as gay porn gossip blogger way too seriously. He thinks he’s writing for the New York Times and writing hard hitting political essays or something. He writes bitchy gossip about gay porn! If he wants to put those journalist ethics tips he picked up at college to use then get a real writing job. He admitted himself on his personal blog that The Sword was his firstl writing job after college.

    And does Perez Hilton write under his real name? Does anyone know who writes the articles on TMZ or E! News? Because Zach is a gossip blog just like them. He could have stayed anonymous if he wanted to, but he thinks he’s a real journalist, so…. And just because Zachary Sire decided to write with his real name because he’s delusional and thinks he’s a real journalist, everyone else has to as well because Zach thinks it’s the right thing to do.

    This is nothing more than a pathetic 38 year old failed journalist who had to resort to gay porn blogging. Can you blame him for being angry and bitter? He thinks he’s THE EDITOR of str8up and a real journalist when he’s nothing more than an affiliate blogger trying to generate gay porn sales. That’s it. He’s the same as QMN, except they go about things differently. It’s pathetic how delusional Zach is and how he thinks he’s doing anything more than promoting gay porn.

  8. Does Zach have a drug problem? It looks like it by that Youtube video. Anyway, he’s still screaming about how publishing the QMN blogger’s name was ok. He keeps skipping over WHY he did it though, because it’s so obvious he did it in a vindictive way just because he was jealous. QMN winning the Grabby for best blog really sent Zach over the edge. And of course he’s still deleting comments, even on youtube now. What happened to no censors and no agenda? Because Zach has been censoring all weekend and clearly has a personal agenda.

    BTW, Zach IS a sociopath and he continues to prove it. That Youtube video did him no favours.

  9. Industry Insider

    I wish Zach well. He’s a hateful person, but I hope he gets the help he needs to be a happier person. Defending his bad behavior because it’s entertainment or something is sad.

  10. This is completely utterly ridiculous these porn stars and people against Zach. What a bunch of hypocrites. First of all did anyone hold a gun to this bloggers head to come to a private event. He knew the risks involved when did so. That’s on him. These porn stars have the right to talk with their drug problems,mental problems and certain people attack other porn stars in their blogs. So for people to come out and say Zach destroys people is pure BS. Does Howard Stern get blasted for insulting celebs or Kathy Griffin when she destroys people in her comedy act or when Perez Hilton attacks certain people.Most of these celebs who are real celebs live for the press. Zach gives them free publicity. It’s really appalling how hypocritical these people. The gay porn industry is a joke imo.

  11. The Other Devin

    That fool is now almost completely unhinged. He’s really sick. He’s still trying to claim all of that QMN is something other than an ugly temper tantrum driven by jealousy and envy b/c QMN won that award 2 yrs in a row and he didn’t. Though he claims not to care about the Grabbys he clearly does or else he wouldn’t have had this spectacular meltdown. His total lack of self-awareness is stunning as is his belief that he’s fooling anyone about his motives.

  12. Industry Insider

    Admit you betrayed the QMN blogger’s trust, you’re jealous of his success, and you were attempting to harm him.

    Zach Sire The Sociopath just posted a YouTube video (Sunday around 5:30 PST) on his site that defends his poor judgment surrounding the “events of last week” (watch it quickly as he will probably take it down once he realizes how foolish it makes him sound). Essentially, he says porn bloggers DO NOT have the right to privacy (it’s his decision to make, of course), and his action to out the QMN blogger was to enforce “transparency” in the gay porn industry, and if you want privacy wear a bag over your head or do not come to public events. He also says two or three guys are “coming after him.”

    He also stipulates that porn stars DO have the right to privacy because of stalkers and those who might intend to do them harm (that sequence begins around the four-minute mark). Zach you stalked the QMN blogger. Zach, you were wrong, plain and simple, but instead of just apologizing and admitting you went too far with one of your mad campaigns against the world, you dig your heels in and make a video that claims the expose about QMN was about your beliefs on privacy. What a crock of shit, sir.

    Admit you betrayed the QMN blogger’s trust, you’re jealous of his success, and you were attempting to harm him.

    Here’s the video, watch before he takes it down:

    How to Spot a Sociopath: “Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience”

  13. You are all bunch of ignorant morons Thailand is the friendliest and most tolerable country in the whole Asia toward the lgbt community. Lots of gay guys are going there to have an operation and soul searching. The Thai King demands his people to respect any form of sexuality.. What I only hated about Thailand their people stinks and that bullshit QMN guy.

  14. I do call into question his professional character. As with the Sebastian Young bs, Sire ran with it due to his “agenda.” Did Young ever file the “harassment” accusation . . .no. He is a spin doctor. I will never respect this kid who simply deletes thoughts and opinions that he doesn’t share. That is NOT journalism. No censors and no agenda? BULL SHIT!

  15. People seem to be going to extreme lengths to prove Zachary Sire is sociopathic.

    It’s kinda sociopathic in itself…

    I’m an unapologetic fan of Sire, but I’m also and admirer (on record here) of some of Waxner-Herrman’s editorial work. It’s different to Sire, but when it’s good, it’s very good.

    And as I said on Str8UpGay, I’ve actually worked within Thai media and all this bullshit about QMN blogger’s life or liberty somehow being at threat is complete and utter drivel. Thailand doesn’t work like that – and people who say it does are witless, ignorant pricks. Thailand has a lot of problems right now. A LOT. But it’s still a great country packed to the gunnels with fantastic people. And QMN blogger is going to be completely fine and safe.

    1. Industry Insider


      If you want to support Zach, fine (you’re free to support sociopaths if that floats your boat), but please don’t insult us with excusing his behavior toward the QMN blogger and pointing the finger back at Zach’s critics.

      What he did was wrong, motivated by jealousy, and put the QMN blogger’s livelihood in jeopardy (the same would be true if he happened to be based in the U.S., but there are even fewer legal protections for gay men in Thailand, despite an improved cultural acceptance). If you’re so sure that personal information should NOT be protected, you should feel free to post YOUR real name, place of residence, occupation, income, etc., here on this board along with a recent photograph. I’m pretty sure you will not be sharing that information here. That, of course, is why you use a handle like “dazzler” (and you would be quite upset if your buddy Zach knew your personal details and posted them on his site with a cheeky account of why “dazzler” deserves to be outed because Zach decided he wanted to be a jerk, like he did with the QMN blogger’s personal information, so get off your fucking high horse).


      Page 24: “There are no current laws which protect LGBT individuals from hate crimes, civil rights violations or discriminatory practices. Though there are limited o”cial state reports of these violations, they are frequently reported in newspapers, websites and social media.”

      1. You mean to say that a governmental agency’s report is closer to the truth than an upper-class white UK resident’s lone experience? About the potential pitfalls surrounding LGBT Thai nationals? That simply cannot be!

        And all the Google bombing that went on in the original SUGP article was not the work of a sociopath? Don’t you know that Dazzer is a journalist? Have some respect! ;)

    2. Are you perhaps Damon Kruezer? Name, writing style & cold demeanor are similar. My comments to you on the other blog were deleted, so it’s opportune you’ve moved over here. You say you didn’t read Zach’s deleted post but continue to defend him. What gives?

  16. Zach fits every characteristic of a sociopath. He’s nuts. Why does anyone employ him? Because him acting like an unhinged lunatic brings blog views? The most annoying thing is how Zach thinks he’s some gay porn industry saviour. So self righteous, like a true sociopath. Maybe he should get out of his mom’s basement once in a while and stop obsessing over trying to make Davyd’s porn blog the top blog. He’s obsessed with Alexa rankings and traffic. He really is trying to destroy the competition and make str8upgayporn the top blog with Zach himself as the end all and be all of gay porn news. Again, like a true sociopath. He has nothing else going on in his life but being a gay porn blogger employed by someone else, and apparently he doesnt even make much at it. Pathetic.

    1. Miles of Isles

      He’s currently having the most hilarious meltdown on Twitter. Banana Guide called him “bitchy and gossipy” and now he’s in full on Punisher mode making threats, throwing a hissy tantrum and saying he’s their “enemy.” Who says that? the last time I heard someone say that and mean it, I think I was 12. And now we find out his vendetta against QMN is about him using the word “stunning” and Zack thought it was a copyright violation (because he like totally owns that word).

      Sociopathic doesn’t even come close. It’s like he’s paranoid delusional and has a persecution complex.

      Next he’s going to start shouting that “Daddy… I want a Golden Goose NOW!!!!”

  17. So Miss Sire with all her venom seems to be more authentic…in the other hand Doctor Queer Me Now is more porn industry ass kisser due to the fact that being this way he stuffs his ass with lots of money: It explains the heavy censorship in his blog’s comment section that makes all commenter show like seals…always clapping hands for scenes of fuckery and naked men without any criticism: Oh! So hot!; I want that ass!; I want that cock inside me !; I want to marry him! etc…Like North Korea’s commie party.

    1. Miles of Isles

      as we’ve already established, Zack has posted a lot of made-up bullshit to intentionally start flame wars, so he’s not really “authentic” as much as “a professional troll.” We’ve also established that he also heavily edits comments to only show support for what he does. We think his top commenter is his own sock puppet.

      Nobody denies that the goal of QMN is to just promote porn and make sales and clearly he’s doing that. But few of us can figure out what Zack’s mission statement is other than “spread shit as thick as possible, smile at the mess he created and then cry about how other people make more money.” This reminds me of the evil queen from Snow White who destroyed herself out of jealousy that someone else was prettier.

  18. Zach Sire just deleted the following message off of Str8upgay that I wrote in response to the QMN cotroversy:

    You took great pleasure in throwing instant shade at QMN’s win, delighted in pointing out the potential political/social consequences of running a gay website in his oppressively censored homeland, then collected and concisely posted personal information off the basis he personally accepted an award which denies him any anonymity. You reveled in the attention it got whether positive or negative, but as soon as it started fucking with the church’s money you start pointing fingers everywhere else instead of taking responsibility for your own childish and unprovoked behavior. Especially since I remember him posting a message on this board supporting a win for this blog for awards in the past. You can feign victim but let’s not act like you’re the hero in this situation.

  19. Industry Insider

    Yes, as some here have noted, it was not ideal for QMN to set up a gay porn blog in a country that has some perilous laws. That is not the point here. We all live precarious lives in some way. The way we thrive and survive is how those we trust protect us. It seems — from what Zach posted in his report — that he had a personal relationship with the QMN blogger. A relationship that was based on trust. He trusted Zach to keep his personal information private. However, Zach, the mean-girl of gay porn blogging, betrayed him. And KimmyK is right, Zach is a full-blown sociopath…


    10 signs for spotting a sociopath

    #1) Sociopaths are charming. Sociopaths have high charisma and tend to attract a following just because people want to be around them. They have a “glow” about them that attracts people who typically seek guidance or direction. They often appear to be sexy or have a strong sexual attraction. Not all sexy people are sociopaths, obviously, but watch out for over-the-top sexual appetites and weird fetishes.

    #2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn’t do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.

    #3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others. This is why you will find many very “successful” sociopaths in high levels of government, in any nation.

    #4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time.

    #5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and “win” at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

    #6) Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them. Their high IQs often makes them dangerous. This is why many of the best-known serial killers who successfully evaded law enforcement were sociopaths.

    #7) Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving. They may feign love or compassion in order to get what they want, but they don’t actually FEEL love in the way that you or I do.

    #8) Sociopaths speak poetically. They are master wordsmiths, able to deliver a running “stream of consciousness” monologue that is both intriguing and hypnotic. They are expert storytellers and even poets. As a great example of this in action, watch this interview of Charles Manson on YouTube.

    #9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.

    #10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it! Charles Manson, the sociopathic murderer, is famous for saying, “I’ve never killed anyone! I don’t need to kill anyone! I THINK it! I have it HERE! (Pointing to his temple.) I don’t need to live in this physical realm…”

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz3bZslRsu8

  20. I am disgusted that this internet bully pretending to be a journalist and claiming no censorship has not only removed my post, but blocked me. Silencing the truth Zach does not absolve you of your childish actions.

  21. Zach is a mess. That QMN post was so transparent and reeked of jealousy. He’s dying to knock off the top porn blogs so str8upgayporn can be #1. He was basically jumping for joy when manhunt died, and as soon as he saw a chance to try and take QMN down, he took it. He clearly was hoping the QMN blogger would shut down the blog or stop updating or something, since he could face jail time. He’s been plotting against QMN for a while now. Then there’s comments here about Zach being broke and living with his mom? LOL! That explains it! What a sad sack of shit. He can’t even generate enough sales to pay rent? I guess dishing shade and gossip doesn’t generate sales?

    And the hacking thing is such bullshit. Zach was forced to delete the QMN post, and he probably threw a fit and “hacked” the site himself to direct it to QMN. Kind of like a symbolic “well if QMN gets whatever they want because they’re the #1 blog, might as well give str8up traffic to them!” Zach has thrown hissy fits like this before. And now he can play the victim and pretend someone hacked not only the wordpress admin, but the DNS names as well. And as soon as the site was back up Zach posted that pathetic post about being hacked. He was deleting a ton of comments because the were all calling him out. And if you notice, he went on his personal Disqus profile to upvote all the comments defending him (and no doubt down voted all the ones calling him out). Zach is an unstable sociopath.

    And what happened to Zach getting a real job after he was fired from The Sword? He turned around to work for another gay porn blog. He couldn’t even start his own. I bet Davyd Dixion pockets like 80% of the profits and Zach, the measly blogger, gets 20%. No wonder he can’t pay rent and he’s so bitter.

  22. Team Zach and Stra8up!
    If the hypocrites can’t take the heat, then get out of the biz. And who the fuck is dumb enough to base their gay porn site in Thailand??

    1. Miles of Isles

      Sorry, what makes him a hypocrite, exactly? I don’t think that means what you think it means.

  23. QMN author has linked his public Facebook profile with his porn blog, and appears on the porn award ceremony under his real name, and all say that he was outed?
    The real issue here is that the QMN blogger comes from a country where censorship is a problem and yet he censor comments which can affect his earnings.

      1. Miles of Isles

        What Zack did was like seeing him standing at a cross walk, pushing him in front of a bus and then saying “well, it’s not my fault he was standing so close to the street!! what did he THINK was going to happen?”

        1. That analogy would work if the blogger actually got run over. He went back to posting his stories like nothing ever happened. If something were to happen to him, you can bet the news would be out somewhere. OR we can all google his name in hopes that a Thai newspaper publishes it along with his arrest!

          1. Miles of Isles

            I didn’t say he got run over, I said Zavk vindictively shoved him in harm’s way.

            Look, we all know Zack is a vile little vicious crybaby who’s throwing a tantrum that he didn’t win a Grabby and trying to take out his competition and doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. He probably hopes someone gets hurt. That’s how rotten a person he is. He’ll then have another story to write. Don’t deny that. We all know why he did that. It wasn’t out of some journalistic integrity.

        2. lolol MAYBE that analogy would hold if QMN weren’t the massive creation that it is, or if he were actually careful with his personal information.
          The Facebook information alone is enough to invalidate any claims of “protection of privacy/safety” but accepting public awards in person, using your real name is absurd.

  24. Industry Insider

    I have been working in the gay porn industry for more than 25 years and Zach’s post about QMN yesterday made me very concerned for the safety of the QMN blogger, and I cannot think of another porn insider who is more rotten to the core than Zach.

    The QMN guy seems like a genuinely nice person and undeserving of being put on blast by an apparently bitter rival (I do not know Zach or the QMN blogger personally). Zach seems to be bitter in general, but that “report” was above and beyond mean-spirited and dangerous — even for Zach.

    There is something wrong with Zach, and any criticism seems to fuel him to be even meaner, more vicious.

    Calls for a boycott won’t change his behavior. One day, hopefully soon, Zach will find something else to focus on in his life and leave gay porn blogging to those who have respect for others. The others that have been mentioned here that are former and current targets of Zach’s vitriol are not the issue here — the QMN blogger could face serious harm (legally and physically — something Zach seems to be more than aware of since he made comments about said dangers in his report).

    I’m afraid there is little that can be done stop or help him be a better person. He is what he is, sad to say.

    I do hope that the QMN blogger comes out of this episode unscathed.

    1. Everybody is talking about the safety of the QMN guy as he lives in Thailand. People seem to forget that Thailand has places like Pattaya which are very gay friendly.

  25. This is fucking ridiculous. The man got up on stage in public to accept an award.
    Zach maybe went over the line with his article, but holy fuck the garbage personalities coming out and trying to use this as a way to shut him down.

    I feel bad for QMN, although I do think he made his own bed, but the ‘industry backlash’ is such a load of shit. ML and DF can seriously eat a bag of dicks.

  26. If you make a very critical post of Zach in his new post at STR8UP he takes it down. I just posted something and he removed it. So much for him claiming his blog is uncensored.

  27. I just posted my own comment against Sire on Str8upgayprn. It was up for mere seconds before being removed. A “journalist” who can’t defend his own work. This kid needs to get back in the sandbox. He wants to put the blame for providing this personal information that QueerMeNow did not want to be shared on everyone but himself. What a little punk.

    1. There are many critical comments on the story on Zach’ own blog that are not being removed. Also, on the origal blog post on the QMN guy many condemned Zach actions. Maybe you wrote that Zach lives with his mother;)

    2. Jamie you hit the nail on the head. Of course he only leaves up the comments that support him, and deletes any dissenters, thus censoring his own readers. He also blocked me from viewing his Twitter accounts, because I guess he couldn’t defend himself. The one good thing out of all of this is one wrong was righted.

      1. Simply not true. On his latest post, there are still a number of posts that are not overall supportive of Zach’s original posting/action. He has left them there and they are not deleted. Disqus has a vote up/vote down option that might make it appear posts are deleted, but they are not.

        1. Miles of Isles

          Thanks, Zack. We all know you delete comments if they hit too close to home. You also use your sock puppets to up-vote positive comments and leave “hell yeah” comments. You’re not fooling anyone.

          1. Simply not true. I’ve been critical of Zach and said so. Posts were not removed. I’ve only ‘know’ one person that uses puppets on gay porn blogs and that is Michael Lucas. Men of Porn did a post on Lucas Entertainment and a lot of models were ‘ordered’ to write good feedback on ML. One commenter said his comment was removed by Zach on the SUGP and that was indeed true because the comment came from LE headoffice. When QMN has a post on a LE scene it looks very much that ML himself (under different aliases) praises the scene.
            I find it strange that so many people keep on defending Michael Lucas. He used a CockyBoys employee to spy on CockyBoys. He says he tests his models but does not do so. He tries to pair models with different HIV statuses. Some models would only get their money after they would do a second scene months later (how would you feel about that?). I’m glad SUGP exposes guys like ML because he’s a danger to the industry.

          2. He definitely manipulates the comments. That “Miles Julius” is most likely Zach. And he up votes all the comments on his side, and down votes the ones against him. He’s also delete a ton, especially when the post was first put up. He got called out on it so he stopped deleting as much.

          3. Miles of Isles

            I don’t see anyone defending Michael Lucas. I see people saying “I don’t care if Michael Lucas is or isn’t a douche, what Zack did isn’t related and is pretty indefensible.”

            And let’s face it. How do we know anything that he says about Michael Lucas is true? I find it hard to believe that anyone could get away with THAT much without any blowback from porn stars and all the other bloggers and industry people and it seems that ONLY Zack has the ‘real story?” This suggests that most of what he says is made up.

            I remember a couple years ago he posted a big story here on the Sword about how Jake Cruise went out of business and closed down and fired everyone and went bankrupt, but that never actually happened. He also had some “exclusive” about Sean Cody’s new schedule that turned out to be bunk. The way he goes after Marc Dylan is not only over the line but Marc says most of the things he says are made up.

            There are other times stories feel way too sensational to actually be true. Probably most of the really sensational stuff on his blog is either totally made up or mostly made up. That would probably explain why he got fired from The Sword, if he slandered the wrong person and he was let go to avoid a lawsuit.

            We all saw that he would delete and even edit people’s comments here. People complained about that all the time. Now that he doesn’t have the ability to edit comments he just deletes them. He can dish it but can’t take it. Very grade-school bully.

          4. Miles of Isles

            AND, how do you know there was a comment that was “actually from Michael Lucas?”

            Because Zack said so? We do you buy what he says and use it as evidence.

        2. Simply is true. My post was removed. I stated that Sire was wrong and his attack made worse because he accepted absolutely no responsibility blaming everyone from Lucas to the QMN blogger himself. The only posts with any type of negative connotation last night basically said bad boy Zack your writing is better than this.

  28. ..........................

    honestly, i don’t see what the problem is especially when in the case of the gay male community, folks treat these porn entertainers as for guidance in real life situations. these porn entertainers, companies, directors and etc actually welcome that as well instead of just reminding people that it’s all entertainment. so with that said, these folks brought it onto themselves. this wouldn’t happen if they weren’t trying to extend their 15 minutes of fame outside of their line of work.

    1. Maybe the guy from QMN is threatening with a lawsuit and as Zach don’t wants to spend Christmas in jail with Jarec Wentworth he removed the post?

  29. Zachary was Cunt-Empress of the Douches with his post…but, if QMN was serious about protecting his privacy, then he really should have had someone accept the award for him. I think he is a complete & total kiss-ass…but even complete & total kiss-asses do not need to be victimized in this manner by a vengeful cunt.

  30. So, Zachs mother made him take down the evil post! Good for Zach’s mom! I mean really, anyone can start a website blog for under $10.00/mo. Didn’t Zach even have $10.00 after he was fired from The Sword to go it alone? Ahahaha!

    1. Miles of Isles

      No no… remember he “QUIT” the sword and said he was going to do something out of porn like be a “serious writer?” Remember that? That long self-pitying blog post about “what do I do with my life that’s only consumed with writing the gay porn version of the Mean Girls Burn Book?”

      I guess Harvard Press turned him down so he found a new gutter to roll around in?

  31. I don’t like QueerMeNow. Freedom of speech over there is not respected in the comments section of the website. The guy will delete your comment or hold your comment if he doesn’t like it or you. Paybacks a bitch. Get em’ Zach!

    1. Oh yes—QMN does HEAVILY censor comments on his blog…he does it to ensure advertisers/models are not offended….but to be fair, do any of the porn studios who advertise there seriously read the site?

      1. it’s all about money. As Zach wrote in that infamous post, the QMN guy makes huge money through the many partnerships with the various porn sites, so he can’t afford one of his clients to have bad advertisement in the comments.
        Well, it’s his blog, his rules.

  32. Ridiculous. If the guy deals with gay porn, and shows himself in public in Chicago, of course he should expect this will be known by interested parties. Zachary is jealous, that is true. All about that post was gratuitous. However, he did not reveal anything secret. The figures given were all guesstimates. Do any believe he hacked bank web sites to get them? Please.
    Also, keeping porn life and regular life aside by hiding your name? If so, why do you say you r proud to be making porn? And it’s not like you keep under towels anything you haven’t shown the public. Hypersensitivity is irritating.

  33. Zach is no better than Kent Barclay, aka “Damon Kruezer” aka “Gerard Courcy”…birds of a feather.

  34. I enjoy this blog The Sword, Str8upgayporn, and Manhunt during Dewitt’s tenure. What other gay porn blogs should I be aware of?

    1. MenofPorn.typepad.com is a very good site where you can learn some interesting stuff. Comments are not moderated, although some are removed at times, so your post will appear on the site almost immediately. It seems there are some very knowledgeable posters there.

      As for Str8upgayporn, there are a bunch of issues. One thing I have learned from this blog, MoP, and Str8up is the hypocrasy in the porn industry, and the competitiveness. That is a good thing and is something that Str8up seems to be good at exposing and should continue to do. The very Internet that allows the cheap and easy distribution channel for the porn industry also allows for the free exchange of information. If someone is intent on finding out things about you, and has the time and interest to hunt for bits of information over the Internet, they can probably put together a pretty good expose. The worst case is identity theft. Rule no. 1 when it comes to hiding your identity and stuff you don’t want strangers to know is: Don’t put that info in an electronic form that can be transmitted and stored on the Internet. If you forget that, as the guy from QMN did, then you set yourself up for anyone to take advantage, and rightfully so.

    2. I’ve found that QueerMeNow, MenofPorn, SexFlexible, and TheSword are all you need for updates and news/info. SUGP is just for trashy gossip…like the TMZ of gay porn…but I suppose that has its place.

      And I’m 99.99% sure that the hoopla over at SUGP was fabricated by Zach. There likely was no real “hacking” and he simply deleted his posts himself, they weren’t “lost.” An experienced blogger using WordPress but isn’t using an auto-database-backup tool? He’s either crazy dumb or crazy shady.

      Blogging is a numbers game and if Zach is as broke as people make him out to be, what better way to bump up his numbers than with this faux story? It certainly has everyone talking.

  35. If Str8UpGayPorn/Zach come back at all, I’d anticipate a poorly spelled and grammatically incorrect public apology (as parody of Ryan Rose) ………… the whole thing leaves a really bad taste. It would be like revealing every gay porn stars actual name (if they use a porn name). Not cool.

  36. I have to say that i feel in this case maybe Zach was over the line and did good deleting that post mostly because, living in tailand, could be dangerous for him. But that is just about all his personal information i feel that pictures of him now are fair game since he actually got on a stage to show himself. For a long time RJ Sebastian, photographer and owner of Cockyboys didn’t show his face either and people respected that but now he is in the spotlight and the QMN blogger is too. I don’t think you can have a moment of glory and then say “but i don’t want my pictures around”. i don’t feel it works that way. People already saw you and are going to look out for you.

    And,please, whether you like zach actions or not, have more respect for someone like Diesel Washington who is not just a fan,is also a porn veteran with a lot of years and knowledge on this bussiness and a loyal and with integrity man. If i were zach or the QMN blogger i will prefer always someone like Diesel by my side than scumbag Michael Lucas.

    1. The Other Devin

      It definitely “works that way” if ppl agree not to post pix. It’s pretty simple. It’s not like pix post themselves automatically. Not unlike the agreement among porn professionals mentioned in the post above – porn actors and others trade their real names among each other w/an implied (and sometimes contractual) agreement that they won’t out each other. Their names don’t get out more often and/or more easily b/c the ppl involved honor the agreement. So yeah, if QMN had asked that ppl not post his pix though he appeared on stage that could definitely have been done. To wit, no one else has posted his private info or pix…only Zach. And that says quite a bit about him.

    2. Miles of Isles

      Diesel Washington is a complete mess. His late night angry rants that go on for hours are legend. It’s like watching a slow Motion train wreck. I don’t find him any less slimy than Michael Lucas, just not as rich or successful.

  37. This was unacceptable behavior and entirely unprofessional.

    And for those saying Zach is somehow “special” and “telling it like it is”, that’s bs. He’s an affiliate, he’ll tell you whatever he can shake out of that addled brain to get the traffic and the SALES. The difference between him and every other affiliate blogger out there is that most do it with common decency and respect for others, rather than scraping the bottom of the barrel to attract a minority of gay trolls.

    If Str8Up were a real publication it would be one of those trashy tabloid rags you might buy once from a gas station, in an emergency, to wipe your ass.

  38. Somebody should post a photo of Diesel Washington’s ID, Drivers License, give out his personal home address and phone number, and a map to his house and see how he likes it. After all, he’s a porn star so he deserves it.

  39. dewitt (not that dewitt)

    How does someone get butt hurt enough to try and wreck someone’s life over a Grabby? He reminds me of Hunter Moore. I bet he posts from the safety of his mom’s basement.

  40. do other porn blog readers realize that all the blogs make money off the content they cover? Zach blowing up QMN’s numbers and relationships with studios like he himself doesn’t make bank from cockyboys, seancody, belami, sketchy sex, etc. always brings up condom shaming and risk with bb studios like TIM, tim tales, and Lucas (not affiliates since there’s no links on his sites), but two posts later all the loads being taken by a bottom is hot if its from sketchy sex.

    1. Shortly after Zach started SUGP I mentioned this in a comment on his blog. He replied that he only approved of bb studios that actually test their models. Michael Lucas said (when he went bb) that Lucas Entertainment tests his models but it soon turned out to be a lie. Treasure Island Media is an absolute disgrace with fetishizing HIV and reckless behaviour.

      1. Miles of Isles

        Wait, that’s not accurate. Jake Cruise and Cocksure Men had a statement about how all their models were tested on that site and he never let up about how dangerous and dirty that was.

        I guess his attitude changed when he saw how much more money he made from selling bareback over condom movies. And he whines about “the almighty dollar” all the time. HA.

  41. zach has banned me multiple times for any comments disparaging remarks on his editorial remarks. he is just as snakey as many in the industry but because he labels himself as a journalist that’s somehow acceptable. glad he finally showed his ass since no one else will.

  42. JohnnyPornLover

    Also, if you actually follow Zach’s blog of hate you would notice how he bullies…Read some of the tweets he posted months ago aimed at QueerMeNow.

  43. JohnnyPornLover

    I think a few people are missing the point here. It’s not about Michael Lucas it’s about the fact that the blogger went way to far. Or at least his jealousy did.

    PS…Can we get a new name…Duckface is growing a little tired.

    1. Nope…”Duckface” has stuck. If the obnoxious whore has a brain, then he would capitalize on it…I’m sure he knows many of us call him that.

  44. Odd that your posts get removed Edwoody because I’ve made countless posts about duckface’s scandalous doings and they never get removed. I even call him duckface on there and my posts don’t get removed for some reason. But I also don’t curse a lot on my posts as I’ve noticed excessive swearing does get your posts removed more often.

  45. Revealing personal info like that is beyond unacceptable and there’s no justification for it, but the people like Lucas who are latching on to this and pretending to care about QMN couldn’t be more transparent in their attempts to get rid of SUGP and a blogger who will actually criticize his shitty company and behavior.

  46. Just this second I tried my usual link to SUGP and it auto-redirected to QMN. I wondered if this was the reason. Is it a hack by an anti-SUGP-er? Is Zach trying to show support to QMN? Who knows?

    I just know that Michael Lucas coming to my defence is the last thing in the world I’d want. When he says QMN is “an integral part of the industry”, what he means is “he’ll suck up to me and claim all my shit don’t stink, so I like him”. While Zach has no problem calling ML out for the cunt-faced abomination he is.

    What Zach did in this case was over the line, considering QMN editor’s personal situation. But in general, this case aside, I’ll take Zach as an honest, funny, non-beholden source of information way more seriously than anything on QMN. QMN has edited many of my own comments in the past – anything negative or not proclaiming ML a god is instantly removed.

    1. That guy from QueerMeNow blocked me from giving comments on his blog. Apparently I wrote some mean things about Michael Lucas. Although I disagree with Zach for giving the real name of the QMN blogger (although he appeared and gave a public speech at the Grabbys) and some other personal stuff, QMN is just like a spokesperson for the gay porn industry without EVER being critical. SUGP is one of the few blogs that exposes assholes and dangerous practices in the industry.

  47. He took the story down????? For shame Zach! I read the blog, and whether or not I agree with what he says I expect Zach to take a firm stance in defending his work.

          1. Yea I noticed that, I found it weird. But then again he didn’t lose anything interesting stories except for his outing story. He said posts were deleted, not sure if that meant full stories or comments as well. It wouldn’t surprise me if he re-posts them the man is pretty clever in that he saves EVERYTHING!

    1. Miles of Isles

      Defending his work? Bitch, please. He’s not writing an exposé on the NSA, he wrote a bitter, vindictive blog post with the intention of having a rival blogger arrested, fired and probably disowned by family. Using the homophobia of another culture against someone is what I’d expect from Fred Phelps.

      Funny how nobody has talked about how Zack can barely afford to pay his rent (he lives with his mother) and recently was reduced to calling up the studios he promotes begging for advances. Maybe they should.

        1. Miles of Isles

          it’s not like THAT fading hipster douche could offer naked pictures of himself or one-on-one skypes.

          1. Miles of Isles

            HA. Maybe if he spent less time posting bitter gossip and actually promoting porn scenes, he’d make more money? Dunno, it seems a bit counter-intuitive to spend all your time attacking Michael Lucas (who I don’t think is much, if any, better or worse than most of the other porn studios) and then turning around to whine about how much QMN makes promoting Michael Lucas.

      1. I hear the stories about him living with his mother and they’re hilarious, but meh I don’t see that as a problem. Although that comment on getting an advancement on his affiliates is interesting. If he’s going directly to them, that is actually a bit shady and an issue since apparently he’s not the owner of the actual site, just the editor. So that’s the owner’s responsibility to deal with, unless Zach does a whole lot more than just write. Either way, it’s a suspicious.

        And I know exactly what the story was about, I didn’t completely agree with it either. But this has not been the first time he’s been this harsh about a topic or person and to this extent, and whether or not I personally agree with I think at most he should we-write the article, but not cower away from it, whether it’s a great idea or not.

        1. The Other Devin

          I think you just like drama and mess. LOL.

          The story was completely off-base. Zach’s real issue is w/whomever awarded QMN (AND NOT ZACH) two years in a row. He should go after the Grabby voters…whomever they are. Targeting QMN is unnecessary, wrong-headed, mean-spirited, unprofessional, reckless and thoughtless. Plus it doesn’t hurt the ppl Zach really wants to hurt – the ones who have denied him the recognition he so clearly and sadly craves! He just wanna be loved by his peers! And he thinks being a cunty brat is the way to get it.

          1. Well of course I like drama and mess! Everyone who follows this TheSword, Str8upgayporn, AND even QueerMeNow do! If the drama and mess isn’t mentioned in the story, it sure as hell is mentioned in the comments section, and a lot of the times it’s not even censored.

          2. Miles of Isles

            I’m fine with “Drama and Mess” so long as it’s someone who deserves it and/or someone whose life won’t be ruined by it. It’s one thing to get in your Kikis about some drunk porn star making a fool of themselves at a party or getting in a bar fight with their boyfriend. People are fine with talking about porn stars who got arrested for black mail or murder.

            But when it was stuff like outing Mason Wyler as being HIV+ or that story that was just to get revenge on someone for winning a Grabby award AND was meant to not only attack him personally but ruin him for life and possibly put him in danger, That’s not being “Hypersensitive.” That’s “not being a remorseless pig.” I can’t help but notice you never use your real name. It wouldn’t’ be too hard for the Sword to figure out who you are using IPs… you wanna go down that road?

          3. @Miles I don’t disagree with you the QMN story went too far and he probably should have thought twice before posting it, OR he should have been a little more discreet about it. It did come off making Zach not looking so great.

            But other than that, I can’t think of anyone else that he undeservedly attacked as much so as the QMN blogger. The Mason Wyler story, I think he was already outed as HIV+, Zach just picked up the story and it just happened to have blown up because he had such a large following.

        2. Miles of Isles

          Don’t even know if it’s true but it’s pretty pathetic if it is. The thing about him living with his mother would explain how butthurt he was about QMN supposedly making so much money.

    2. I’m shocked you have the ability to type here. You have your head so far up Zach’s ass I’m shocked you can see the screen.

      1. I know it surprises me too! ;)

        Oh and I also still am able to post on QMN as well. Unlike Zach sometimes, I know my limits!

        1. Miles of Isles

          I think it comes down to knowing what your audience cares about over your own personal vendettas. While his few (probably sock puppet) supporters are all most likely kissing his ass and cheering him on, I honestly doubt that anyone actually cared about who was writing QMN. They’re no better off or more informed about anything they gave a shit about.

          That was just Zack coming down from whatever binge he was on last week and angrily grinding his axe in pubic because he didn’t get crowned prom queen. Duh, from what I can tell reading the Tweets and that petition, nobody in the adult industry can stand Zack They all hate him, why did he think he was going to win an award given by them?

          1. All of the industry does not hate Zach. Some people do, other use him to their advantage and the real power players just ignore him. The industry knows how to play the game and Zach is fine till he goes off his meds and starts flinging his shit at people for no reason.

            I’m willing to bet that his site was never hacked. It’s a weak ploy to try and get a little sympathy for being such an asshole. He routed his reads to QueerMeNow in an attempt to make it look like a person did it for revenge. Legal action? They found the hacker already? That is amazing!

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